Public health
Health care policy and administration
Sub-Decree aims to better regulate pharmacies
Prime Minister Hun Sen has signed a sub-decree to better regulate pharmacies, a business fraught with fake drugs and fake diplomas. The new sub-decree of the Pharmacists’ Code of Ethics contains 71 articles. They ban distribution of fake drugs and the use of titles not ...
Kuch Naren
Grappling with avian flu, Cambodians wait for compensation
In little more than a year, 16 Cambodians are known to have died from the human form of avian influenza H5N1, the highest number of fatalities in the world. Experts have met in Phnom Penh to try to work out why. The latest victim of ...
Global Times News Staff
Unicef: Not all maternal deaths in Cambodia are being recorded
Many maternal fatalities in Cambodia are not being officially recorded, experts have warned. According to Unicef Cambodia, government figures indicate that the country’s maternal death rate is falling, the Phnom Penh Post reports. ...
Paul Robertson
Japan provides US$11 mln for maternal and child health project
Japan provides US$11.5 million in grand aids to Cambodia for the implementation of the Project for Expansion of National Maternal and Child Health Center. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
ACU says tainted health officials were never investigated
An official with the government’s Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) said Tuesday that staff there were specifically instructed not to investigate allegations of large-scale bribery inside the Health Ministry so that the unit could settle the case out of court. On Sunday, ACU chief Om Yentieng told reporters ...
Aun Pheap and Zsombor Peter
Factory waste blamed for health, crop woes
Forty families in Kampong Chhnang province’s Peani commune complained yesterday that a local factory has been polluting their land with toxic liquid waste. Kong Yom, 40, a representative of the 40 families in Krang Ta Ekh village, said yesterday that this is not the first time ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
About 35% of TB cases ‘missed’
Cambodia continues to shoulder a disproportionate percentage of the world’s tuberculosis victims, with a higher prevalence rate of the extremely contagious respiratory disease than anywhere outside of South Africa, according to the World Health Organization. With the assistance of free screenings and free treatment, the Kingdom ...
Maria Wirth and Sen David
Silent killer taking toll
Villagers emerge from the shade of their homes and gingerly roll up their sleeves, turning their palms upwards to reveal skin braided with dark lesions, ulcers and decaying tissue. They point to houses up and down the street where people have died of symptoms like ...
Laignee Barron
Japan to grant 11.7 mln USD to Cambodia for health development
The Japanese government will sign up to provide 11.7 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia next week to help the country in its health sector development, according to a news statement from the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday. ...
Shanghai Daily News Staff
Clean water keeping kids in school: report
Keeping students in school may not be as straightforward as providing them with clean water, but a filtered drinking supply makes them less likely to take sick days, research published on Friday shows. The study, conducted by a UK-based medical school, compared drinking water access in ...
Laignee Barron
Avian flu worst at borders
Cambodia’s porous borders are creating one of several headaches for health officials working to minimise outbreaks of avian influenza, officials revealed yesterday at a symposium on emerging infectious diseases in Southeast Asia. The border provinces of Takeo and Kampong Cham have been witness to the highest ...
Amelia Woodside
New research facility for infectious diseases in Asia unveiled in Cambodia
France’s Institut Pasteur du Cambodge on Tuesday inaugurated a new facility here for a regional research platform in Asia, focusing its research on infectious diseases in the region. Cambodian Health Minister Mam Bunheng, Vincent Deubel, director of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, and French Nobel Prize ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Cambodia reports two new bird flu cases, one dies
Two more new human cases of avian influenza H5N1 have been confirmed in Cambodia, and one of them, an 11-year-old boy died on Friday in Phnom Penh’s Kantha Bopha Children Hospital, a hospital representative confirmed Monday. “An 11-year-old boy from Kampong Chhnang province was admitted to ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
1,000 Cambodian women die from cervical cancer every year
About 1,000 Cambodian women died from cervical cancer every year, said Hun Many, president of Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia. Speaking Saturday at a news conference on anti cervical cancer campaign, Many, son of Prime Minister Hun Sen, said the death rate of cervical ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Addicts’ lifeline to go
Every morning, right about 8am, Vuthy* starts to feel out of sorts. On the way from his home in Meanchey district to the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, where he receives treatment, he breaks into a sweat. Vuthy is one of about 140 former heroin addicts who ...
Stuart White and Mom Kunthear
Treating a common but misunderstood disability
Born with cerebral palsy, 5-year-old Chhen Sivong has trouble walking, standing and raising his arms, but he also struggles with an even more fundamental motor skill: swallowing. Around the time he turned one, the little boy began having problems eating solid food, which upset both Sivong ...
Lauren Crothers
Phnom Penh governor on crusade to shut down shisha cafes
Phnom Penh Governor Pa Socheatvong said Tuesday he would shut down the shisha bars—where customers smoke flavored tobacco through large Middle-Eastern style water pipes—that have recently sprung up around the city. While the governor noted there was nothing illegal about the pipes or tobacco, he told ...
Phann Ana and Matt Blomberg
Compensation for culled poultry is a catch-22
Since its emergence in the region more than a decade ago, the governments of Southeast Asia have been fighting to contain the human avian influenza virus through surveillance programs, rigorous inspections and widespread culling of infected birds. In Cambodia last year, 13 people died of ...
Simon Henderson and Sek Odom
Hundreds of students join Valentine’s day blood drive
The National Blood Transfusion Center (NBTC) on Friday took Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to call on students to “show love” by donating blood, a drive that collected 400 units of blood. “On [Valentine’s Day] we are all willing to show our love by donating blood ...
Khy Sovuthy
For poor, eating dead poultry is a calculated risk
In late January, five of the 10 chickens owned by Leng Lal, a subsistence rice farmer in Kratie province, suddenly died. Although Mr. Lal, 40, said he knew the dead birds might be dangerous and he should burn and bury the carcasses, he instructed his 8-year-old ...
Sek Odom and Simon Henderson
Two Siblings from Kratie Die From Bird Flu on Same Day
A 7-year-old boy and his 3-year-old sister died from bird flu at Kompong Cham Provincial Referral Hospital on Friday, Hong Palla, team leader of the rapid response unit at Kratie Provincial Health Department, said Tuesday. The two young siblings from Snuol district’s Sre Cha commune contracted ...
Ben Sokhean
Push to ban public smoking
The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a joint memo yesterday advising recipients to take measures to ban smoking in public places. The “circular” is the first of its kind in Cambodia, and is to be distributed by all government ministries in ...
Sen David
Valentine’s targetted for blood
The National Blood Transfusion Center hopes to boost the Kingdom’s blood stocks by targetting youth donors at a second annual Valentine’s Day blood drive. This year’s February 14 campaign will target university students and youth aged 18 and older, who make up about 70 per ...
Khoun Leakhana
Suppliers to Global Fund back in biz
Two suppliers of mosquito nets to Cambodia found to have bribed officials to gain contracts under the Global Fund’s health grant scheme have had their contracts renewed. The two firms, Sumitomo Chemical and Vestergaard Frandsen, were found by the fund’s Office of the Inspector General in ...
Daniel Pye