
USAID announces partnerships to propel economic growth in Cambodia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced two new partnerships with private firms to co-invest in cold chain, agricultural storage capacity, and logistics in Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Anti-scamming memorandum of understanding to be signed between Thailand and Cambodia

Thailand’s call-centre scammers have been driven so desperate by the government’s intensified crackdown that they are now trying to deceive police officers, the digital economy and society,  a Thai  minister said on Tuesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

International tourism revenue declines 82%

Cambodia booked just $184 million in international tourism revenue last year, marking an 82 per cent nosedive from $1.023 billion in 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic curtailed travel throughout the world. ...

Hin Pisei

German envoy attends Prek Toal opening

The Ministry of Environment inaugurated the Prek Toal Ramsar-site Core Area Management Centre building in Battambang province on February 18, with German ambassador Christian Berger in attendance. ...

Ry Sochan

NagaWorld protesters urged to halt gathering amid Covid

The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration reiterated its calls for former NagaWorld employees to stop gathering to protest, as by doing so they were defying Covid-19 health measures. ...

Long Kimmarita

Camera traps capture rare wildlife species

Many rare species of wild animals such as clouded leopards and bears continue to be found in the Cardamom Mountain range. This is the result of Cambodia’s improved conservation of natural resources, according to a report released by the Ministry of Environment on February 18. ...

Lay Samean and Long Kimmarita

Banteay Srei governor: Probe into ‘misconduct’ welcome

Khim Finan, the governor of Banteay Srei district in Siem Reap province, said he would welcome the opening of an investigation into his conduct, after a businesswoman sued him for “inciting and invading private property, and non-compliance with a court decision”. ...

Voun Dara

C-19 Vaccination of 3 to 5 year old children to begin tomorrow

Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that the vaccination campaign of 3 to 5 year old children against COVID-19 will begin tomorrow. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia to support SMEs and the agriculture sector

Cambodian government’s special emergency loan scheme worth $100mn to aid SMEs and the agriculture sector in an aim to resuscitate the economy ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia Omicron cases surge past 7,000 total as more deaths recorded

Cambodia today recorded the 18th consecutive day of the new triple digit ‘Omicron Surge’ – with yet more COVID deaths adding to widespread concern as The Kingdom recorded the 2nd highest ever Omicron daily total. ...

បុគ្គលិក​ ខ្មែរ​ថា​ម​ស៍​

PM: No need to close Phnom Penh or Cambodia because of Omicron

Responding to rumours that the Royal Government plans to close Phnom Penh or close the country after the spread of Omicron, PM Hun Sen has declared that there is no need to for closure like in 2021 due to the high vaccination rate. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Gov’t to spend more than $100m on Asean Summit and Commune Election

The government aims to spend up to $50 million to host the ASEAN Summit this year and another $70 million for the upcoming Commune Election process. The budget represents about 24% of the total 2022 budget expenditure plan. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Footwear industry regaining footing

The government has projected that the Kingdom’s economy will grow by about 5.6 per cent this year despite the threat posed by the Omicron variant. ...

May Kunmakara

Kingdom-Malaysia trade tops $500M

Cambodia-Malaysia trade volume surpassed $500 million in 2021, rising by 13.14 per cent over a year earlier, according to the Ministry of Commerce. ...

Hom Phanet

Singapore-invested 100sq km agriculture hub launched in northern Kampong Speu

HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Singapore’s Hong Lai Huat Group Ltd, has announced the inauguration of the mixed-use Cambodia-Singapore Agricultural Hub (CSAH) in northwestern Kampong Speu province, as well as the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Singapore Manufacturing ...

Hin Pisei

60% of state savings’ to be spent on Covid

The government is on track to spend more than $2.127 billion or about three-fifths of Cambodia’s state savings of $3.5 billion over the 2020-2022 period to manage the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on key sectors, according to Ministry of Economy and Finance secretary of ...

Hom Phanet

Rush for antiviral meds as new Omicron cases rocket

The Ministry of Health and Covid-19 commissions across the country have urged the public to increase vigilance amid a surge in Omicron cases, as some in the capital began stocking up on antiviral medication to prepare for the possibility of catching the virus. ...

Mom Kunthear

PM lauds women’s contributions

Women form an incalculable part of Cambodia’s economy, Prime Minister Hun Sen has declared, as he praised efforts of the Cambodian National Council for Women’s (CNCW) in contributing to the Kingdom’s development over the years. ...

Ry Sochan

Banteay Meanchey 20-year land dispute ends with lot draw

More than 1,000 families have drawn lots for land plots at Boeung 75 in Tuol Pongro commune’s O’Ampil village of Banteay Meanchey province’s Malai district after a long-running dispute was resolved. ...

Long Kimmarita

WCS releases 35 Cantor's giant softshell turtles into the wild

The Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia Programme (WCS) has said it safely released 35 Cantor’s giant softshell turtle hatchlings into the wild along the Mekong River on February 17, in Kratie province’s northernmost district of Sambor. ...

Post Staff

Sar Kheng tells officials to solve encroachment in Battambang province area

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng urged authorities in Battambang province to resolve land disputes in a transparent and fair manner and to improve delivery of public services. His message was particularly aimed at commune councils, clerks and village chiefs. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Monk seeks action after Banteng killed in Oddar Meanchey forest

An activist monk from the Sorng Rukhavoan Forest Community called on authorities to search for poachers who trapped and killed a banteng in Oddar Meanchey province’s Anlong Veng district on February 18. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Cambodia warns of 4-digit numbers of daily COVID-19 infections

A Cambodia’s health spokesperson has warned of four-figure numbers of daily COVID-19 cases, urging people to adhere to health protocols. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Interior Minister declares crackdown on flooded forest grabs in B’bang province

Interior Minister Sar Kheng on Saturday urged Battambang provincial authorities to prevent the encroachment of flooded forest land along in the Tonle Sap lake in Mong Russei, Sangke, Ek Phnom and Thmar Koul districts. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

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