Aid and development

Singaporean companies look to tap into Cambodia’s carbon market

The Cambodian Minister of Environment, Dr. Eang Sophalleth, recently held a bilateral meeting with representatives of Singaporean companies, where he presented the opening of a new chapter in carbon trade in Cambodia, specifically under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Data-Driven Policies: Cambodia’s commitment to sustainable agricultural development

Over 400 staff from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning (NIS-MOP) have been deployed on one of the most comprehensive data collection initiatives to date – the Cambodia Agriculture Survey 2023 (CAS 2023).  ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nheng Chamrong

Khanh Hoa funds office building project in Cambodian locality

The People’s Council of south-central Khanh Hoa province has adopted a resolution giving in-principle approval to an investment project worth 15 billion VND (nearly $618,000) to construct an office building for the Stung Treng provincial Military Sub-region’s headquarters of Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nhean Chamrong

EU offers $7m grant to elevate fisheries sector

The European Union (EU) has announced plans to pump almost $7 million to support Cambodia in reforming its fisheries sector. ...

Mao Sreypich

EU gifts $7M for fisheries reforms

To aid in the reform of Cambodia’s fisheries sector, approximately $7 million in funding has been allocated by the EU for the effort. ...

Ry Sochan

Cambodia takes steps to eliminate illegal fishing practices

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is teaming up with Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA) to strengthen the country’s efforts against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB approves $50 mln loan to improve Cambodia’s financial management

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Friday said it has approved a $50-million policy-based loan to support Cambodia in improving its public financial management (PFM) systems. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Capacity building program launched to enhance fisheries conservation in Cambodia

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has partnered with the European Union (EU) to implement a capacity building program aimed at enhancing the management of fisheries in Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

World Bank says Cambodian economy advances amid external, domestic headwinds

Cambodia’s economic growth is projected to reach 5.4 percent in 2023, marginally down from the 5.5 percent forecast in May, the World Bank said on Wednesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

USAID announces new project for enhancing quality of healthcare across Cambodia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the award of its new, five-year Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II) to continue supporting efforts to improve the quality of public and private health services for all Cambodians. ...

Khmer Times Staff

World Bank approves $163m water and sanitation project

According to a statement from the World Bank on November 22, to assist Cambodia in its efforts to strengthen water and sanitation services, the project will reach more than 175,000 people in the target provinces of Battambang, Pursat, Mondulkiri and Kandal. ...

Chhorn Raksmey

World Bank says floods pose significant risk to education and healthcare in Cambodia

Seasonal flooding is the most common and frequent disaster in Cambodia. Major flooding events occur every five years and can be particularly devastating. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Agriculture players can tap into new loan system

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc have inked a deal that will offer accessible, low interest rate loans to support the government’s Agriculture Priority policies through the innovative Wingagri supply chain platform built specifically to support the sector. ...

Yatt Malai

UN set up five-year cooperation framework

Cambodia and the UN have jointly signed the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Cambodia 2024-2028, which provides guidance to the UN system at the country level. ...

Sangeetha Amarthalingam

Australia helps strengthen laboratory capacity for infectious diseases in Cambodia

Australia has supported the IndoPacLab program across Cambodia, Laos, and Papua New Guinea (PNG) to strengthen laboratory capacity for HIV, TB, malaria, and COVID-19 testing, said the Australian Embassy in Cambodia in a news release Friday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Korea University Anam Hospital wins KOICA bid to upgrade the National Pediatric Hospital Cambodia

Korea University Medical Center (KUMC) said that Korea University Anam Hospital (KUAH) has successfully secured the project for enhancing the internal medicine department at the National Pediatric Hospital Cambodia project, sponsored by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). ...

Khmer Times Staff

US senators submit bill on funding landmine clearance in Indochina

Members of the US Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Tammy Baldwin of the Democratic Party from Wisconsin state, and Senator Jerry Moran of the Republican Party from Kansas state, have submitted a bipartisan bill that allocates funding for clearing landmines and other unexploded ordnances left over ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia, Japan discuss execution of development projects

The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) conducted a policy dialogue with the Japanese Ambassador on the implementation of the development projects for the sustainable socio-economic development of the Kingdom. ...

Nhean Chamrong

Royal Government is preparing a new master plan to develop coastal provinces

Prime Minister Hun Manet said that the Royal Government of Cambodia is preparing a new master plan for the development of Sihanoukville and three other coastal provinces. ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB and Cambodia set priority areas for energy sector partnership

Cambodia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently held a meeting to discuss their ongoing engagement and strategic priorities for the future, with a particular focus on the energy sector. ...

Khmer Times Staff

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