Law and judiciary

Tobacco law fines in works

The ministries of health and information are working together to put some teeth into last year’s law restricting the advertisement of tobacco products to sale locations. ...

Pech Sotheary

Royal group ordered to dismantle jetty on O’tres beach

Six months after it started construction, Kith Meng’s Royal Group has been ordered to demolish a nearly finished jetty on O’Tres Beach near Sihanoukville, with local officials saying the tycoon’s company was never granted permission to build it in the first place. ...

Khuon Narim

Adhoc to lead company forestry license review

In a move to crack down on future illegal logging, the government has created a special Commission, led by human rights group Adhoc, which will review and cancel any licenses of companies that violate forestry laws. ...

May Titthara

Cambodia to join anti-weapon smuggling conference

Next week, Cambodia will join a conference focused on stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The conference, to be held in Washington D.C. on January 27th, is part of the US-led Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), started in 2003 to keep bomb parts ...

Jonathan Cox and Taing Vida

Meetings over law leave unions wanting

Unions yesterday called for further discussion of the draft trade union law after a bipartisan committee tasked with examining the controversial legislation concluded on Tuesday having agreed to few substantive changes. ...

Pech Sotheary

Compensation deal is inked with Borei Keila evictees

After seeing a signing ceremony interrupted by protesters on Tuesday, officials from the joint committee for Borei Keila housing solutions yesterday inked compensation deals with 32 out of 56 evicted families. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Pheap timber under scrutiny

Authorities from the government’s new anti-logging task force swooped into Stung Treng yesterday and inspected timber stockpiles belonging to the Kingdom’s most prominent logging magnate, Try Pheap, who has been accused of reaping immense profits from the clear-cutting of Cambodian forests for years. ...

Mech Dara and Charles Rollet

Gov’t plans for traffic law enforcement by mid-March

The oft-delayed and amended traffic law is scheduled to take effect in mid-March after being postponed since January due to widespread complaints from citizens across the country. Although the law won’t take effect until mid-March, police are still checking vehicle documents, and are looking out ...

Chea Vannak

New gov’t task force continues illegal-logging raids

Authorities raided yet another rubber plantation on Tuesday as part of a new dragnet to catch illegal loggers in eastern Cambodia, said Eng Hy, spokesman for the National Military Police. ...

Aun Pheap

Ministry seeks to arrest photoshopper abroad

The Interior Ministry has asked Interpol to help arrest a “Cambodian living abroad” it believes is responsible for doctoring and circulating an image of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s wife, according to a ministry spokesman. ...

Anthony Jensen and Kuch Naren

Borei Keila protesters shout down panel

Five shouting protesters yesterday morning shut down a meeting of the joint committee for housing solutions in Borei Keila before it could sign cash compensation deals with 56 evicted families. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Meeting with ministry sought to talk LANGO amendments

Ministry of Interior officials will meet to discuss the internationally condemned Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organisations (LANGO) with representatives of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), officials said yesterday following a letter sent by the group to Interior Minister Sar Kheng last week. ...

Lay Samean and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Government announces delay of license, registration checks

Traffic police will not fine road users for offenses related to licenses and vehicle documentation until March 15, while other provisions of the new Land Traffic Law will continue to be enforced as usual, officials said on Tuesday. ...

Khuon Narim

Try Pheap gets new ELC amid freeze, governor says

Timber magnate Try Pheap and businessman Lim Bunna were granted economic land concessions (ELCs) on property inside a wildlife sanctuary confiscated from two other companies for violating their government contracts, a provincial governor told a meeting of officials on Monday. ...

Aun Pheap

Rights worker alleges threat amid inquiry

A rights group official said he was threatened for looking into a December homicide case in Pursat province that left one woman dead and her brother injured. ...

Lay Samean

Structures by Phnom Penh canal flattened

A collection of houses and other structures belonging to nine families living alongside a canal in the capital’s Russey Keo district was destroyed yesterday by a large group of men sent by local authorities.   ...

Phak Seangly

Vietnam border sealed against loggers

Cambodia’s military police said yesterday that they have sealed the Vietnam border against wood transport following a major crackdown on two tycoons’ logging warehouses on Sunday. Local observers and experts, however, suggested the actions were little more than a hiccup for a long-tolerated illicit trade. ...

Mech Dara, Igor Kossov and Phak Seangly

Gov’t creates new forestry crimes task force

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday announced the creation of a committee tasked with putting an end to the rampant illegal logging and cross-border timber smug­­gling taking place in the country’s northeast.   លោកនាយករដ្ឋម ន្រ្តីហ៊ុនសែន នៅថ្ងៃសុក្រនេះ បានប្រកាស ការបង្កើតនៃ គណៈកម្មាធិ ការបញ្ចប់ ការកាប់ឈើខុសច្បាប់ ទោរទន់ រត់ពន្ធ និងជាកន្លែង ទទួលយក ឈើ ...

Khy Sovuthy

Tbong Khmum timber warehouses raide

Authorities yesterday raided several logging warehouses in the country’s east, just days after Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered a crackdown on illegal timber smuggling into Vietnam. ...

Mech Dara

Trilateral agreement signed to combat human trafficking

Cambodia signed an agreement with Vietnam and Laos during a meeting on Thursday to enhance efforts to fight human trafficking—with Vietnam reporting at the meeting that police discovered nearly 90 human trafficking rings along its border with Cambodia last year. ...

សាំង​ សុឥន្ទរិទ្ធ និង Aria Danaparamita

Chinese mining firm suspended after attempted illegal export

The Siem Reap provincial department of mines and energy on Thursday ordered the temporary suspension of operations of a Chinese copper-mining firm that was caught transporting 40 tons of copper to Phnom Penh, though their licenses expired more than a year ago.   ...

Aun Pheap

Siem Reap copper mine shut down

A copper mine in Siem Reap province’s Chi Kreng district was closed down last Thursday over allegations that its parent company has been running the site with an expired license. The investigation into Meng Xin Hong Fa (Cambodia) Resources Investment Co. Ltd. is being led ...

Chea Vannak

Siem Reap copper mine shut down

A copper mine in Siem Reap province’s Chi Kreng district was closed down last Thursday over allegations that its parent company has been running the site with an expired license. The investigation into Meng Xin Hong Fa (Cambodia) Resources Investment Co. Ltd. is being led ...

Chea Vannak

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