Agriculture and fishing

Fishing, fisheries and aquaculture

Rosy official forecasts fail to lift freshwater fishermen’s hopes

While river fishermen are claiming to have had smaller catches this season, experts are predicting that this year’s freshwater fish yields will be double that of previous years. Heng Kong, director of the Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute at the Fisheries Administration (FiA), predicted that ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Fishing resumes after four-month shutdown

Fishermen living in the northern provinces along the Chaktomuk River – including parts of the capital and neighbouring Kandal province – have resumed fishing after it was suspended from June 1 to September 30. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Kandal’s fish production expected to be higher compared to previous year

With the heavy rainfall that have been experienced throughout Cambodia, the water levels of lakes and canals in Kandal have not gone down which promises a higher fish yield. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Mekong project vows to invest in aquaculture

Cambodia’s natural fisheries resources have declined so significantly that they fail to meet consumers’ daily needs, according to a Wonders of the Mekong project statement on September 12. ...

Keo Kereya and Nov Sivutha

New fishways to strengthen local fisheries

Two new fishways, whose construction finished on August 24 will connect fish with critical upstream habitats vital to their life cycle. These fishways also demonstrate that small-scale fish passes are a feasible, relatively inexpensive solution to the problem of declining fish stocks. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Fish-farm insurance may be piloted in 3 provinces by December

Public and private stakeholders are looking into setting up freshwater aquaculture insurance services in Cambodia to mitigate farmers’ risks and losses due to rising temperatures and rainfall levels as well as other climate change-linked phenomena, with pilot policies planned for three target provinces possibly taking ...

Hom Phanet

Conservation draft laws go under review by ministry’s working group

Minister of Justice Koeut Rith has set up a working group to review and advise on the penalty provisions of the draft laws on fisheries, forestry and protected natural areas before submitting them to the Council of Ministers for approval. ...

Voun Dara

Authorities crackdown on large-scale illegal fishing in Tonle Sap

A team of officers conducted an operation to implement measures to prevent illegal fishing and a crackdown on a large-scale illegal fishing operation in Tonle Sap. ...

Khmer Times Staff

First ‘pra’ fish export for China in process

Hun Ty Co Ltd, the sole company awarded the right to process iridescent shark catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) for export to China, is currently processing the first batch of 40 tonnes scheduled for Cambodia’s maiden trial shipment to Chinese shores next month, according to a senior ...

Hom Phanet

Fishy business: Kampong Thom Fisheries Administration crackdown fisheries crime

While the fish spawning season is still ongoing and the fishing ban is in full swing, fisheries administration officials continue to crackdown on fishery crimes to combat overs fishing and resource depletion. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Kampot clocks in more than 12,000 tonnes of seafood yield in H1

Throughout the first half of 2022, fishermen across Kampot province harvested approximately more than 12,000 tonnes of freshwater and saltwater fish and crustaceans. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Fishing, tourist vessels suspended for four day storm

The Preah Sihanouk and Koh Kong provincial administrations have instructed authorities to warn people not to cross the sea or fish, as the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has issued a warning for bad weather July 11-14. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Vietnam to share fish breeding techniques

Vietnam will be sharing its knowledge with Cambodia Aquaculturist Association (CAA) members on juvenile fish breeding techniques to strengthen breeding abilities, and produce better quality and increased amounts of fish at competitive prices. ...

Hom Phanet

Local enterprises receive support for safety fishery food production

A number of 17 local enterprises have received support under the EU-funded Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) for enhancing safety fishery food production and export. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Return of Mekong giant salmon carp raises hopes

A team of scientists were stunned when a rare species of fish – previously considered extinct in Cambodian waters – was caught by a fisherman near the Sesan II hydropower dam in Stung Treng province. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Soy leaders travel to Cambodia for product promotion

Leaders from the United Soybean Board (USB), the American Soybean Association (ASA), and the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) traveled to Cambodia to talk about aquaculture. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Illegal fishing gear ultimatum ends

The Kampong Thom Provincial Administration say that immediately after the June 5 commune council elections, measures will be put in place to make sure that none of the fishing communities throughout the province uses illegal fishing equipment. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

PM orders maps redrawn to redress Tonle Sap issues

Prime Minister Hun Sen has instructed authorities in six provinces to re-evaluate protected area zoning in the flooded forests surrounding the Tonle Sap Lake, to ensure that long-time residents of local communities would not be required to relocate. ...

Mom Kunthear

Officials step up crackdown on illegal fishing

Fisheries and local officials are stepping up a crackdown on illegal fishing nationwide as the closed fishing season is set to begin next month, according to a senior Agriculture Ministry official. ...

Tith Kongnov

Three institutions tasked to restore Tonle Sap Lake to conserve fish species

Prime Minister Hun Sen has tasked three institutions to work together to restore and deepen the Tonle Sap bed aiming to conserve fish species. ...

Khmer Times Staff

2nd rescued giant stingray returned to river’s depths

The Mekong River Wonder project – in collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute (IFREDI) – released a gigantic freshwater stingray back into the river, after it was caught by fishermen on May 22 in Koh Preah commune of Stung Treng province’s Siem ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Fisherman accidentally hooks giant freshwater ray in Mekong

A 180kg female giant freshwater stingray was accidentally caught by Mekong River fishermen in Koh Preah community in Koh Preah village and commune of Stung Treng province’s Siem Bok district. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

EU hands over seven maritime patrol vessels

Under the CAPFISH-Capture programme, the EU in Cambodia provided seven maritime patrol vessels to the Fisheries Administration (FiA) cantonments in the Kingdom’s four coastal provinces to meet their operational needs in the suppression and prosecution of fisheries crimes. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

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