Social development

Gov’t ‘clarifies’ alleged rights abuses for IPU

A delegation from the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) – a transnational organisation of lawmakers – met with lawmakers, several ministries and the UNHCR over the past two days to discuss concerns about the beating of two opposition lawmakers last October as well as the jailing of ...

Mech Dara

PM gets his photo-op with Obama as Cambodian-Americans protest

A grinning Prime Minister Hun Sen walked up to US President Barack Obama and shook his hand in California yesterday, lending the premier his long-sought aura of legitimacy even as hundreds of angry Cambodians protested his 31-year rule less than half of a kilometre away. ...

Charles Rollet

PM pulls no punches on US arrival

In a wide-ranging speech to ruling Cambodian People’s Party supporters in California yesterday, Prime Minister Hun Sen slammed the US government as well as the opposition, and said his presence at the US-ASEAN Summit at Rancho Mirage was no different than that of US President ...

Taing Vida

Dueling missives press Obama, Cambodian PM on human rights

More than 100 Southeast Asian parliamentarians are urging President Barack Obama to address regional human rights issues during his meetings with ASEAN leaders next week, according to an open letter posted online Thursday. ...

VOA team

Access to justice for nation’s children among world’s worst

A report released today by glo­bal advocacy group Child Rights In­­­­ternational Network (CRIN) ranked Cambodia 166 out of 197 coun­tries for the effectiveness of its courts in protecting children. ...

Peter Ford

Report examines KRT legacy

As parties prepare for Case 002/01 appeal hearings, set to resume on Tuesday, a new report by the Open Society Justice Initiative examines the legacy of the Khmer Rouge tribunal, identifying political interference and insufficient outreach as the court’s primary shortcomings. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Cambodia near bottom in global list of children’s access to justice

The Child Rights International Network (CRIN) has released its worldwide rankings of countries’ protection of children’s legal rights, with Cambodia coming in at a lowly 166th place out of 197, just ahead of Libya and just behind Tongo. ...

Jonathan Cox

Aussie researchers make "important step" toward defeating malaria

Australian scientists have made a significant breakthrough in tackling malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases.Research led by the University of Melbourne, in conjunction with Stanford University and the University of Cambridge, has discovered compounds which can target the parasite present in the mosquito-borne virus. ...

Tian Shaohui

PM says Facebook good for governance

Responding yesterday to criticism calling the Cambodian government a “Government of Facebook,” in which its officials are paid to play on the popular social media site, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that his was in fact an E-government. ...

Ven Rathavong

More universities needed in provincial areas: PM

Speaking at the inauguration of the Heng Samrin Tbong Khmum University yesterday, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for a program to establish universities in all provinces, saying that the creation of more institutions of higher learning would improve access to education outside of the capital. ...

Pech Sotheary and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Indigenous community’s collective land still in danger: Report

The collective land of indigenous communities in Cambodia will continue to face encroachment from economic land concessions and the actions of private companies in the future despite the Cambodian Government’s moratorium on granting ELC licenses, according to a Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) report ...

Chea Vannak

Government to hire 4,500 police officers for national security

In a sub-decree released Wednesday, the Cambodian government said they need an additional 4,500 police officers to assist the Interior Ministry with “public order and national security” throughout the Kingdom. ...

Ros Chanveasna

Cambodia and UNICEF reinvest in country’s future

In an effort to identify and address “key barriers that impede the realization of children’s rights in Cambodia,” the Cambodian government and UNICEF Cambodia officially signed a new Country Program Action Plan yesterday, entering a three-year partnership that will cost an estimated $65 million, according ...

Taing Vida

Drug center will not pursue 18 still free after mass escape

After more than 40 men broke out of a Phnom Penh drug rehabilitation cen­ter on Friday, officials said this week that they have called off efforts to arrest 18 es­capees who remain at large, in­stead asking for their families to re­turn them voluntarily.   ...

Ben Sokhean

US weighs in on anti-Hun Sen protest

Amid fears of a potential reprise of anti-opposition violence that flared in October, a US Embassy spokesman yesterday called on the government “to ensure that no one is threatened, punished, or harmed in Cambodia” if a planned anti-Hun Sen rally takes place as scheduled next ...

Brent Crane

US, ASEAN urged to push rights in Cambodia

Twelve civil society organizations submitted a joint statement asking the US government and heads of democratic ASEAN members to raise issues of human rights violations in Cambodia and the misuse of courts to stifle the opposition at next week’s US-ASEAN Summit in California, in order ...

Taing Vida

Tuk-tuk association to lodge complaint against Licadho

The Cambodia Confederation Development Association (CCDA), a well-known tuk-tuk and moto-taxi association, plans to lodge complaints against local rights group Licadho next week over a statement the NGO co-signed with 33 other civil society groups regarding the association’s involvement in a Saturday protest at the ...

Chea Vannak

NGO notes uptick in gov’t ‘threats’ against online posters

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights released a public notice on Monday noting a “substantial increase” in the number of people being charged for making anti-government or anti-Hun Sen comments in social media. ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry outs Mazeta slim sellers

The two pharmacies caught selling illegal MAZETA Slim diet pills, which were outlawed in Cambodia in December, have been identified, according to Health Ministry officials. The ministry began investigating the pharmacies after an anonymous tip was filed with the ACU earlier this month.   ...

Taing Vida

Thai company’s return to sugar group challenged by NGOs

Three local NGOs have filed a com­plaint with international sug­ar industry group Bonsucro for re­admitting Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol even though thousands of fam­ilies forced off the company’s for­mer plantations in Oddar Mean­chey province have yet to be fully compensated. ...

Zsombor Peter

Switzerland promises more funding for Kantha Bopha

Swiss ambassador to Cambodia Ivo Sieber pledged his country’s continued support of Kantha Bopha Hospital yesterday, mentioning that almost half of the hospital’s funding comes from the Swiss government. The promise was made during Amb. Seiber’s meeting with Foreign Minister Hor Namhong at the Foreign ...

Ban Sokrith

Company denies responsibility in chicken deaths

The cause of death of more than 11,000 diseased broiler chickens found dumped in a canal in Kompong Thom province last month has been identified as an infectious virus transmittable to humans, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s animal health department. ...

Khy Sovuthy and Taylor O'Connell

The Ministry of Health urged people bring their children to vaccinate

Ministry of Health of Cambodia announced that all guardians ought to bring children to vaccinate (Vaccine) preventing inflammation of the encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis, polio, measles and rubella. The vaccine for infant is for free. ...


Expert says Mekong pollution will harm ASEAN citizens

Professor of the University of Leeds, UK, Mr. Chheang Vannarith, said that ASEAN citizens, 60 million people directly affected by the conflict environmental Mekong River and ASEAN countries need to cooperate with each other to solve this problem so that the rich and poor gap ...

Sok Khemra

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