The Phnom Penh Post

Kampong Speu warns of legal action against loggers at national park

Kampong Speu provincial authorities have warned against logging and forest land clearing in Suramarit-Kossamak National Park “Kirirom”. Authorities have also said they would enforce the law, but the clearing of the forest has continued even though authorities have issued a series of letters revoking land ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Water shortages hit outer suburbs

Around 40,000 families in the Phnom Penh suburbs are expected to face water shortages in the dry season. To address the issue, the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) has made provisions to provide water to them, a senior PPWSA official said. ...

Mom Kunthear

Three Battambang border gates open

Cambodia and Thailand agreed to reopen three regional border checkpoints in Battambang province on March 23 to facilitate trade. ...

Thou Vireak

Ministry, KAPE set up more internet-connected libraries

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in partnership with Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE) is setting up modern libraries equipped with internet connections at 16 schools in Ratanakkiri, Kratie and Tbong Khmum provinces to promote student literacy. ...

Voun Dara

PPCBank pays coupon interest on second bond

South Korean-owned Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc (PPCBank) announced a first coupon payout to investors in its second bond despite unrest in the Cambodian economy fuelled by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. ...

May Kunmakara

Kampot dam restoration halted

Kampong Trach district authorities in Kampot province have ordered a temporary halt to the excavation of the O’Chro Neang dam and its reservoir in Kampong Trach Kaang Lech commune after protests by local villagers on March 21. ...

Long Kimmarita

Cambodia Posts sets stricter time demands

Cambodia Post (CP) has imposed more stringent time demands for its domestic Express Mail Service (EMS) across its branches to carve a larger slice of the local market and offset the Covid-19 pandemic’s toll on international postage services, the state-owned enterprise said in a notice ...

Thou Vireak

Vietnam renews duty-free tobacco quota for 2021

Vietnam extended its 3,000-tonne duty-free quota for Cambodian dried tobacco leaves for 2021 to meet market demand, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Seang Thay confirmed to The Post on March 23. ...

Thou Vireak

SEZ operator to fully own construction JV

Stock-listed industrial-park operator Phnom Penh SEZ Plc (PPSP) will acquire the remaining 40 per cent of construction company Sahas E&C Co Ltd’s (Sahas) shares from its joint venture (JV) partner LCH for $1,172,514.82 after approval from the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) on ...

May Kunmakara

Financial leniency urged for buyers of boreys, condos

The government on March 22 issued a plea to developers of borey gated-communities and condominiums in Cambodia to ease some of the financial pressure facing customers to pay monthly installments until the end of March 2022, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. ...

Hin Pisei

60MW solar station in Battambang hooked to grid

A 60MW solar power station in northern Battambang province was commissioned and connected to the national grid last week. The solar farm is located in southwestern Thma Koul district’s Anlong Run commune and is invested by Shenzhen-listed Risen Energy Co Ltd. ...

Thou Vireak

WWF Cambodia, ministry set to celebrate Earth Hour on Mar 27

The Ministry of Environment and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Cambodia) will this year take to social media to celebrate Earth Hour under the theme “Love Nature”.  Environment ministry spokesperson Neth Pheaktra said the ministry would not hold a public gathering to celebrate the event ...

Mom Kunthear

Warship on track for April salvage

If nothing changes, the team searching for unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the warship which was sunk in the Mekong River in Meanchey commune’s Veal village of Kampong Cham province’s Srei Santhor district during the Cambodian civil war in the 1970s, would be completed in late ...

Nov Sivutha

Koh Kong demands sanctuary creek fix

Koh Kong provincial officials have ordered local developer Leang Him to remove soil she used to illegally fill in a creek and mangrove forest in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondul Seima district. Local authorities said the instructions were followed after Leang received an administrative ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Inclusion guide to aid 1.7M poor

The much-anticipated Inclusive Business Enabling Environment for Cambodia (IbeeC) strategy will be adopted soon to meet the needs of 1.7 million poor and low-income Cambodians by 2023, a wide-ranging virtual meeting conducted by the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation heard on March 18. ...

Thou Vireak

SME gets in-principle nod for IPO

The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) approved in principle the listing eligibility of a privately-owned small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) on its Growth Board, CSX vice-chairman Ha Jong-weon told The Post on March 22. ...

May Kunmakara

Bovine use in farm work falls

The increasing adoption of machinery in Cambodia drove down the use of bovines as draught power in the agricultural sector to below one per cent last year, a trend a senior official at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries believes will extend into the ...

Hin Pisei

ARDB seeks $30M more for SME loans

Agriculture and Rural Development Bank of Cambodia (ARDB) expects to receive an additional $30 million from the government for special-purpose loans to keep the Kingdom’s smaller businesses afloat amid the ongoing economic duress of Covid-19, according to the state-owned bank’s director-general Kao Thach. ...

Thou Vireak

Officials probe death of wild birds at Prey Veng sanctuary

Experts from the Prey Veng provincial Department of Environment are searching for and collecting dead wild birds in the Tuol Porn Taley Boeung Sne conservation area to determine the cause of death after villagers and local authorities reported that hundreds of birds had died for ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Centuries-old trees to be preserved

After the discovery of about 100 large, centuries-old trees in Keo Seima wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province, Ministry of Environment officials and rangers have set up protection and conservation measures to protect. ...

Kim Sarom

Report reveals snags for women, youth on path to leadership roles

Transparency International (TI) Cambodia on March 19 released a survey report on the challenges of women and youth in leadership roles in Cambodia. The report recommended the government, NGOs, relevant ministries and institutions to promote women and youth in decision-making positions. ...

Niem Chheng

‘Allied action required for digital shift’

Cambodia continues to face a multitude of challenges as digital payments and solutions graduate from a niche business to a key segment in the Kingdom’s development strategy, according to National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) assistant governor Chea Serey on March 17. ...

May Kunmakara

Worldbridge, Singapore’s Union Gas set to form joint venture, supply LPG in Kingdom

Singapore-listed Union Gas Holdings Ltd has signed a non-binding letter of intent (LoI) with Worldbridge Industrial Developments Co Ltd (WBID) to form a joint venture company (JVCo) to supply and distribute liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Kingdom. ...

Thou Vireak

PPAP to reorganise LM17 terminal, sets new container rules

The stock-listed Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) is set to give the LM17 container terminal just east of the capital a much-needed layout overhaul to relieve congestion. The river-port operator said this in a March 3 statement signed by director-general Hey Bavy and released to ...

Thou Vireak

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