Law and judiciary

Crime and law enforcement

Fishery crimes down this year

During the first 10 months of this year, there were 2,279 cases of fishery offences reported, 312 less than the same period last year, according to the Fisheries Administration. Of the number, 187 occurred at sea while the rest occurred on freshwater. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Military officer arrested over land-clearing allegations

Police in Pursat province arrested a high-ranking military officer on Monday, accusing him of encroaching and clearing around 40 hectares of the state’s protected forest areas in Veal Veng district.​ ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Road accidents down sharply since January

Traffic accidents declined by 552 cases in the first six months of the year, Minister of Interior Sar Kheng posted on Facebook on Wednesday. Deaths also decreased by 172 and injuries 778 compared to the same period last year. ...

Khorn Savi

More than 72,000 motorists issued fines since May 1

Traffic police have fined more than 72,000 offenders since the new Road Traffic Law was strictly enforced from May 1 up to Monday. ...

Sok Srey Lux

Traffic law enforcement and fines to go on

The National Police rebutted news posted on social media saying it is postponing the fining of motorcyclists and drivers without licences. ...

Pech Sotheary

Over 8,000 vehicles pulled over, fined over traffic violations

With the new Road Traffic Law being strictly enforced across the country, traffic police fined owners of more than 8,400 vehicles for traffic rule violations. ...

Pech Sotheary

Bigger traffic fines from May 1

Starting May 1, the traffic police will enforce a new sub-decree which increases traffic violation fines to three to five times their current rates. Officials expect the additional money gained from the increased fines will be used to reduce traffic accidents. ...

Khorn Savi

Road traffic accidents see reduction

The National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) said since the new traffic sub-decree was implemented, there has been a considerable drop in road traffic accidents thus far in March compared to February. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Traffic law changes in force

The government has amended the Road Traffic Law and updated the fines for all road violations. A sub-decree released on Tuesday said the fine for motorcycle or tuk-tuk drivers and motorbike riders who fail to wear helmets or wear them incorrectly is 60,000 riel ($15). ...

Voun Dara

National Assembly to discuss Vietnam prisoner exchange treaty

The draft law on transfer of convicted inmate treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam will be debated at the National Assembly’s special sitting next week, the first-ever treaty the Kingdom has with a foreign country. ...

Ben Sokhean

At least 139 Killed in February traffic accidents

Accidents claimed 139 lives and injured 383In February 2020, At least 106 people were killed in motorcycle accidents, according to the report of the Department of Traffic and Public Order of the National Police. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Final phase of Life Long Learning Program in Prisons launched

The third and final phase of the prison library project was launched yesterday. The project started in 2012 and it aims to give access to libraries and other educational services to more than 30,000 detainees in the 27 prisons throughout the Kingdom. ...

Mom Kunthear

Timber found hidden under cassava in Kampong Thom

Kampong Thom provincial authorities are looking for a lorry owner and a driver who escaped after joint forces stopped it while it illegally transported timber on Sunday in Prasat Balang district. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Man charged with illegal hunting in Mondulkiri sanctuary

The Mondulkiri Provincial Court has charged a Vietnamese man for shooting wildlife in the Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary in Koh Nhek district after rangers arrested him while he and his accomplices hunted and snared a peacock. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Sar Kheng calls for equal and strict liability to traffic offences

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng yesterday assured support for traffic police who enforce the law against high-ranking officials that violate traffic regulations. ...

Mom Kunthear

Officers trained in cybercrime investigation and crackdown

Deputy National Police chief Chhay Sinarith said investigation and crackdown on cybercrime in the Kingdom have become more important than ever. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Crimes up with 211 deaths, influx of foreigners to blame

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng on Wednesday said crimes increased by eight per cent last year, resulting in 211 deaths. He revealed the figures during the ministry’s 2019 review and laid the blame for the increase on an influx of foreigners into the Kingdom. ...

Mech Dara

Call for female bail review after prisoner’s baby dies

The Ministry of Interior’s General Department of Prisons spokesman Nuth Savna announced that it is conducting investigations into the death of a five-month-old baby who had been living with her mother in Correctional Centre II (Prey Sar). ...

Mech Dara

Chanthol seeks support for more road safety campaigns

Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol has asked the French Development Agency (AFD) to look into the possibility of providing financial support for public outreach campaigns on road safety. In a meeting on Tuesday with AFD country director Ophelie Bourhis, Chanthol presented development ...

Soth Koemsoeun

At least 40 killed in road crashes during Lunar New Year festival

Traffic accidents killed at least 40 people and injured 80 during the Lunar New Year celebration since Friday. A National Police report yesterday said this was more than the 29 deaths and 65 people with  injuries recorded during the same period last year. Lieutenant General ...

Khuon Narim

Traffic law enforcement set to be strengthened

The National Road Safety Committee said 2020 will be the year it strengthens enforcement of the Road Traffic Law, while Minister of Interior Sar Kheng urged traffic police to enforce the law equally and without tolerance to reduce the number of traffic casualties. The remarks ...

Khorn Savi

Courts charge S Treng men for transporting illegal timber

Stung Treng provincial police on Sunday sent one of seven men detained over the transportation of illegal timber to court. Provincial police chief Mao Dara said the Vietnamese man was sent to the provincial court after being accused of transporting nearly 200 pieces of beng timber ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Group charged over violent land grab

Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court on Saturday charged four men and three women over an attempt to grab land in Ream National Park which resulted in officers being injured during a clash.​ Court spokesman Lim Bun Heng said the seven people were clearing state forest land in ...

Voun Dara

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