
Cambodia to curb recruitment fees in bid to protect migrants from slavery abroad

Cambodia is planning to cap hefty recruitment fees imposed by labour brokers on people seeking jobs abroad in a bid to curb illegal migration and protect workers from modern-day slavery. ...

Channel News Asia

New minimum wage figures tabled

The National Committee for Minimum Wage has noted three different wage figures proposed by unions, employers and the government, according to a unionist. The three sides have been meeting to discuss how much money garment factory workers will receive each month next year. The current minimum ...

Mom Kunthear

PM proposes free medical treatment for foreign workers

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said the Kingdom should begin providing free medical treatment to foreign workers in order to kick start reciprocal treatment for migrants working abroad. ...

Mom Kunthear

Better transport sought for workers

The government and civil society organisations are finding ways to improve the means of transport for garment and footwear workers to reduce accidents involving them while commuting to and from work. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Negotiations to continue for next year’s minimum wage

Negotiations for next year’s minimum wage will continue this week as the parties work to reach an agreement that will impact about 800,000 workers in the textile, garment and footwear industries, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training said on Thursday. ...

Long Kimmarita

Cambodia feared lagging behind predators in cybersex trafficking crackdown

U.S. and Australian crime fighters are preparing Cambodia for a spike in online child sex abuse cases but local officials fear that predators are a step ahead of police due to narrow laws.​​​​ The spread of cheap, high-speed internet and the rise in mobile phone ...

Matt Blomberg

Cambodia launches campaign to end child labor in brick industry

Cambodia has launched a campaign to end child labor in the brick industry by 2020, a move industry observers cautiously welcome while expressing doubts the goal will be achieved, and calling for more structural changes. ...

Leonie Kijewski

Gap in proposed minimum wage

Unions and employers have proposed starkly differing figures of what the minimum wage for garment and textile factory workers should be next year. Minimum wage negotiations between employers, the government and unions began on August 29 and are expected to end before September 25. After their ...

Mom Kunthear

GMAC urges government to reduce financial burden on employers

As minimum wage negotiations continue, GMAC has asked the government to refrain from increasing the agreed-upon pay bump for garment workers by $5 because it reduces the industry’s competitiveness due to the added financial burden on employers. Minimum wage negotiations between employers, the government and unions ...

May Kunmakara & Mom Kunthear

Region probes social security

Cambodia will host the biannual meeting of Mekong Delta labour ministers in two weeks’ time when they will discuss having a common social security net for workers. Labour Minister Ith Samheng said last week that he will meet with his counterparts from Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and ...

Mom Kunthear

Foreigners now banned from 10 job categories

Tuk-tuk driver, hairdresser, tailor, masseuse and mechanic are among the jobs now confirmed as off-limits to foreigners after the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training signed a prakas on Wednesday aimed at protecting the local job market. ...

Mech Dara

Ministry: More kids victims of trafficking

Authorities rescued 263 people from human trafficking in the first six months of the year – an increase of nearly 150 per cent on the same period last year – with a large number of the victims being children, the Ministry of Interior said. ...

Long Kimmarita

‘Media crucial in fight against trafficking’

The Ministry of Information and the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) joined hands to strengthen the capacity of journalists, TV presenters and commentators to upgrade their skills in helping to address human trafficking. ...

Voun Dara

Unions prepare to negotiate minimum wage

Unions are preparing to meet with Labour Ministry officials later this month to discuss the minimum wage in the garment sector for 2020. Last month, unions, Labour Ministry officials and the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia held individual meetings on the minimum wage. On August 29, ...

Mom Kunthear

‘Freeze human traffickers’ assets’

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng ordered relevant authorities to freeze the assets of those found to be involved in human trafficking and illegal logging. Sar Kheng was speaking at the annual Interfaith Forum on Combating Human Trafficking in the capital on Wednesday. ...

Mech Dara

Government discusses new draft law aimed at construction safety

Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Chea Sophara on Thursday met for talks with members of the Supreme Council of Consultation and Recommendations over a draft law aimed at ensuring quality and safety in construction. ...

Long Kimmarita

EU never envisaged putting trade sanctions on Kingdom: Mogherini

In an interview with the Nikkei Asian Review on July 31, Mogherini – who is also the Vice-President of the European Commission – was asked whether the EU’s possible sanctions would lead to reforms in Cambodia, to which she said the Kingdom “needed to respect ...

Niem Chheng

Social fund to cover pensions

At a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday, the Council of Ministers approved a draft law on expanding the scope of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to cover pensions. The law is of immense importance, particularly in providing greater protections for ...

Ry Sochan

Immigration department requests border changes

The General Department of Immigration has requested the Ministry of Interior to close down several border checkpoints and add new facilities to issue border permits to prevent migrant workers from crossing illegally and to stop smuggling. The request followed a meeting on border checkpoints and ...

Mech Dara

More effort to combat human trafficking needed in Cambodia say NGOs

A loose coalition of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has called on the Cambodia government to step up efforts against human trafficking and in the provision of rehabilitation services to victims. In a statement issued to coincide with World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (July 30), the group said ...

Stella-maris Ewudolu

PM justifies need for Chinese construction workers

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday justified the need for Chinese workers in the Kingdom by saying that local workers still lack expertise. Mr Hun Sen, during his inspection visit to Morodok Techo National Stadium, said Chinese nationals working in the Kingdom are permitted for employment and ...

Mom Kunthear

SK ups migrant worker quotas

Since 2007, the Human Resources Unit of the South Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour has conducted “EPS-TOPIK” tests 16 times in collaboration with the Manpower Training and Overseas Sending Board (MTOSB), a government-to-government system designed specifically to regulate the sending of Cambodian workers to ...

Long Kimmarita

Victims saved from human, sex trafficking rises 148%

In the first six months of this year, authorities cracked down on 78 cases of human and sex trafficking and rescued 263 victims. This is an increase of 25 and 148 per cent respectively compared to the same period last year, the National Committee for ...

Mech Dara

Gov’t to discuss garment wage

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, and employer and union representatives will meet next month to discuss the 2020 minimum wage for workers in the garment and footwear sectors, where unions expect an increase of between $20 and $25 a month. ...

Long Kimmarita

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