Law and judiciary
Senate begins discussing State of Emergency draft law
The Senate’s permanent committee today is handing over the draft law on “State of Emergency” to its expert commission for study before its upcoming plenary session. ...
Ben Sokhean
Senate set to review emergency law
The Senate’s Standing Committee is set to convene a meeting on Monday to review the state of emergency draft law after it was unanimously passed by the National Assembly (NA) on Thursday. Senate spokesman Mam Bun Neang said the committee will put the law up ...
Niem Chheng
Constitutional Council input needed
While the Senate is expected to debate and approve the “State of Emergency” law next week, if it is approved by the National Assembly on Friday, the question remains on who can declare a state of emergency since King Norodom Sihamoni is still in China ...
Ben Sokhean
Eight charged over protected land encroachment
Stung Treng Provincial Court has jailed eight villagers accused of encroaching a protected area in Thala Barivat district. They were charged under Article 62 of the Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
Road traffic accidents see reduction
The National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) said since the new traffic sub-decree was implemented, there has been a considerable drop in road traffic accidents thus far in March compared to February. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
King orders new appeal court staff appointments
King Norodom Sihamoni has issued a royal decree ordering the appointment of 18 judges across the three newly established regional Appeal Courts. ...
Voun Dara
Traffic law changes in force
The government has amended the Road Traffic Law and updated the fines for all road violations. A sub-decree released on Tuesday said the fine for motorcycle or tuk-tuk drivers and motorbike riders who fail to wear helmets or wear them incorrectly is 60,000 riel ($15). ...
Voun Dara
Gaynor becomes new international co-prosecutor
Following nomination by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and approval by the Supreme Council of Magistracy, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni has appointed Fergal Gaynor as the new Reserve International Co-Prosecutor. ...
Phnom Penh Post Staff
National Assembly to discuss Vietnam prisoner exchange treaty
The draft law on transfer of convicted inmate treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam will be debated at the National Assembly’s special sitting next week, the first-ever treaty the Kingdom has with a foreign country. ...
Ben Sokhean
Regional appeal courts set in motion
King Norodom Sihamoni has issued a royal decree ordering the opening of three regional appeal courts in Preah Sihanouk, Battambang and Tbong Khmum provinces. ...
Voun Dara
CHRC marks notable achievements in providing free legal aid
The Cambodian Human Rights Committee on Tuesday underlined three notable achievements made by its legal team, which it created last year to provide free legal services to the underprivileged. ...
Taing Vida
At least 139 Killed in February traffic accidents
Accidents claimed 139 lives and injured 383In February 2020, At least 106 people were killed in motorcycle accidents, according to the report of the Department of Traffic and Public Order of the National Police. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry seeks ways to reduce road accidents involving garment workers
The Labour Ministry is seeking ways to reduce traffic accidents involving garment workers as the number of death and injury remains high. ...
Mom Kunthear
Final phase of Life Long Learning Program in Prisons launched
The third and final phase of the prison library project was launched yesterday. The project started in 2012 and it aims to give access to libraries and other educational services to more than 30,000 detainees in the 27 prisons throughout the Kingdom. ...
Mom Kunthear
Timber found hidden under cassava in Kampong Thom
Kampong Thom provincial authorities are looking for a lorry owner and a driver who escaped after joint forces stopped it while it illegally transported timber on Sunday in Prasat Balang district. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Man charged with illegal hunting in Mondulkiri sanctuary
The Mondulkiri Provincial Court has charged a Vietnamese man for shooting wildlife in the Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary in Koh Nhek district after rangers arrested him while he and his accomplices hunted and snared a peacock. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Sar Kheng calls for equal and strict liability to traffic offences
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng yesterday assured support for traffic police who enforce the law against high-ranking officials that violate traffic regulations. ...
Mom Kunthear
Officers trained in cybercrime investigation and crackdown
Deputy National Police chief Chhay Sinarith said investigation and crackdown on cybercrime in the Kingdom have become more important than ever. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Unions appeal for review over Trade Union Law amendment
Twenty unionists gathered yesterday in front of the Ministry of Labour to request for a meeting with Minister Ith Samheng to discuss select articles of the Trade Union Law amended last month. ...
Mom Kunthear
Sar Kheng: Gov’t won’t revoke LANGO
Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday dismissed a request made by some civil society groups and claimed the government will not repeal the Law on Association and Non-Governmental Organisations. ...
Taing Vida
Crimes up with 211 deaths, influx of foreigners to blame
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng on Wednesday said crimes increased by eight per cent last year, resulting in 211 deaths. He revealed the figures during the ministry’s 2019 review and laid the blame for the increase on an influx of foreigners into the Kingdom. ...
Mech Dara
Call for female bail review after prisoner’s baby dies
The Ministry of Interior’s General Department of Prisons spokesman Nuth Savna announced that it is conducting investigations into the death of a five-month-old baby who had been living with her mother in Correctional Centre II (Prey Sar). ...
Mech Dara
Rural Development Ministry to fast track anti-overloading regulation
The Ministry of Rural Development announced its plans to coordinate with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to amend some sub-decrees which will allow for its involvement in preventing heavy vehicles from using and damaging rural roads. ...
Pech Sotheary
Review of information law to be completed by month’s end
The ministries of Information, and Justice, will complete reviewing the penalties section of the draft law on access to information by the end of this month at the latest. Once the section is finalised, it will be submitted to the Council of Ministers early next month ...
Voun Dara