Hun Sen receives award for leadership
Prime Minister Hun Sen received the Leadership and Good Governance Award from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) on Tuesday at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Summit at the Peace Palace in the capital. The award was presented by UPF co-founder Hak Ja Han Moon after delivering her ...
Ry Sochan
Everything But Arms: EU close to suspending Cambodia’s trade preferences
The EU slammed the government for the dire human rights situation in the Southeast Asian country, giving it a one-month deadline to respond to a preliminary report on suspending trade preferences before deciding whether to go ahead with the plan. Brussels has warned Phnom Penh ...
EU Bulletin
Cambodia continues to deny Taiwan's request to establish representative office
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Monday (Nov. 18) that Cambodia has yet to approve the Taiwanese government’s request to establish a representative office in the country after Taiwanese business owners complained about the inconvenience of document processing. ...
Ching-Tse Cheng
Fiscal revenue to surpass 2019 target by $1 billion: Prime Minister
The prime minister, speaking at a graduation ceremony at the National Institute of Education, said income from customs and excise will surpass the target set for 2019 by $700 to $800 million. ...
Chea Vannak
Human trafficking arrests on the rise
The National Committee for Counter Trafficking cracked down on 131 human trafficking and sexual exploitation cases from January to last month, an increase of 22 cases over the same period last year. Chou Bun Eng, an Interior Ministry secretary of state and also NCCT vice ...
Pech Sotheary
PM confident EBA outcome will not impact Kingdom
As the government reviews a European Commission preliminary report on whether Cambodia should retain its Everything-but-Arms preferential trade status, Prime Minister Hun Sen has said that the Kingdom has strong financial foundations to sustain itself with or without the EBA. “Someone said we will suffer ...
Ben Sokhean
Ministry to merge labour inspection teams
The Labour Ministry is merging its inspection department’s team with those in three other ministries to create a single one to conduct checks on industries and factories. Labour Minister Ith Samheng on Friday led a meeting with officials from the Industry and Handicrafts Ministry, Tourism ...
Mom Kunthear
Fujian investors eyeing P Sihanouk province
During a meeting with Minister of Industry and Handicraft Cham Prasidh on Thursday in Phnom Penh, Fujian Provincial Federation of Entrepreneurs and Enterprises deputy secretary-general Wei Zheng said the association is eyeing potential areas for investment. ...
Hin Pisei
China free trade agreement negotiations to start in December
Negotiations for a free trade agreement between Cambodia and China, the second-biggest economy in the world, will begin next month, the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh announced yesterday. ...
Sok Chan
PM tells ministry to ‘work on’ bail for Rainsy plot supporters
Prime Minister Hun Sen has instructed the Minister of Justice to work with prosecutors to release on bail under court supervision those activists who had supported Sam Rainsy’s plan to return and overthrow the government. Speaking at the inauguration of a cement factory in Kampot ...
Banh: ‘Talks ongoing over US cooperation’
Minister of National Defence Tea Banh and new US ambassador to Cambodia Patrick Murphy have agreed to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, particularly militarily. Banh, who is also deputy prime minister, told The Post that during a meeting with Murphy on Wednesday at the ...
Mech Dara
Sokha charge calls are ‘judicial interference’
A Ministry of Justice spokesman and Cambodia’s Permanent Mission to the UN Office at Geneva (Unog) have described demands for the treason charge against Kem Sokha to be dropped as tantamount to interference in the judiciary. Rhona Smith, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation ...
Khorn Savi
Government studying EU’s preliminary report on EBA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on Wednesday said the government was studying the EU Commission’s preliminary report on the human rights situation in the Kingdom that could lead to a suspension of access to its “Everything But Arms” (EBA) agreement.The EU launched ...
Mech Dara
Cambodian government mulls response to European Union report on EBA suspension
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Koy Kuong said the government will attempt to address all the points of concern raised by the European Union but refrained from divulging any details. ...
Hul Reaksmey
Cambodian Permanent Mission to UN hits out at Smith statement
The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) said it had learned “with great dismay” the statement by Rhona Smith, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia. ...
Niem Chheng
Smith expresses concerns over Cambodian situation
Rhona Smith, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia on Friday issued a statement expressing “grave concerns” over the “heightened political crackdown across Cambodia”. ...
Long Kimmarita
Kingdom to spend nearly $60 billion on development until 2023
Cambodia will spend nearly $60 billion under the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 and 75 percent of the funding will come from development partners. ...
Ben Sokhean
EdC draws angry complaints
Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) director-general Keo Rattanak said on Thursday that during the first seven months of this year, the company had received 237 complaints on Facebook regarding electricity meters. ...
Mech Dara
US ambassador meets with Sar Kheng
Speaking to the press after the meeting at the Ministry of Interior, Murphy said he and Sar Kheng had also discussed areas of cooperation, including strengthening collaborations on wildlife crime, people trafficking, child protection and efforts to counter international criminal activities. ...
Long Kimmarita
Kingdom poised to ink deal for first wind farm
The government and French-owned The Blue Circle (Cambodia) Co Ltd will soon sign an agreement to build a wind farm in Kampot province – the first of its kind in the Kingdom. The agreement comes as the government has made efforts to diversify its power ...
May Kunmakara
New EU envoy arrives as EBA decision hangs in the balance
Now that the newly appointed EU Ambassador to Cambodia Carmen Moreno has landed in the country, she will be able to see for herself the reality in the Kingdom even as the possible withdrawal of the ‘Everything But Arms’ (EBA) agreement awaits its conclusion, analysts ...
Niem Chheng
Gov’t yields $11 million from carbon credit sales
More than $11 million in carbon credits from Cambodian forests have been sold since 2016, the Ministry of Environment announced at its annual year-end conference. The carbon credits were exchanged under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (Redd+) framework, which allows forested developing countries to ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Government urged to pursue corrupt oknhas
Following the release of the Ministry of Environment’s annual report, eco-activists have urged it to crack down on influential oknhas who allegedly flouted the Kingdom’s environmental protection laws. A total of 278 cases of natural resource crimes were sent to Cambodian courts in the first ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Power trade talks with Thailand are planned
Cambodia is planning talks with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) to purchase 300MW of power, Ministry of Mines and Energy official Victor Jona said on Tuesday. Jona, the director-general of the ministry’s General Department of Energy, told The Post that the talks could ...
Thou Vireak