Social development
Public health
Vaccination fears eased: gov’t
An education campaign launched by Cambodia’s National Immunization Program (NIP) in the aftermath of last year’s HIV outbreak in Battambang has been effective in dispelling the concerns of parents hesitant to get their children vaccinated, government health bodies and the World Health Organization have said. ...
Sarah Taguiam
Bad year ahead for dengue
Dengue fever cases in the Kingdom have increased by nearly 80 per cent compared with the same period last year, and the Cambodia National Malaria Center (CNM) said yesterday that it expects a continued surge throughout 2015. ...
Sarah Taguiam
Woman smuggles drugs into prison inside beans
A woman was arrested on Wednesday in Banteay Meanchey province for allegedly smuggling 12 methamphetamine pills into the provincial prison by slashing open green beans and tucking the pills inside, local police said Thursday. ...
Mech Dara
Too many Cambodian women dying during childbirth
Cambodia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Southeast Asia. The number of women dying during pregnancy or childbirth has dropped in recent years. But it is still far short of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. The Cambodian government accepted those goals ...
Men Kimseng
Maternal mortality rates remain high, despite UN goals
Cambodia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the region, and despite UN goals set up for the end of 2015, that number has remained high. There, only 75 percent of women giving birth were attended by trained health workers in 2012, according ...
Men Kimseng
HIV-positive commune official dies in Battambang
A deputy commune chief in Battambang province’s Roka commune, where an outbreak of HIV has infected nearly 250 villagers, died Monday. ...
Khy Sovuthy
One child still in hospital due to tainted sandwiches
Only one child remained hospitalized Wednesday after a group of about 800 people fell ill from food poisoning caused by tainted sandwiches served at a World Vision event in Siem Reap province on Saturday, a spokesman for the NGO said. ...
Maria Paula Brito
Cambodia reduces infant mortality
Cambodia is not meeting many of its UN Millennium Development Goals, which are coming due this year, but it has made progress in the reduction of infant mortality. Currently, 28 of 1,000 children born in Cambodia die before reaching the age of one. That number is ...
Men Kimseng
Experts back graphic warnings for smokers
Health experts have thrown their weight behind a provision in the draft tobacco-control law that will require graphic health warnings to cover half the face of Cambodia’s cigarette packages. According to article 10 of the law – first drafted in 2003 – the images must ...
Taing Vida
Thirty-six still ill after eating tainted sandwiches
Thirty-six villagers remained hospitalized Monday afternoon after about 800 fell ill on Saturday from eating tainted sandwiches distributed at a World Vision event in Siem Reap province’s Chi Kreng district, officials said. ...
Mech Dara and Maria Paula Brito
Cambodia ‘measles free’, WHO reports
The World Health Organization has declared Cambodia measles-free, having not registered a confirmed case in over three years, marking a success in combating what was once the country’s most deadly communicable disease. ...
Charles Parkinson
Some 570 Cambodians fall ill after eating contaminated snacks
Approximately 570 Cambodian people, mostly children, in northwestern Cambodia’s Siem Reap province got sick after eating bread filled with meat and vegetables on Saturday afternoon, a provincial health chief confirmed. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Cambodian villagers say medical treatment is a pain following government directive
Villagers in a remote district of northeast Cambodia’s Kratie province say obtaining medical treatment has become extremely difficult since the government reinforced a ban on unlicensed health workers and clinics earlier this month in the wake of a mass HIV infection last year. ...
Preach Chev
Illnesses blamed on cassava
Officials in Battambang and Pailin provinces yesterday pointed to local cassava producers as the cause of water pollution there, which has killed fish and induced illness in families living along tainted streams. Nine of the businesses in Pailin’s O’Tavao commune that produce the root vegetable are ...
Phak Seangly
Fears abound in HIV village
Three months after their community was shaken by a mass outbreak of HIV, support continues to pour in for residents of Battambang province’s Roka commune. But amid fears generated by the death of several elderly residents and the belief the funding could soon dry up, they ...
May Titthara and Alice Cuddy
Mental health of trafficking victims overlooked
Survivors of human trafficking in South-East Asia require better access to health services, especially related to mental health, a study says. ...
Mike Ives
With few options, prisoners raise children behind bars
Keo Chkriya was pregnant when she was sentenced to prison, on charges of drug distribution. By the time she left, she had been caring for her son in a cell for nearly two years. ...
Phorn Bopha
Year sees significant increase in abortions
The number of abortions performed in 2014 increased nearly 51 per cent from the year before, according to the Ministry of Health. A report released March 9 showed that the total number of miscarriages and abortions for the year were up by more than 4,000 cases ...
Taing Vida
Hun Sen acknowledges misstep over HIV outbreak
Prime Minister Hun Sen admitted Tuesday that he made an error in judgment when he doubted the veracity of a growing HIV outbreak in Battambang province’s Roka commune in December. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Minister reiterates call for regulation of clinics
The minister of health once again urged his subordinates and local authorities yesterday to shut down the country’s unlicensed clinics and doctors to prevent another HIV outbreak. ...
Pech Sotheary
In court, kidney trader denies running transplant enterprise
A woman accused of organ trafficking was tried at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Monday for allegedly persuading her two cousins and a neighbor to sell their kidneys in Thailand last year. Anti-human trafficking police arrested Nhem Sinuon, 29, in Phnom Penh’s Chroy Changva district ...
Sixth HIV-positive villager dies in Battambang
A 69-year-old man who was among the more than 240 villagers to test positive for HIV in Battambang province’s Roka commune died on Saturday, local health officials said Monday. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Youth meth use on the rise
Cambodia’s young adults are using methamphetamines at one of the highest rates in the world, according to a recent report by the UN’s drug watchdog, while demand for more upscale drugs like ecstasy is growing among the affluent. In an annual report released Tuesday by the ...
Sarah Taguiam
Mystery illness grips 13 as doctors baffled
A contagious mystery ailment has led to 13 hospitalisations in Pursat province since Tuesday, when a family of five began suffering vomiting, diarrhoea and fainting, quickly spreading it to others who came into contact with them. ...
Mom Kunthear