Forest protection

Protected areas

Over 200 kilograms of wildlife seized in Mondulkiri

Authorities seized more than 200 kilograms of trafficked wildlife in two cases in Mondulkiri on Wednesday. Provincial Environment Department Director Keo Sopheak said four men on two motorbikes were arrested hauling 100 kilos of illegal wildlife meat out of Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Phak Seangly

Areng community office forced to relocate

The Chumnoab commune authority in Koh Kong province’s Thmar Baing district yesterday ordered Areng Valley residents to move their community office to a new location to make way for its new office. According to a letter released yesterday by Chumnoab commune, commune officials asked Areng residents ...

Sen David

Prey Lang Network cancels annual ceremony

The Prey Lang Community Network has cancelled an annual Buddhist ceremony it holds each year to commemorate forests, preserve indigenous identity and promote the potential of the Prey Lang forest, citing bad weather and fear of being harassed by authorities. ...

Pech Sotheary

Wildlife sanctuaries in Kratie, Battambang and Banteay Meanchey closed

Two protected wildlife sanctuaries – Snuol Wildlife Sanctuary in Kratie province and Roneam Daun Sam Wildlife Sanctuary in Battambang and Banteay Meanchey provinces – have been dissolved under a royal decree, with at least one conservationist on Sunday saying the move illustrated the government’s failure ...

Phak Seangly

Bulldozers seized by authorities in Stung Treng sanctuary

Stung Treng provincial environmental officials on Sunday confiscated two excavators that were inside the Anlong Phe Wildlife Sanctuary and will send the case to court, according to an official. Eng Phirong, director of the provincial Environmental Department, said he received a report from villagers in ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Sesan holdouts demand compensation from flood

Sesan dam holdouts from Kbal Romeas and Srekor villages have gone on the offensive, demanding compensation for destroyed rice fields and new homes on their ancestral land. Both villages were flooded following the inauguration of the China-backed Lower Sesan II Dam in September. While some accepted ...

Phak Seangly

Government takes back Koh Kong mangrove forest; no arrests

The Cambodian government has reclaimed 13 hectares of protected mangrove forest in Koh Kong province, which were illegally sold off to a tycoon and partially filled with sand, though nobody involved in the sale will be sent to court. According to an announcement from the ...

Phak Seangly and Yesenia Amaro

Villagers claim forest illegally sold in Mondulkiri

An ethnic Phnong community near Mondulkiri’s Sen Monorom town on Monday claimed that at least 80 hectares of forestland, which they have long depended on for their livelihoods, were covertly sold, with local authorities allegedly signing off on the sale. While the Phnong villagers from ...

Phak Seangly

Mondulkiri villages to get REDD+ funds

Twenty villages in Mondulkiri province are set to receive at least $10,000 each as a result of the $2.6 million carbon credit purchase by the Walt Disney Company in 2016, under a scheme meant to protect the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, officials said yesterday.​This would ...

Yesenia Amaro and Phak Seangly

Mother Nature turns to puppets to protect its activists

Environment NGO Mother Nature on Saturday debuted a new video about threatened mangroves in Koh Kong province featuring an unlikely spokesperson, or rather, spokes-puppet. The video is about a plot of mangrove forest inside the Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary that was illegally filled in with sand, ...

Yesenia Amaro

Expansion approved for Bokor National Park

New resorts, restaurants and casinos could be coming to Bokor National Park after environment officials endorsed an “improved” plan for the mountain along with oknha Sok Kong’s hotel company, according to the government’s news agency. ...

Daphne Chen

White-shouldered ibis nests discovered in Preah Vihear

Six nests of the critically endangered white-shouldered ibis have been found in the northern plains of Preah Vihear province. According to a statement from the Wildlife Conservation Society yesterday, the nests were found in Tmatbouy village in the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Ven Rathavong

Agreement signed to protect Prey Lang forest

The Environment Ministry, partner organisations and a Japanese company expect that implementation of a $1.5 million forest conservation project for three years will help prevent forest crime, biodiversity loss and improve the livelihoods of community members in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Pech Sotheary

Japan to aid Prey Lang forest protection

The Ministry of Environment and Japan will today sign a $600,000 agreement on forest conservation for a period of three years in the Prey Lang forest, which spans four provinces. The project will focus on forest conservation, legal strengthening and community forestry development, according to a ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministries to form taskforce to protect forests

The Environment Ministry has requested the National Defence Ministry to form a joint working group over the use of land in natural protected areas to cut down on land disputes and instances of illegal logging. Defence Ministry spokesman General Chhum Sucheat said both parties agreed last ...

May Titthara

Officials inspect forest that was filled in, sold

On the orders of Prime Minister Hun Sen, Koh Kong provincial authorities on Friday inspected a section of protected mangrove forest that in December was discovered to have been filled in with sand and illegally sold, with the consent of local authorities, to tycoon Chea ...

Phak Seangly and Yesenia Amaro

Heritage park gets boundary posts

Forty concrete posts have been placed at key locations along the boundary of Phnom Tbeng Natural Heritage Park in Preah Vihear province, paving the way for rangers to patrol the park and enforce forestry and wildlife protection laws. The work was conducted by officials from the ...

Mom Kunthear

Officials seek assistance in planning for marine park

Environmental officials confirmed yesterday that they are seeking the assistance of conservation NGO Fauna and Flora International (FFI) in drafting a management plan for the new Koh Rong Marine National Park, and that for now, the previous conservation structure operated by the Fisheries Administration and ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Okhna owns land at site of illegal Koh Kong mangrove filling, contract shows

A section of protected mangrove forest in Koh Kong that in December was discovered to have been filled with sand was illegally sold to tycoon Chea Leanghong in 2017, documents show, with local authorities having signed off on the deal. ...

Phak Seangly

Land dispute rep to appear before court

A representative of more than 100 families involved in a land dispute with a rubber company is seeking the help of a local rights group after being ordered to appear before the Oddar Meanchey Provincial Court on Friday. ...

Phak Seangly

Authorities to reclaim illegally seized land inside sanctuary

Kampong Speu provincial authorities on Friday said they will reclaim more than 2,000 hectares of land inside the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary, though six officials interrogated earlier this month for allegedly grabbing the land will only be “educated”. Oral district deputy police chiefs Prak Moul and ...

Phak Seangly

Killings fail to deter WCS

The Wildlife Conservation Society has said it is committed to continue working with the authorities and other partners to protect Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary after three conservationists, including one WCS staff member were killed last month. Tern Soknai, a forest ranger with the Environment Ministry, Sek ...

Mom Kunthear

Prey Lang ceremony due next month

Nearly 400 members of the Prey Lang Community Network will hold the annual Prey Lang ceremony in late March to commemorate and preserve indigenous identities and promote the forest’s potential. Meanwhile, Prey Lang activists have claimed illegal logging still exists in the area, even though the ...

Pech Sotheary

Development plans for Koh Rong and nearby islands unchanged by marine park

Businesses expect the establishment of Cambodia’s first marine national park covering seven coastal islands to boost tourism in the area, while government officials said yesterday it would not affect private development scheduled for the islands. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

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