Agricultural commodities, processing and products
Farm cooperative venture in pipeline
A Cambodian agriculture cooperative corporation is being planned to help promote agriculture processes involving the private sector and individual producers. ...
Chea Vannak
More rice exporters given access to China
Beijing has agreed to increase the number of Cambodian rice exporters allowed to sell to the Chinese mainland. The Ministry of Agriculture has been advised that eight more companies will be granted licenses, taking the total to 34. ...
Sok Chan
Chemical-free veggies
The government is urging vegetable growers to reduce their reliance on pesticides and cut imports from neighboring countries to protect the health of consumers. ...
Chea Vannak
Ministry pledges rice support
After Cambodian rice exports declined dramatically in March, caused by what millers claimed was a stricter enforcement of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures by the Chinese government, the Ministry of Agriculture announced yesterday that it would lobby on the sector’s behalf to allow more millers ...
Hor Kimsay
Lack of iodized salt causes ‘serious public health problem’ in Cambodia
Laillou was stunned to find that 90 percent of coarse salt and 40-50 percent of fine salt was now not iodized. And all of it was labeled as iodized. Online journal Nutrients said iodine deficiency in Cambodia had become “a serious public health problem” just ...
Robert Carmichael and Sokummono Khan
Rice exports show slow growth
Cambodian rice exports declined dramatically in March, causing the average export growth of the Kingdom’s dominant cash crop to increase by only 3 percent during the first quarter of this year, nearly wiping out the double-digit growth seen in January and February. ...
Hor Kimsay
Chosen by angel for bumper crop, banana prices rise for new year
Khmer New Year could bring a fruitful financial harvest for sellers of bananas—this year’s divinely selected crop—but some vendors say their sales have not yet ripened.Bananas were selected as this year’s official product by the angel Kemera Devi, who brings in the new year, so ...
Chhorn Phearun And Danielle Keeton-olsen
Hun Sen urges Philippine investment for ailing rice sector
Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday he had urged Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to invest more heavily in Cambodia’s rice sector, while also acknowledging the need to lower rice processing costs and find new export markets to boost the competitiveness of Cambodia’s most important ...
Kuch Naren
Push to stop farmers using chemicals in rice
Experts in the rice sector have expressed their fears over the ban in exporting milled rice containing the chemical Tricyclazole to the European Union (EU), while the government is trying to educate and spread word of the ban to farmers. ...
Chea Vannak
Millers push for China access
Amid concerns that the European Union could reject shipments of Cambodian rice, exporters are pushing for more access to China as an alternative market for the Kingdom’s principal agricultural commodity. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Slow bounce for rubber price
Rubber prices are predicted to increase gradually as suppliers in the main producing countries restrict their stock for export to let the price recover after a long decline. ...
Sum Manet
Cassava exports up, prices low
Though the export of cassava from Cambodia to foreign markets increased by more than 50 percent in 2016, compared with previous years, export earnings were still low due to below-market-prices offered by buyers in Thailand and Vietnam. ...
Chea Vannak
Bright prospects in sight for banana farmers
The banana is Cambodia’s national fruit and makes an excellent after-meal dessert. But its popularity extends further than just being a sweet fruit. Due to its affordable price, it’s also food for the poor and can be used regularly as offerings to the spirits or ...
Chea Vannak
Palm sugar’s GI status could soon get EU protection
The European Union is expected to enter Kampong Speu palm sugar into its registry of protected geographical indicators (GI) by July following a push by the Cambodian government to protect the specialty food product in one of its biggest markets, a Ministry of Commerce official ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Push to reduce chemical dependency
The Ministry of Agriculture is working to develop a procedural framework for the trade and use of biological control agents (BCAs) in agriculture in an effort to improve crop yields, protect consumer health and ensure continued access to key export markets. Regulation could also create ...
Kali Kotoski
Pepper, palm sugar get Thai GI status
Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu palm sugar have been awarded Geographical Indication (GI) status in Thailand, under efforts to prevent unscrupulous traders passing off versions of the Cambodian products. ...
Sok Chan
Specialist food factory shapes up
Confirel Co. Ltd. and Pharma Product Manufacturing Enterprise will unveil its $7 million factory in Phnom Penh to process Kampong Speu palm sugar and Kampot pepper by July, the company said. ...
Sok Chan
Warning on Vietnamese pork
The public has been warned not to eat pork from Vietnam after an outbreak of a serious disease in pig farms across the border. The Agriculture Ministry’s department of animal health and production is enforcing additional precautionary measures to ensure contaminated pork from Vietnam does not ...
Pech Sotheary
Kampot pepper prices plunge
Pepper prices in the Kingdom’s largest pepper producing region have fallen over 30 percent in the last year due to growing international supply that is leading to higher competition in the market, an industry expert said yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Palm oil price drop to hit local market
Palm oil production is expected to drop over the next few months but instability in the international market is likely to drive down local prices by the start of next year, a Cambodian palm oil producer has warned. The price of crude palm oil in ...
Chea Vannak
Feed mill to take bite out of growing import demand
Chip Mong Group is the latest conglomerate to invest into local production of animal feed, announcing this week that it will sink $60 million into building a large-scale feed mill and industrial piggery, a move that agricultural experts welcomed but said would still not be ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Checks for rice exporters
More than 40 rice millers have applied for quality checks to allow for export to China but most have not yet reached a high enough standard, the Agriculture Ministry said. ...
Chea Vannak
Mango exporter targets Hungary and Russia
Mong Reththy Group, an agro-industrial conglomerate that invested heavily in the mango sector, is expanding markets for exports to Russia and Hungary. Group president Mong Reththy said the new markets will increase group exports from Cambodia to 5,000 metric tons a year. ...
Chea Vannak
China offers cassava hope
Cambodia has marked its first Cassava Day with expectations of greater exports to China, one of the world’s big markets for the tuberous root. ...
Chea Vannak