Social development

Education and training

World Bank talks about economic recovery and investments in education

World Bank Regional Vice President for East Asia and Pacific Manuela V. Ferro appreciated Cambodia’s effective COVID-19 response and encouraged the country to boost investments in education while jump starting economic recovery during her country visit between March 13 and 17. ...

Khmer Times Staff

New ‘rehab’ centre offers jobs training, life skill help

The government will formally inaugurate a community-based national drug rehabilitation centre on March 22 in Preah Sihanouk province, with the centre focusing on vocational training for addicts to provide them with a clear career path and life skills when reintegrating into society. ...

Voun Dara

PM to Cambodia, Saudi: Step up cooperation

Prime Minister Hun Sen has called for Cambodia and Saudi Arabia to step up cooperation in economic sectors and other areas in the Southeast Asian Kingdom with lucrative prospects. ...

Mom Kunthear and Ry Sochan

Ministry of Education signs MoU with Asia Foundation on further enhancing education sector

Minister of Education Hang Chuon Naron yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Asia Foundation president David D. Arnold on “Cooperation in the field of education” at the Ministry of Education. ...

So Cheata

Cambodia, World Bank discuss education cooperation within COVID-19 context

The Kingdom of Cambodia and the World Bank have discussed the education situation and cooperation in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Khmer Times Staff

GMAC supplying factories with hands-on fire fighting training

The Garment Manufacturing Association in Cambodia (GMAC) provided training on fire fighting to staff from its member factories and enterprises. ...

Lay Samean

Kampong Cham imposes private tutor ban for state teachers

The Kampong Cham provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports has prohibited teachers from tutoring extra classes outside regular state hours. ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry set to launch Japan’s ‘Think! Think!’ at eight public schools

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports plans to launch Japan’s number one curriculum “Think! Think!” this month at Preah Norodom Primary School in Phnom Penh. ...

Ry Sochan

Ministry plots path to ‘Digital Cambodia’

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications – with technical support from UNESCO – is promoting media and digital literacy in Cambodia through the project “Development of National Media, Information and Digital Literacy (MIDL)”. ...

Ry Sochan

USAID Boosts Digital Training for Young

A $15 million USAID-funded initiative to give young Cambodians the skills to compete in the digital economy was launched on Feb. 23 by US Ambassador W. Patrick Murphy and Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron. ...

Sam Sopich

Ministry, USAID, UC Berkeley launch digital skills project

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the University of California, Berkeley – in collaboration with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports – launched a five-year digital skill development project with $15 million in USAID funding. ...

Voun Dara

A $15m cash injection aims to bridge Cambodia’s digital skills gap

USAID launches $15m initiative to improve the nation’s digital skills by working with universities and private institutions to strengthen the quality of ICT curriculums and improve soft skills. ...

Phin Rathana

Belgium to assist promotion of education in Cambodia

The commitment was made by Ms. Silbille de Cartier d’Yves, newly-appointed Bangkok-Based Ambassador of Belgium  to Cambodia in a meeting with Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Omicron spread forces PM Hun Sen to postpone meeting with Grade A students

Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced the postponement of  his planned get-together with the 1,753 students who have got their baccalaureate with grade A, due to the fast spreading Omicron variant. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Teacher training facilities upgraded in Phnom Penh

Cambodia and Japan are set to inaugurate four new buildings at the Phnom Penh Teacher Education College, thanks to Japanese grant aid. The four new buildings – to be inaugurated on February 9 – include a library and administrative, academic and multi-purpose buildings. ...

Ry Sochan

Grade A students reach record, set to meet PM

Prime Minister Hun Sen will meet with the talented students who received a Grade A in the recent high school diploma exams – also known as baccalaureate II, or Bacc II’ – in an event to be held in Phnom Penh on February 28. ...

Voun Dara

Children affected the most by C-19

During the pandemic, children have been among the most affected by Covid-19 with school closures and worsening mental health, while those who are infected face discrimination at school and from their neighbours, even when they are fully recovered, experts have mentioned. ...

Yim Sreylin

Number of ‘A’ grade earners on diploma exam quadruples

Prime Minister Hun Sen is scheduled to meet with high school students who passed the Grade 12 exam with an “A” grade following the announcement of the results by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport on January 14, indicating a nearly four-fold increase in ...

Voun Dara

‘New normal’ academic year kicks off

Cambodia kicked off the new academic year of 2021-2022 for all grades on January 10, with all students required to implement the “new normal path in education” in the context of Covid-19. This came after two years of remote learning and disruptions to regular classroom ...

Voun Dara

PM says school year starts in new era

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday sent an open letter to mark the first day of the new academic year. ...

Chhun Sunly

Sar Kheng proposes additional job search help for all new graduates

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng has requested that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport conduct a study on establishing education centres along the lines of the One Window, One Service offices to assist students with finding employment after they finish their studies. ...

Voun Dara

High school diploma exams go ‘smoothly’

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport said the first day of the high school diploma exams, which kicked off on December 27, went smoothly although over 4,000 registered candidates were absent and automatically failed the test. ...

Voun Dara

Cambodia’s high school exam kicks off after pandemic brought under control

A total of 114,183 Cambodian candidates are taking a national high school graduation exam on Monday after the situation of COVID-19 pandemic had been brought under control. ...

Khmer Times Staff

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