Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

SL to reinstate fired unionists

The chief executive of SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) yesterday said the factory has agreed to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, a sticking point which could end a strike that has lasted more than three months. Hours after the Ministry of Labour announced the garment ...

Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear

Cambodia to set 2014 wage for garment workers next month

The Ministry of Labour, Government of Cambodia, would set the 2014 minimum wage for garment workers next month, reports The Phnom Penh Post. A working group consisting of representatives of the Garment Manufacturers’ Association in Cambodia (GMAC), workers’ representatives and factory managers met officials at ...

Fibers2fashion News Staff

No consensus on next move in SL drama

After the management of an embattled garment factory this week refused to follow a government order to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, unionists and observers are at a divergence of opinion over how the state should respond. “It’s fairly unprecedented,” Dave Welsh, country director ...

Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear

Labor Ministry Says Brands Hold Key to Wages

The minimum wage for garment factory workers can only be raised if international clothing brands sourcing from Cambodia pay more for their products, a Ministry of Labor official said Tuesday. Khieu Savuth, chief of the Ministry of Labor’s labor conflict commission, laid down the challenge a ...

Dene-Hern Chen and Aun Pheap

Factory rejects order to rehire 19 workers

Flouting a government order, representatives of SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) Ltd yesterday refused to rehire 19 union representatives and activists during a meeting with the Ministry of Labour. Rehiring the 19 has been the key sticking point in ending the three-month-old strike, which erupted into violence ...

Mom Kunthear and Sean Teehan

Factory ordered to clean act

The Ministry of Labour has ordered management at a Kandal province garment factory to clean their workroom and limit employees’ overtime hours, in response to over 100 workers fainting over two days. During a visit to King First Industrial Co, Ltd’s Kandal location yesterday, Seng Sakada, ...

Mom Kunthear

SL Workers Demand Representatives Reinstated

About 200 workers protested outside SL Garment Factory in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district Wednesday demanding that managers reinstate 19 union representatives before a 15-day deadline set by the government elapses. The Council of Ministers has ordered the factory to rehire the fired unionists or face punitive ...

Mech Dara

Factory Ordered To Hire Back Union Leaders After Violent Protest

The government has ordered the SL Garment factory to rehire 19 worker representatives, following a brutal crackdown on demonstrators outside the home of Prime Minister Hun Sen last week. In a letter to the company, Khun Chinken, undersecretary of state for the Ministry of Labor, said ...

Kong Sothanarith

Anniversary marked by inaction

Six months after two of her co-workers were crushed to death when a storage level collapsed at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu, employee Yu Manith is noticing the cracks in a factory wall beginning to expand. Shortly after police rummaged through the ...

Shane Worrell and Mom Kunthear

Hun Sen Set to Weigh In on SL Garment Factory Dispute

Officials at the Ministry of Labor who mediated talks Wednesday between the management of SL Garment Factory and union leaders who have led a three-month-long strike at the factory said that they would send the results of the meeting to Prime Minister Hun Sen to ...

Khuon Narim and Colin Meyn

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