Khmer Times
Kingdom needs to support women and girls, minister says
Women’s Affairs Minister Dr. Ung Kanthaphavy addressed multiple points regarding the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in the Kingdom during a two-day meeting reviewing the ministry’s work in 2015 and planning its goals for 2016 yesterday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Rice industry crisis taskforce to meet deputy PM
The newly established special industry committee to deal with the crisis confronting the rice sector will meet Deputy Prime Minister Keat Chhon today to discuss urgent solutions to the problems they face. ...
May Kunmakara
New Cambodia-Japan business group
The Cambodia-Japan Association for Business and Investment (CJBI) was officially launched yesterday in order to bring the business groups between the two countries together. ...
Sum Manet
Cambodia asks Russia to provide additional assistance
In a two-day closed-door meeting, the government asked its counterpart in the Russian Federation to provide assistance to renovate the historic Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital and continue supporting Cambodian tour guide training, according to a Foreign Affairs Ministry statement released yesterday. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Ministries announce new regulations for foreign business owners
The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labor have imposed new regulations and legal conditions on foreign investment and businesses in Cambodia, with the ministries requiring foreign-owned companies to file correct legal papers and to strictly follow Cambodia’s immigration and labor laws, including foreign ...
Mom Kunthear
Booming middle class fueling mall construction
The rising incomes of Cambodians and the growing middle class as the Kingdom enters lower-middle income status is leading to a new trend in consumer spending, which in turn is fuelling a boom in the construction of malls to cater to changing lifestyles and the ...
Chea Vannak
Stronger SMEs ‘needed to draw investors’
Building the capacity for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) is vital to attracting investors from the EU, where there is a strong appetite for putting money into Cambodia, a senior government official said yesterday. ...
Sok Chan
PM requests additional $10 million from South Korea
Prime Minister Hun Sen asked his South Korean counterpart, President Park Geun Hye, to grant an additional $10 million yesterday for the second stage of the National Road 21 construction in Kandal province’s Saang district. ...
Taing Vida
Namhong asks Malaysia to invest in rice mills
Foreign Minister Hor Namhong called for Malaysian businessmen to invest in rice mills and high-quality milling technology during a farewell meeting with the Malaysian ambassador to Cambodia, whose mission in the Kingdom ended yesterday. ...
Ven Rathavong
Attack on Prey Lang defender highlights logger brutality
A member of the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) in Kratie province was seriously injured after she was attacked by an unknown assailant while sleeping in a hammock on Sunday night near Boeung Cha village. ...
May Titthara
Second US bomb unearthed in Kandal this month
A routine morning of planting vegetables and trees was interrupted on Sunday when a group of farmers in Kandal province’s Saang district unearthed a 227 kilogram, US-made MK82 bomb left over from the country’s war, according to police. ...
Mom Kunthear
More moves announced for cabinet reshuffle
Another four government officials will be promoted to senior secretarial positions in three ministries as part of the upcoming cabinet reshuffle, which Prime Minister Hun Sen claims will increase government efficiency, according to a letter to the president of the National Assembly last Friday. ...
Taing Vida
Win Shingtex workers to march on new factory
Hundreds of former workers from the Win Shingtex (Cambodia) factory, who have been protesting for owed wages and benefits since early this month when the company surreptitiously terminated their contracts, will march along National Road 4 today to a location they believe to be the ...
Mom Kunthear
Thai paint manufacturer to build new factory
Thai paint manufacturer TOA Paint (Thailand) plans to invest at least 1 billion baht (about $28.2 million) in three new factories in Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia, according to a report in Thai newspaper The Nation. ...
Sum Manet
Interior minister says land near borders not for rent
Interior Minister Sar Kheng reminded governors of border provinces yesterday to pay special attention to issues surrounding the lease of Cambodian land to foreign nationals. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Thais deport Cambodian man after illegal border crossing
A Cambodian man was deported from Thailand through the Choam Sangam border checkpoint on Saturday after allegedly attempting to enter Thai territory, according to a Banteay Meanchey provincial immigration police officer. ...
Pav Suy
Civil servants to receive new year bonus
Civil servants, police officers and retired officials with disabilities will receive a Khmer New Year’s bonus of 50,000 riel (about $12.50) next month, a fraction of the $37.50 request that was made by a union last week. ...
Taing Vida
Companies making gains in trademark protection
The Commerce Ministry has received more than 5,000 applications from companies to register their trademark in the first three months of this year – the same as for all of last year – a senior ministry official said yesterday. ...
Sok Chan
French firms win praise for corporate responsibility
Four French Companies have received the first 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awards in areas of economic governance, environment and social impact. ...
Sum Manet
Ministry warns of alcohol, food poisoning ahead of new year
The Ministry of Health has advised the Kingdom’s citizen’s to be wary of food and alcohol poisoning during the Khmer New Year celebrations, according to a joint press release between the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) issued last week. ...
Mom Kunthear
‘Eco-schools’ to try for a clean sweep in coming year
The Environment and Education Ministries will expand their eco-school program to all primary and secondary schools across the country over the course of 2017, provided they have the necessary human and financial resources to do so. ...
Mom Kunthear
Ministry encourages conservation, domestication of wild animals
The Ministry of Environment is encouraging people living in or around protected areas to start feeding and domesticating wild animals, and to abstain from eating them, with similar strategies in animal conservation being attempted in communities in Preah Vihear province. ...
Mom Kunthear
Opening Preah Vihear border will hurt business: tourism operator
The government may reopen the border gate in front of Preah Vihear temple in a bid to strengthen ties with Thailand as diplomatic relations improve, but local tourism operators are concerned the move would hurt their business. ...
Chea Vannak
Palm sugar production down but prices up
Kampong Speu palm sugar production is predicted to slightly decrease this year due to a late start, climate change, water shortages and working capital for farmers, but prices are expected to rise due to the sugar’s growing popularity since its geographical indication certification. ...
Sok Chan