Public health

Health care policy and administration

Help for the elderly extended

The government has approved a second phase of a pilot project in Battambang and Banteay Meanchey provinces that will this time see professional caregivers rather than volunteers visit the homes of the elderly to assist with domestic work, hygiene needs and general companionship. “Families are the ...

Amelia Woodside and Sen David

NGOs begin to stop the rot of Cambodian teeth

Every day for weeks on end, 6-year-old Srey Nuch was tormented by severe pain caused by several of her teeth rotting away. Her mother, Lay Vicheka, despaired when she heard her daughter’s cries, knowing the family was far too poor to pay a dentist to fix ...

Holly Robertson and Mech Dara

Health progress lauded

Cambodia’s progress in reducing maternal mortality was recognised internationally this week at the 67th World Health Assembly in Switzerland. Efforts to increase the number of skilled birth attendants and an increase in the number of 24-hour emergency centres available to pregnant women were both credited with ...

Amelia Woodside

Benefits for teachers? Not yet

The government has a response to teachers’ request for health insurance: We’ll provide it if you buy it. At a meeting in Takeo province this past weekend, the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA) said an upcoming teacher strike would include health insurance on the list of ...

Laignee Barron and Mom Kunthear

Cambodians drinking more

Cambodian men drink more than the global norm and their liquor habits are on the upswing, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization. People – especially men – throughout the Western Pacific and Southeast Asian regions are drinking more, according to the WHO’s ...

Laignee Barron

Cambodia estimates 50,000 people facing high risks of HIV infections: health official

Approximately 50,000 people are facing high risks of HIV/AIDS infections in Cambodia, a health official said Wednesday. Dr. Mean Chhi Vun, director of Cambodia’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STDs, said the high-risk groups of HIV/ AIDS infections are among female entertainment workers, drug users, ...

People's Daily Online Staff

Year-on-year dengue cases drop sharply

Dengue fever deaths and infections have fallen dramatically during the first two-and-a-half months of this year compared to the same period in 2013, according to the government’s latest figures. Nhan Chantha, head of the Health Ministry’s national dengue control program, said his staff recorded one death ...

Phorn Bopha

Cancer clinic still operating without license

A clinic claiming to cure cancer, diabetes and other serious illnesses through “detoxification” is operating without a license, five months after it opened illegally in Phnom Penh. The Immanuel Bicom True Healing Center in Chamkar Mon district came under scrutiny shortly after opening in early December ...

Sek Odom

Cambodia begins annual campaign to fight dengue fever

Cambodia on Thursday commenced its annual campaign to fight against dengue fever as the rainy season is approaching. Approximately 700 health officials, health-related non- governmental organization representatives, teachers and students gathered here to launch the campaign. Speaking at the event, Health Minister Mam Bunheng appealed to all ...

Asean - China Centre News Staff

Hand, foot and mouth disease reoccurs in Cambodia, killing 1

Hand, foot and mouth disease ( HFMD), which is caused by enterovirus 71 (EV-71), has reappeared in Cambodia and recently killed a boy and sickened seven other children, a local Kampuchea Thmey Daily newspaper reported Wednesday.   Dr. Ly Sovann, chief of the Health Ministry’s Communicable Disease ...

Asean - China Centre News Staff

Embracing a place called home

Before this past September, Nov Borom, a 52-year-old mother of five, lived with both a tenuous housing situation and HIV. But through a collaboration of several NGOs who sought to provide Cambodia’s most vulnerable people with housing able to withstand the region’s rainy season and floods, ...

Sean Teehan and Phak Seangly

Free HPV tests target married women, nearly 500 screened

Nearly 500 women were tested this month in a screening drive at Phnom Penh’s Calmette Hospital for human papillomavirus (HPV), two strains of which are known to cause cervical cancer, but the free Pap smear was advertised as being available only to married women. Hav Monirath, ...

Hay Pisey and Lauren Crothers

Gates couple makes visit to Cambodia

The world’s wealthiest person, Bill Gates, and his wife, Melinda, made a brief appearance in the border town of Pailin on Saturday, where their foundation funds projects to combat drug-resistant malaria. According to staff at the Memoria Palace & Resort, the philanthropists met with health ministry ...

Kevin Ponniah

Medical students, Gov’t tussle over new exam

About half of the University of Health Science’s class of 2014 risks not graduating this year, having refused to register for a new compulsory final exam. A 2007 sub-decree states that a national-level examination for medical students would be implemented from that academic year onwards. But ...

Sinary Sany

Acid services reduced

With acid attacks in steep decline – not a single attack has been recorded so far this year – the only organisation working directly with acid survivors on the ground is scaling back its services by 75 per cent. Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity (CASC) is no ...

Amelia Woodside

Cambodia sees 87 pct drop in dengue fever cases in Q1

Cambodia had recorded 179 dengue fever cases in the first three months of this year, a 87 percent decrease from 1,393 cases over the same period last year, a health official said Friday. ...

ASEAN - China Center News Staff

New clinic performs ‘operation smile’

Thirty-year-old Sam Hoiy never dreamed her son would have the opportunity to live a life without the cleft lip that has always marred his otherwise delicate features. Hoiy’s seven-month-old son is one of more than 100 Cambodians being treated and screened by a team of ...

Mom Kunthear and Amelia Woodside

A recipe for disaster

Small plastic packets filled with a mix of pills of various sizes, shapes and colours sit piled on the counter of a pharmacy in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district, home to several large garment factories. At 2,000 riel a pop, about 50 cents, these packs are sold ...

Kevin Ponniah and Sen David

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