Environment and natural resources

PM orders investigation into Koh Kong land grab

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered the Koh Kong provincial governor to clarify reports that state mangrove forests in the province have been grabbed and filled with sand to create land for development. Speaking during the closing ceremony for an annual conference on decentralisation, Mr Hun ...

Ven Rathavong

Officials seek assistance in planning for marine park

Environmental officials confirmed yesterday that they are seeking the assistance of conservation NGO Fauna and Flora International (FFI) in drafting a management plan for the new Koh Rong Marine National Park, and that for now, the previous conservation structure operated by the Fisheries Administration and ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Kampong Speu villagers burn seized load of timber

Forestry Administration officials and local police on Wednesday intercepted a load of illegal timber in Kampong Speu, but only managed to seize two of the 10 first-grade logs after villagers began to burn the timber – and attempted to do the same to an FA ...

Phak Seangly

Okhna owns land at site of illegal Koh Kong mangrove filling, contract shows

A section of protected mangrove forest in Koh Kong that in December was discovered to have been filled with sand was illegally sold to tycoon Chea Leanghong in 2017, documents show, with local authorities having signed off on the deal. ...

Phak Seangly

Land dispute rep to appear before court

A representative of more than 100 families involved in a land dispute with a rubber company is seeking the help of a local rights group after being ordered to appear before the Oddar Meanchey Provincial Court on Friday. ...

Phak Seangly

Nest of endangered royal turtles found in Koh Kong province

Conservationists in Koh Kong province have found a nest of 16 eggs of the critically endangered royal turtle, the Wildlife Conservation Society announced today. The discovery in Sre Ambel district, the first of the year, was made on February 3 by WCS staff working with the ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Authorities to reclaim illegally seized land inside sanctuary

Kampong Speu provincial authorities on Friday said they will reclaim more than 2,000 hectares of land inside the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary, though six officials interrogated earlier this month for allegedly grabbing the land will only be “educated”. Oral district deputy police chiefs Prak Moul and ...

Phak Seangly

Officers raid wood workshops

Anti-economic crime officers from Kampong Speu provincial police and Thporng district forces have uncovered eight unlicensed wood workshops as part of an effort to clamp down on forestry crime. District police chief Hun Sok Hon said the crackdown would be ongoing throughout his district until all ...

Pav Suy

Thais detain two Cambodian loggers

Two Cambodians and a Thai national were arrested by Thai soldiers on Tuesday night for illegal logging and transporting rosewood over the border to Cambodia’s Oddar Meanchey province.​ ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Killings fail to deter WCS

The Wildlife Conservation Society has said it is committed to continue working with the authorities and other partners to protect Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary after three conservationists, including one WCS staff member were killed last month. Tern Soknai, a forest ranger with the Environment Ministry, Sek ...

Mom Kunthear

Prey Lang ceremony due next month

Nearly 400 members of the Prey Lang Community Network will hold the annual Prey Lang ceremony in late March to commemorate and preserve indigenous identities and promote the forest’s potential. Meanwhile, Prey Lang activists have claimed illegal logging still exists in the area, even though the ...

Pech Sotheary

Royal Group plan for Sihanoukville beach cleared of businesses remains a mystery

More than a month after businesses on a prime stretch of Occheuteal Beach were told to pack up and leave, officials in Preah Sihanouk province are still unaware of local conglomerate Royal Group’s plans for the space. Evictions on the beach began around Christmas time, ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Freed Mother Nature activists decry ‘injustice’

Two Mother Nature activists, who were released from prison yesterday, said they had been “robbed” of their freedom for the past five months after being arrested for documenting suspected illegal sand-bearing vessels in Koh Kong without evidence that they had committed a crime.​ ...

Yesenia Amaro and Niem Chheng

Development plans for Koh Rong and nearby islands unchanged by marine park

Businesses expect the establishment of Cambodia’s first marine national park covering seven coastal islands to boost tourism in the area, while government officials said yesterday it would not affect private development scheduled for the islands. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Japan funds wastewater treatment plant in capital

The kingdom’s first wastewater treatment plant will be built in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district, with $27 million in assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Sam Piseth, director of the municipal department of public works and transport, told reporters on Saturday that the treatment plant would ...

Mom Kunthear

First marine national park established in Koh Rong

The government announced last week the establishment of the country’s first marine national park, the Koh Rong National Park, which covers the Koh Rong archipelago off the coast of Sihanoukville. The new national park, set up by a sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, aims ...

Chea Vannak

Are Disney's Cambodian carbon credits a fantasy?

The killing of three conservationists patrolling Cambodia’s biggest carbon credit project exposes the nearly insurmountable conflicts of interest plaguing schemes in which huge corporations such as Disney and Virgin Atlantic have invested millions of dollars, observers say. Military Police Officer Sek Wathana, Environment Ministry Ranger Teurn ...

David Boyle and Sun Narin

Still no action taken on threatening of forest patroller

Forest patrollers and rights groups are questioning why the Oddar Meanchey Forestry Administration has yet to take action after a soldier transporting illegal timber allegedly beat and threatened to kill a patroller last month. ...

Phak Seangly

Snakes seized in Pursat, owner fined

Military police, forestry administration officers and Wildlife Alliance officials on Wednesday raided a house in Pursat province used to facilitate the illegal wildlife trade, seizing nearly 80 kilos of snakes. ...

Pav Suy

Timber seized in Kampong Speu province

Kampong Speu provincial anti-economic crime police and Thporng district police yesterday morning seized six tractor loads of timber being smuggled out of the Phnom Oral Sanctuary. Kim Yon, deputy district police chief, said six homemade tractors were caught transporting the wood from the area. ...

Pav Suy

Rise in timber exports to Vietnam

The value of logs and sawn wood exported from Cambodia to Vietnam last year increased by about $31.5 million compared to 2016, customs data has shown. The Vietnamese data, obtained by Khmer Times yesterday, said about 163,071 cubic metres of Cambodian logs were imported to the ...

May Titthara

UN help sought in land dispute

Human rights representatives from NGO Adhoc and the United Nations have been asked to intervene in a land dispute between villagers and an army lieutenant they say was granted a land title illegally inside a protected community forest in Oddar Meanchey province. ...

Phak Seangly

New Mekong guidelines lacking, government official says

A Cambodian representative to the Mekong River Commission (MRC) said yesterday that new guidelines for hydropower development agreed to late last month don’t fully address threats to the health of the imperiled waterway. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

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