Environment and natural resources

Environmental and biodiversity protection

Four environmental department heads changed in just over a week

Four heads of environmental departments – each in provinces which are notably rich in natural resources – were recently replaced. The officials who were appointed in their places have been advised to enhance their cooperation with relevant parties to improve the effectiveness of their work ...

Phak Seangly

Kuoy ethnic group honouring forest with Bonn Prey Lang celebrations

The Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) – which spans four provinces – is currently celebrating Forest Day (Bonn Prey Lang) on Valentine’s Day to honour the value of trees, ordain special trees and call for stronger participation in forest conservation, as well as the protection ...

Phak Seangly

Youth call for sustainable lifestyles at green forum 2024

Youth and environmental advocates are calling for action to change daily habits that negatively impact the climate while witnessing the consequences of climate change that affect the daily life, health and mental well-being of people, especially those who live in the city. ...

Meas Molika

3D map helps indigenous communities safeguard resources in Mondulkiri

A three-dimensional map has been introduced for the first time in an indigenous community within a protected area, aiming to help residents better understand geographic features and protect natural resources. ...

Phak Seangly

Drones bolster ranger patrols in Mondulkiri conservation efforts

The Ministry of Environment handed over four drones and various types of patrolling equipment to Mondulkiri provincial environment rangers on Saturday, September 21, to enhance the effectiveness of monitoring land protecting over one million hectares of conservation area. ...

Phak Seangly

Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary’s biodiversity awareness raising

Recently, WCS’s wildlife monitoring team leads an educational campaign to raise awareness of the importance of wildlife and biodiversity conservation to local communities and students inside and around Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministry creates 193 nature protection communities in five years

The Ministry of Environment has established 193 protected area communities for biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, culture and promotion of national economic development. ...

Hang Punreay

NGO vows garbage-free rivers in Phnom Penh by 2028

The River Ocean Cleanup (ROC) pledged to achieve its target of garbage-free rivers in Phnom Penh by 2028, while marking the 6th World Cleanup Day on Saturday. ...

Tith Kongnov

New protected landscapes created in four provinces

The government has established new protected landscape areas in four provinces – Preah Vihear, Ratanakkiri, Banteay Meanchey and Kampong Thom. The new areas total more than 4,000ha. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Guides plant luxury trees in B’bang’s scenic Ang Ta Korm

The Girl Guides Association of Cambodia (GGAC) has been busy in Battambang province, donating and planting over 200 luxury saplings and ornamental trees. ...

Chea Sokny

World Ranger Day observed

In honour of World Ranger Day, the Ministry of Environment extends earnest thanks to all rangers and their families for their dedicated service and considerable sacrifices made for nature and the environment. ...

Chea Sokny

Probe on firm finds no proof of illegal logging

The National Committee for Forest Crime Prevention (NCFCP) ordered provincial officials yesterday to check a private company accused of illegally logging and transporting timber in Ratanakiri province. ...

Son Minea

Large-antlered muntjac caught on camera in Virachey National Park

Wildlife conservation NGO, Fauna and Flora, and related ministries have expressed elation at recording footage of the elusive large-antlered muntjac, Muntiacus vuquangensis, in northeastern Cambodia’s Virachey National Park. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Seventeen nests of lesser Adjutant recorded in 2022 breeding season

A total of 17 nests of Lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) were recorded in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary (LWS) by the end of 2022 breeding season, according to a news release of NatureLife Cambodia this morning. ...

Khmer Times Staff

REDD+ promotes decent income generation, preserves natural resources in Pursat

Chicken and frog growing is among new income-generation options for people in a community in Pursat province where natural resource conservation project REDD+ Samkos is implemented. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Police in Preah Vihear crack down on timber traffickers

Sangkat Forestry Administration officers and the military police of Choam Ksan district conducted a raid on a car that was illegally transporting wood in Preah Vihear province’s Choam Ksan district. ...

Khmer Times Staff

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