Economy and commerce
Fixed-Duration Contracts Threaten Garment Industry
Cambodia’s garment sector is in danger of losing its reputation for adherence to international labor standards because of the widespread use of “abusive temporary labor contracts,” according to a report released by Yale Law School on Wednesday. “Cambodian garment manufacturers have adopted the practice of ...
Plans Name Developer of Sisowath Quay Site
Architectural plans of a property development that is blamed for causing structural damage to French colonial-era buildings on Phnom Penh’s Sisowath Quay show drawings of a five-story residential building, complete with underground car parking. According to the plans, dated July 11, the mysterious company behind ...
Property tax questions asked
Cambodia’s property tax is to come into effect next month, though experts say the levy is not widely understood and may be too early. The property tax will initially focus on the capital’s properties, comprising an annual payment calculated of 0.1 percent of the value ...
Chevron talks oil production
Chevron Overseas Petroleum (Cambodia) has been actively exploring Cambodia’s offshore Block A, and applied for a permit to begin extraction from government authorities. Yesterday, The Post caught up with its President Steve Glick, who has been in his present role in Phnom Penh for about ...
Interest up at Angkor Wat
Increased interest by Asian tourists has led to about 33 percent growth for Angkor Wat ticket sales so far this year, according to the Apsara Authority. Revenues during the first six months hit US$20 million, compared with about $15 million in the period last year, ...
Current accounts in control
Cambodia’s current accounts deficit has increased in recent years, but is not yet a cause for concern, according to experts. The Asian Development Bank’s July update showed Cambodia’s current accounts deficit stood at 11 percent of GDP in 2010, and statistics show the trade gap ...
Two dollar strike to continue
Angkor Beer promoters yesterday rejected an offer from the municipality that would have required them to suspend their strike while officials negotiated a solution for them, telling Phnom Penh’s deputy governor that their protest is legal and that their employer is breaking the law. More ...
Residents tell tycoon to back off
Families protesting encroachment onto their land by a tycoon who is expanding a road in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district filed a complaint to the Prime Minister’s cabinet and the Municipal Court on Tuesday. On Friday, employees working for tycoon Thong Sarath demolished fences on eight ...
Complaint over violence
Twenty-nine community representatives from Kampong Speu’s Phnom Sruoch district travelled in person to the National Assembly building in Phnom Penh yesterday to file a complaint against provincial governor Kang Heang and other officials, accusing them of “robbing a total of 950 hectares of farm land”. ...
Low Funds May Have Led to CPI Suspension
An official at the Ministry of Planning said yesterday that a lack of funds may be to blame fo the Ministry of Finance and Economy suspending the publication of June’s consumer price index. Sam Saroeun, deputy director of the statistics department at the Ministry of ...
City Hall Calls On Angkor Beer Promoters to Protest Peacefully
Phnom Penh City Hall yesterday warned Angkor Beer promoters to protest peacefully until a resolution could be reached on their pay claims, a union representative said. Protests held by the Angkor Beer promoters turned violent on Tuesday evening, with one promoter hospitalized after protestors clashed ...
Two Khmer Papers Told to Halt Publishing
The Ministry of Information on Tuesday ordered two Khmer-language newspapers owned by the same publisher to halt publication for failing to follow ministry rules. In a notice signed by Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith, Phnom Penh-based The Water and Fire News and The World newspapers ...
Mass Evictions Loom for Wildlife Sanctuary
Ms Sam On, 37, has already lost her house. It was one of three homes razed in April by Kratie provincial military police, environment officials and workers of the Sovannvuthy rubber company, after a tense stand-off with about 100 villagers that villagers said ended with ...
B Kak Firm Seeks Bauxite in Mondolkiri
Bauxite reserves in Mondolkiri province abandoned by Australian mining form BHP Billiton in 2009 are now being explored by China’s Mongolia Erdos Hongjun Holding Group, the same firm that is behind the controversial development of Boeng Kak lake in Phnom Penh. Kong Pisith, director of ...
Petrol prices squeeze domestic consumers
Soaring prices for gasoline and goods have hurt some Cambodian consumers, causing what economists have said was a drop in the living standard of the Kingdom’s lower-income population. Gasoline traded at 5,300 riel per litre in Phnom Penh yesterday, an increase of about 12 percent ...
More competition from Thai millers
Thai government proposals to pay above market prices to rice farmers could complicate Cambodia’s goal of becoming a major milled rice exporter, according to industry insiders. Pheu Thai party leader Yingluck Shinawatra has announced plans to buy rough rice for a guaranteed price of 15,000 ...
FPT talks operating telecoms in Cambodia
Vietnamese company FPT Telecom aims to extend operations to the Kingdom, after its attempted acquisition of Vietnam’s EVN Telecom fell through. FPT Telecom “has plans to expand business in Cambodia, but all is in discussion”, a spokesperson said late on Monday, declining to comment further. ...
Vattanac in damage denial
A top executive from Cambodian company Vattanac yesterday denied the firm had damaged colonial-era buildings along the capital’s riverfront, as one local business owner sought a new home. Construction at a Vattanac building site – situated on Phnom Penh’s Sisowath Quay – has been at ...
Erdos Group plans laid bare
Documents obtained by The Post have shed new light on the scale of Chinese investment connected with the controversial Boeung Kak lake real estate project. The US$98 million project in northern Phnom Penh is the smallest of Mongolia Erdos Hongjun Holding Group’s planned investments in ...
Inflation rates driven by increases in food prices
The Kingdom’s consumer price index tracked a 1.4 percent increase in May over April, according to National Institute of Statistics’ latest figures. Prices at the end of May were 6.5 percent higher than the same date the year previous, the figures show. Experts said Cambodia’s ...
Cambodia-China trade increases to $912 Million for first half of 2011
“Bilateral trade between Cambodia and China grew about 82 percent in the first half of 2011 if comparing with the same period for last year while the two countries are trying to boost the trade ties to achieve US $2.5 billion in 2012,” Ministry of ...
Cambodia and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) have inked the agreements to expand bilateral trade, technologies, agriculture, industry, investment and the health sector, and both sides also are trying to boost close ties for mutual benefits while both nations’ trading has been reported to be ...
Economists See Growth Potential in Stock Exchange
Cambodia has officially opened a stock exchange, which economists say will provide a chance for the development of the country and job creation. However, they warn that mismanagement of the bourse could also lead to economic woes. “When this stock market goes well, it will ...
Officials to Enforce Court Order to Halt Bassac Garden Work
Further development of Bassac Garden City is to be halted after a court order was issued. This means that no more “construction, selling, renting, pawning, giving as donation, bequeathment or transference of ownership of the 3,000 square meters of land,” can happen. There is currently ...