Transport and shipping
Change airport plans: villagers
Familes living near Phnom Penh’s airport yesterday again called on civil aviation officials to drop an expansion plan that would cut into their property. Following a press conference in Por Sen Chey district’s Choam Chao commune, community leader Kao Sovann said members of 63 families will ...
Chhay Channyda
Military might: soldiers put end to Veng Sreng strike
Soldiers used force on Friday to end a strike at a garment factory on Veng Sreng Boulevard, where demands included a lunch bonus of 2,000 riel and an end to forced overtime, workers and union officials said yesterday. ...
Chhay Channyda
More Phnom Penh residents facing possible eviction
Dozens of villagers in Phnom Penh’s Russei Keo district are facing eviction after the National Cadastral Commission announced last week that a number of areas in Tuol Sangke commune are earmarked for future redevelopment. The commission’s plans for new projects, including a road widening, were posted ...
Ben Sokhean
Cross-border insurance to be compulsory
Tourist buses and commercial vehicle operators crossing over the Cambodia-Vietnam border will soon be required by law to have insurance in both countries or risk being denied entry, a bilateral agreement signed on Tuesday states. In an effort to meet requirements stipulated in the ASEAN 2015 ...
Chan Muyhong
ADB says aid plan for railway evictees still under negotiation
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Wednesday insisted that the Cambodian government has not turned down any of its recommendations for helping thousands of families hurt by a bank-funded project, claiming that talks over how to compensate and support the families were still underway. Last week, ...
Zsombor Peter and Aun Pheap
Port volume on the rise in Q1
Cargo volumes at Cambodia’s two largest ports increased steadily during the first three months of the year, signalling stability in the Kingdom’s economy, port officials say. Data from Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (SAP), Cambodia’s largest shipping dock, showed more than 860,000 20-foot-long shipping containers passed through the ...
May Kunmakara
Flyovers, subway on the drawing board for Phnom Penh
The Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC) and Phnom Penh municipality are cooperating to undertake a study on major new projects for the city – two flyovers and a subway, each of which it is hoped would ease the city’s ever worsening traffic congestion. Touch Samnang, project ...
Siv Meng
Government agrees to review of railway evictees
The government has agreed to review its resettlement agreement with families relocated from railways as part of an Asian Development Bank (ADB)-funded rehabilitation project, but has refused a recommendation to set up a debt-relief scheme for the evictees, according to an action plan released by ...
Colin Meyn
Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh expressway plans announced
The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) revealed its plans Monday for a Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City expressway that will halve travel time between the two cities. At an estimated cost of $2.2 billion, the initial target date for completion of the expressway is ...
Joshua Wilwohl
ADB report finds gov’t shirking duty
The government is refusing to compensate up to 1,000 families forced to wait for income restoration measures after being relocated from their homes for an Asian Development Bank-funded railway rehabilitation project, a previously unreleased action plan from the ADB reveals. The ADB Management Action Plan, released ...
Kevin Ponniah
Protesting bus drivers met by counter-protest
Eighteen fired bus drivers protesting for reinstatement at Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation were met yesterday by company staff who staged a counter-protest demanding that the fired drivers stop interrupting their work. The drivers, who claim they were fired earlier this month for trying to form ...
Ben Sokhean
No scheme in place for congestion near AEON
Despite expecting 27,000 visitors per day, little planning has gone into tackling traffic congestion at Cambodia’s long-awaited AEON Mall when it opens June 30, City Hall said yesterday. There are 1,400 vehicle parking spaces allotted at AEON and 1,600 bikes spaces accessed via both Sothearos ...
Chan Muyhong
Eighteen fired bus drivers protest in front of firm’s office
Eighteen sacked drivers for the Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation company protested in front of the company’s offices Friday morning calling for their reinstatement and a raise. The drivers say they were fired in mid- and late-April for leading strikes—in which they walked off with the keys ...
Sek Odom
Evictions at airport planned
Dozens of houses have been marked for demolition near Phnom Penh International Airport as authorities say the families must be moved to bring the site in line with international standards. Civil aviation officials visited Chrey Chisark village in Por Sen Chey district’s Choam Choa commune with ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
ADB provides Cambodia more than $80 mil. for flood relief
The Asian Development Bank announced Wednesday that it will provide $81.7 million, including a $6.7 million grant from Australia, in additional financing to help Cambodia recover from catastrophic floods in late 2013. The flooding affected 1.7 million people and caused an estimated $356 million in damage. ...
