The Phnom Penh Post

Worldbridge, Singapore’s Union Gas set to form joint venture, supply LPG in Kingdom

Singapore-listed Union Gas Holdings Ltd has signed a non-binding letter of intent (LoI) with Worldbridge Industrial Developments Co Ltd (WBID) to form a joint venture company (JVCo) to supply and distribute liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Kingdom. ...

Thou Vireak

PPAP to reorganise LM17 terminal, sets new container rules

The stock-listed Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) is set to give the LM17 container terminal just east of the capital a much-needed layout overhaul to relieve congestion. The river-port operator said this in a March 3 statement signed by director-general Hey Bavy and released to ...

Thou Vireak

Environment ministry, CYN launch ‘Forest Restoration' campaign

The Ministry of Environment, relevant institutions and the Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) on March 21 launched an online Cambodian forest projection campaign to celebrate World Forest Day under the theme “Forest Restoration” to show the public the importance of forests for mankind. ...

Lay Samean

CDC approves eight projects so far in March

Cambodia approved eight investment projects worth over $69 million in the first three weeks of this month that are expected to deliver 5,249 jobs, according to a report from the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC). ...

Hin Pisei

Tax revenue from casino sector drops

Tax revenue from Cambodia’s casino industry cratered in 2020 as Covid-19 prompted the government to tighten entry restrictions, limiting the number of international visitors to the Kingdom, according to a Ministry of Economy and Finance senior official on March 21. ...

May Kunmakara

BAKC inks MoU for victimised women

The Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia (BAKC) will work with Cambodia National Council for Women to provide legal defence services and train enforcement officials in relevant laws. ...

Voun Dara

Preah Vihear villagers seek solution to ‘encroachment’

Around 230 families from three villages in Romtom commune of Preah Vihear province’s Rovieng district said they are worried about the continued encroachment on their farmland by three companies which have licences for gold mining and agricultural in the area. ...

Long Kimmarita

Six illegal logging tractors seized

Svay Leu district forestry administration office in Siem Reap province has given a month’s notice to the owners of homemade tractors impounded last week for transporting illegal timber. Authorities warned that if no action was taken the administration would take the case to court. ...

Nov Sivutha

20K tonnes of fish left unsold

President of the Cambodian Aquaculturist Association (CAA) has requested that relevant ministries find a solution to the more than 20,000 tonnes of aquaculture fish left unsold as imports flood the market. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

GDT firm on March 31 tax deadline

General Department of Taxation (GDT) director-general Kong Vibol refused to budge on a March 31 deadline to file tax on income (ToI) for fiscal year 2020 despite the economic pressure on the business community caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. ...

May Kunmakara

Tobacco exports trail off in 2020

Cambodia exported more than 5.8 thousand tonnes of dried tobacco leaves worth more than $17 million to nine countries last year, marking a 14 per cent and 28 per cent decline in volume and value, respectively, over 2019. ...

Thou Vireak

Kampong Speu could get cement plant

Conch KT Cement (Phnom Penh) Co Ltd plans to build a $263 million cement factory in Kampong Speu province with a two-million-tonne-a-year capacity, according to provincial governor Vei Samnang on March 18. ...

Hin Pisei

Kampong Speu reclaims 266ha state land

The Kampong Speu provincial authorities are working to identify land grabbers after reclaiming more than 266ha of land at nine sites in Oral district’s Tasal and Trapaing Chor communes as state property. ...

Nov Sivutha

China demand stretches rubber prices

The prices of Cambodian natural rubber latex on international markets have risen by more than 10 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter, driven by rising demand from China, according to a senior official of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ...

Hin Pisei

Feb 20 event further weighs on transport, logistics

The February 20 community transmission has compounded the woes of the transport and logistics sectors still reeling from the Covid-19 health crisis. ...

Thou Vireak

Kingdom joins ASEAN securities plan

The newly-renamed Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) and its nine capital-market-regulator counterparts in ASEAN on March 15 signed a new five-year Action Plan 2021-2025 for the development of the sector. ...

May Kunmakara

Sea fillers warned of legal actions

The Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provincial authorities are working to identify people who have filled in the sustainable Use Area in Koh Kong ’s Mondul Seima district and an area of sea in Preah Sihanouk’s Stung Hav district. ...

Nov Sivutha

Indigenous villagers put under court supervision

The Mondulkiri Provincial Court has charged three members of an indigenous community in Laoka village of Sen Monorom town’s Sokdum commune with aggravated intentional damage and violence against a real estate agent and ordered them to appear at the court once a month. ...

Long Kimmarita

Firm told to stop activities amid Kampot land dispute

The Kampot Provincial Administration has issued a letter instructing the So Nguon Group to suspend its clearing activities on disputed land in Dom Phdao village of Chhouk district’s Trapaing Phlaing commune. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Three Preah Sihanouk land grabbers nabbed

Environment officials are preparing to send three suspects to the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court after arresting them on March 13 in connection with encroachment on state forest land in the multi-use areas of Prek Teuk Sap Kbal Chhay in Prey Nop district. ...

Nov Sivutha

Retail sector feels pinch of Covid-19 outbreak

Most retail businesses in Phnom Penh have seen a substantial plunge in sales since the February 20 community transmission, which continues to spread across the capital and to the provinces. ...

Thou Vireak

Community to become first mango winemaker

A Tbong Khmum provincial farming community is on tenterhooks as it waits for its 11 20-litre batches of mango wine to ferment, in a new project backed by the provincial agriculture department as it explores new opportunities for the fruit. ...

Hin Pisei

$350M Koh Kong airport on track

Pre-commissioning work on the $350 million Dara Sakor International Airport in Koh Kong province remains on schedule, with flight operations planned to start in mid-2021, State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) spokesman Sin Chansereyvutha told The Post on March 15. ...

May Kunmakara

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