
National government

Cambodia, Laos to sign 2,400-MW power deal

Cambodia and Laos will sign a power deal next week during the state visit of the Laotian prime minister. Through next week’s agreement, the Kingdom will buy 2,400 megawatts from neighbouring Laos. Next week’s deal will be discussed at the Council of Ministers tomorrow, according ...

Chea Vannak

Roads in 11 provinces damaged by floods

Transport Minister Sun Chanthol on Sunday said that 46 roads in 11 provinces have been severely damaged by floods and the ministry will repair them after water recedes. He said a total of 60 kilometers of roads, including national ones, were involved and the ministry had ...

Mom Kunthear

Cambodia ready to implement UN agreement on paperless trade: gov’t

The government last week said it is ready to implement a regional agreement on paperless trade signed two years ago. In August 2017, Cambodia signed the Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific. Speaking during a meeting last week ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

‘Ninety-nine oknha in army’

A senior military official said on Sunday that the Ministry of National Defence had found almost 100 military personnel with the title “oknha”. He told The Post that the ministry was preparing procedural formalities to enable the oknha to choose between keeping the honorific or ...

Mech Dara

Literacy linked with life skill

Every year, the world celebrates 8th of September as the International Literacy Day, to recognize the important role of literacy as the basis for poverty reduction, democratization, and sustainable development. International evidence demonstrates that literacy improves the quality of people’s lives as literate people are capable ...

Khmer Time Staff

Ministry reveals informal rice export figures

In the first eight months of the year, Cambodia exported 1.6 million tonnes of paddy rice to neighbouring Vietnam through informal channels, a recent report from the Ministry of Agriculture revealed. That figure is significantly higher than the total amount of milled rice shipped abroad through ...

Chea Vannak

Gov’t to amend traffic law as death toll continues to rise

The government is set to amend traffic laws as the nationwide death toll from road accidents continue to rise. Speaking at the 2nd annual conference on road safety on Thursday, Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol, who is also vice-chairman of the National ...

Voun Dara

Preah Sihanouk land dispute residents urged to provide evidence

Twenty-three residents of Preah Sihanouk province’s Bit Traing commune in Prey Nop district, who are entrenched in an eight-year land dispute, were urged on Wednesday by the Ministry of Justice to submit legal documents as proof of ownership to Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court. “We do ...

Long Kimmarita

GMAC urges government to reduce financial burden on employers

As minimum wage negotiations continue, GMAC has asked the government to refrain from increasing the agreed-upon pay bump for garment workers by $5 because it reduces the industry’s competitiveness due to the added financial burden on employers. Minimum wage negotiations between employers, the government and unions ...

May Kunmakara & Mom Kunthear

Contract farming schemes rising: Ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture said the number of contract farming schemes is increasing remarkably, helping enhance productivity and market access for farmers. From January to August, a total of 91 contract farming schemes were inked in various sectors, including rice, sugarcane and livestock production, the ministry ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Ministry to ‘secretly’ inspect national road constructions

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport announced it will “secretly inspect” Cambodian roads to ensure their quality meets the Kingdom’s standards. Pal Chandara, secretary of state and spokesman for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, said a newly formed working group would inspect ...

Voun Dara

GNC: Youths ‘forced’ into drugs

NGO Good Neighbours Cambodia (GNC) has released a report which said that 3.4 per cent of youths had tried drugs and another 4.9 per cent were enticed or forced into using narcotics by friends and neighbours. GNC said a survey of 283 youths from 13 ...

Khorn Savi

Savuth summoned over M’kiri ELCs

The Mondulkiri Provincial Court has summoned Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries secretary of state Chan Savuth to appear on September 12 for questioning over his alleged granting of economic land concessions (ELCs). ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Region probes social security

Cambodia will host the biannual meeting of Mekong Delta labour ministers in two weeks’ time when they will discuss having a common social security net for workers. Labour Minister Ith Samheng said last week that he will meet with his counterparts from Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry seeks to reduce red tape at airports, borders

The Ministry of Tourism said it is working with the relevant bodies to reduce red tape at airports and international border checkpoints. The ministry said the move aimed to ease transit, especially for international tourists, by removing unnecessary and complicated formalities. ...

Long Kimmarita

NGOs invited to discuss MFI report

Officials of NGOs Licadho and Sahmakum Teang Tnaut will attend a closed-door meeting at the Council of Ministers on Wednesday to explain the findings of their recent report claiming that increasing levels of debt at microfinance institutions (MFIs) has resulted in human rights violations. ...

Khorn Savi

Mekong river floods hit Tboung Khmum

Nearly 40 homes have been relocated from the Mekong riverbank in Tboung Khmum province’s Kroch Chhmar district, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology said yesterday. “About 500 metres of the riverbank in Chsach Brochhes village will collapse and 28 houses were in danger and have ...

Mom Kunthear

RCAF officials forced to pick oknha title or their position

More than two-thirds of senior officials at the General Command Headquarters of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) have decided to relinquish their oknha titles to maintain their roles in the armed forces, an RCAF official said. Of 61 senior officials, 45 relinquished their title ...

Long Kimmarita

Cambodia, Laos begin troop withdrawal from disputed area

Cambodia and Laos have begun to withdraw troops from disputed territory in Preah Vihear province after senior military officials from both sides conducted negotiations. Senior military officers Lieutenant General Srey Doek and Major General Duang Chan recently negotiated with Major General Soukai Phommasone, Laos’ Champassak provincial ...

Ben Sokhean

End to gambling deadline set for 2020

The Council of Ministers on Friday said the government has instructed authorities to eliminate all online and arcade gambling by the end of the year. “All kinds of online and arcade gambling [] must end by the end of 2019,” the Council of Ministers said in ...

Khuon Narim

Infrastructure overhaul coming to Sihanoukville

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has highlighted three urgent measures to solve infrastructure woes in Preah Sihanouk province, which is facing challenges amid rapid development. The ministry highlighted measures focusing on roads and drainage systems in the province following a meeting with the Cooperation Committee ...

Sok Nalik

Master plan for TVET programmes prepared

Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Ith Sam Heng said a master plan was being established for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes to further human resource development in the face of a shortage of technical skills in the workforce. ...

Voun Dara

Joint Asean action sought to fight fake medicine

Cambodia yesterday urged Asean member countries to jointly combat the spread of substandard and counterfeit medicines which are endangering people’s health and welfare and affecting economic growth in the region. Defence Minister General Tea Banh, representing Prime Minister Hun Sen, made the call during the 14th ...

Pech Sotheary

Water Resources Ministry issues Mekong flood warning

Water Resources and Meteorology Minister Lim Kean Hor has ordered all provincial department directors to be prepared for Mekong river floods as water from the river has started to overflow. Ya Voeun, Tboung Khmum provincial water department director, yesterday said that the water level of ...

Mom Kunthear

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