Global Post News Staff
Secretariat of Civil Aviation to ‘swap’ headquarters
The State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) has swapped its headquarters on Norodom Boulevard and will move to a location adjacent to Phnom Penh International Airport by next year, civil aviation officials confirmed Tuesday. Sinn Chanserey Vutha, deputy director-general of the SSCA, said construction on the ...
Khy Sovuthy and Joshua Wilwohl
Sacked bus drivers petition Labor Minster
A group of bus drivers and representatives of the Cambodian Labor Confederation (CLC) on Tuesday submitted a petition to Labor Minister Ith Sam Heng to intervene in their dispute with the Sorya Bus Transportation Company. At least eight drivers were fired last week shortly after they ...
Ben Sokhean and Simon Henderson
Lack of funds delays railway
The China Railway Group’s planned $7.5 billion Cambodian north-south railway line has been delayed due to funding shortages, according to the company’s top official. Originally slated to begin construction last year, China Railway’s chairman, Li Changjin, told the South China Morning Post that work on the 400-kilometre railway ...
Daniel de Carteret
Road accidents kill 38 over Khmer New Year
Traffic accidents killed 38 people over Khmer New Year, with a further 306 injured, officials said yesterday. National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith said that between Monday and Wednesday, 148 traffic accidents were recorded across the country. ...
Khoun Leakhana
Rice customs fees dropped
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) will scrap customs fees for rice exporters from May 1 in an effort to reduce production costs and boost Cambodia’s competitiveness in the sector, according to a letter obtained by the Post. “[The ministry] has agreed to eliminate charges ...
Hor Kimsay
Cambodian largest port sees rise in cargo shipment in first quarter
The Sihanoukville Autonomous Port, Cambodia’s largest shipping facility, reported a 13 percent rise in cargo shipments in the first three months of this year, a port’s data showed Thursday. Some 862,380 tons of goods had been transported through the port during the January-March period this year, ...
Global Times News Staff
(ខ្មែរ) មនុស្សស្លាប់ជិត៣០នាក់ដោយគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍៣ថ្ងៃនៃពិធីបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំ
មន្ត្រីនគរបាលក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ បានបង្ហាញថា ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី១៣ ដល់ថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមេសា នៃពិធីបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរឆ្នាំនេះ មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍កើតឡើងនៅទូទាំងប្រទេសជិត ១០០ករណី និងបណ្ដាលឲ្យមានមនុស្សស្លាប់ និងរបួសជាង ២០០នាក់។ របាយការណ៍បឋមស្ដីពីគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍ក្នុងអំឡុងពេលនៃពិធី បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរ ឆ្នាំ២០១៤ នេះ មានចំនួនកើនឡើងខ្ពស់ជាងឆ្នាំកន្លងទៅ។ លោក គៀត ច័ន្ទថារិទ្ធ មន្ត្រីនាំពាក្យអគ្គស្នងការដ្ឋាននគរបាលជាតិនៃក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ មានប្រសាសន៍ថា គិតចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី១៣ និងថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមេសា មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍នៅទូទាំងប្រទេសកើតឡើងជិត ១០០ករណី និងស្លាប់មនុស្សជិត ៣០នាក់ ព្រមទាំងមានរបួសធ្ងន់ស្រាលជិត ២០០នាក់។ លោកបន្តថា បើប្រៀបធៀប៣ថ្ងៃដូចគ្នាឆ្នាំ២០១៣ កន្លងទៅ ចំនួនគ្រោះថ្នាក់នេះបានកើនឡើងជាង ៣០ភាគរយ៖ «សរុប រួម ៣ថ្ងៃហ្នឹង គឺគ្រោះថ្នាក់ ៩៨លើក បណ្ដាលឲ្យមនុស្សស្លាប់ ២៩នាក់ រងរបួស ១៨៧នាក់ ក្នុងនោះរបួសធ្ងន់ ១៣១នាក់ និងរបួសស្រាល ៥៦នាក់។ ...
ADB urged to consult rail project evictees
More than two dozen NGOs have written to the head of the Asian Development Bank demanding the immediate release of a draft plan the ADB has drawn up to help Cambodian families evicted to make way for a bank-funded railway rehabilitation project. They also want ...
Zsombor Peter
Nippon Express launches Japan service via Ho Chi Minh City
Nippon Express Co Ltd says its has launched a combined transport service from Phnom Penh to Japan which reduces shipping time by about six days. The Japanese logistics company said the new service started on April 1, transporting cargo by truck from Phnom Penh to Ho ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff