
Announcement on the suspension of cinemas, art theaters, and museums for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province

On 23 February 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts released an announcement on the suspension of cinemas, art theaters, and museums for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province concerning the effects of COVID-19 in “the community transmission event on 20 February” ...

Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

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Announcement on the suspension of the operation of public and private educational establishments for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province

On 22 February 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport released an announcement on the suspension of the operation of public and private educational establishments for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province by requiring all educational establishments to continuing teaching and learning ...

Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport

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Announcement: The suspension of technical and vocational education and training institutions for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province

On February 22 2021, the Ministry of  Labour and Vocation training has posted an announcement regarding the decision to suspend  technical and vocational education and training institutions for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh and Kandal province. This is made following the recent COVID-19 community outbreak ...

Ministry of Labour and Vocational training

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Press release on the National Internet Gateway

On 19 February 2021, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued a press release on the National Internet Gateway responding to reactions from the public, media outlets, and non-governmental organizations who claimed that the government has the intention to collect data, listen to conversations, and ...

Ministry of Post and Telecommunications

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Press release on the implementation of QR Code technology “Prevent Covid-19”

On 20 February 2021, the Ministry of Health issued a press release on the implementation of QR Code technology “Prevent Covid-19”. To increase the effectiveness in the prevention of Covid-19 from spreading, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication has prepared QR Code requiring people to ...

Ministry of Health

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Announcement on the adjustment of the special tax rate on some certain cars

On 16 February 2021, the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia released an announcement on the adjustment of the reduction of the special tax rate for some certain cars that will come into effect from 01 March 2021 onwards. ...

General Department of Customs and Excise

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Press Release: Japan provided US$745,321 for developing 4-years university of physical education course and for supporting contract farming of organic Cashew through agricultural operatives

On 12 February 2021, the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia has posted a press release regarding the financial assistance of the Japanese governments to Cambodia. The Total aid is US$ 754,321. These funds will usេ to implement project on developing 4-yeas University of Physical education ...

Embassy of Japan in Cambodia

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Announcement of the Ministry of Health on the laboratory result showing the new strain of COVID-19 mutation in 3 Foreign Passengers and recommendations for implementing measures to prevent COVID-19Transmission in Cambodia

On 15 February 2020, the Ministry of Health has release an announcement on their social media site regarding the result of laboratory test showing 3 new COVID-19 mutation on 3 air passenger who travelled into Cambodia from China and India and the instruction to strengthen ...

Ministry of Health

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Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca

On 12 February 2021, the Ministry of Health ha posted an Emergency Authorization use of COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca. According to the letter, the ministry of health has grant AstraZeneca;s COVID-19 vaccine for Emergency Use Authorization (AEU) in Cambodia.  ...

Ministry of Health

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Announcement: The authorization of Astra Zeneca's COVID-19 vaccine

On 12 February 2021, the Ministry of Health issued an announcement informing the public that the Ministry has decided to grant  Astra Zeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine for the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in Cambodia. ...

Ministry of Health

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Press Release of the Ministry of Health on the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Cambodia

On 09 February  2021, the Ministry of Health issued a press release on the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Cambodia. In this announcement, there is a clear division of the number of vaccines to be provided to 189,500 volunteers. According to the announcement, ...

Ministry of Health

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Joint Statement: Environment Ministry should stop arresting and harassing forestry activists

On 09 February 2021, LICADDO has post a joint statement on their official social media site on the the call for Environment Ministry should stop arresting and harassing forestry activists. This statement is posted following the release of 5 forestry activists. According to the joint ...


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Announcement on the introduction of quality Cambodia products​ logo

On 05 February 2021, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation has posted an announcement on their social media site about the introduction of quality Cambodia products​ logo. The quality Cambodia product logo aims to enhance  local product by improving the quality and standard to ...

Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation

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Press release in response to the confirmation on the suspension of the importation of 4 types of fish

On 08 February 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries issued a press release responding to the press release dated 8 January 2021 on the confirmation on the suspension of the importation of 4 types of fish including Pangasius Krempfi, Spot Pangasius, Catfish, and ...

Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries

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Press release: Ministry of Health announces the COVID-19 vaccination program

On 08 February 2021, the Ministry of Health announced the vaccination of the COVID-19 vaccine program. The vaccination will officially commence on 10 February 2021 at some public hospitals such as Calematte, Preah Ang Duong Hospital, Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital, and the National Pediatric Hospital.  ...

Ministry of Health

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Becoming volunteer lawyers for the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia

On 5 February 2021, the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia issued an appeal on becoming volunteer lawyers of the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia. In order to contribute to​ a better social justice, the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia ...

Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia

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Press release: The authorization to use China’s Sinopharm vaccine

On 04 February 2021, the Ministry of Health issued a press release informing the authorization on the emergency use of China’s vaccine named “Sinopharm”. Sinopharm vaccine is manufactured by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. of the People’s Republic of China, under the ...

Ministry of Health

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Announcement to those who are living and doing business on the beach land at Poy Yeay Mey​ and Ta Barang beach located in Rithy 2 village, Keo Phos commune, Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province

On 02 February 2021, the Preah Sihanouk provincial administration issued an announcement to people who are living and doing business on the beach land at Poy Yeay Mey, Ta Barang beach, in Rithy 2 village, Keo Phos commune, Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province. The ...

Preah Sihanouk provincial administration

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Press release responding to public opinion concerning over the falling of mango price growing in Cambodia

On 04 February 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries issued a press release responding to the concerns among the public over the falling price of mangoes growing in Cambodia. The Ministry calls on all mango growers to register their mango farms for export ...

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

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Announcement of Botum Sakor district administration to the people involved in the construction of squattering huts at Ororerl and Oyorya areas

On 03 February 2021, the Botum Sakor district administration issued an announcement calling for people who involve in constructing the squattering huts at Ororerl and Oyorya areas to remove the construction as soon as possible. The squattering construction is located in the protected area of ...

Botum Sakor district administration

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Press Release: Announcement Ceremony of Chaktomuk School as a Model School for Implementing Comprehensive Health Education Program

On ​01 February , 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has issued a press release announcing the selection of Chaktomuk Primary School as a school model that implements a comprehensive health education program.​ ...

Ministry of Education

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Announcment on the conclusion of the negotiations for free trade agreement between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Korea

On 03 February 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release announcing the conclusion of the negotiations for the free trade agreement between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Korea. On this occasion, His Excellency Pan Sorsak, Minister of Commerce of the ...

Ministry of Commerce

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Launching ceremony on national report on the final result of the General Population Census of Cambodia 2019

On 26 January 2021, the National Committee for General Population Census of Cambodia organized a launching ceremony on National Report on the Final Result of the General Population Census of Cambodia 2019 at the Sofitel Phnom Penh Pukitra Hotel. Taking this opportunity National Institute of ...

National Institute of Statistics

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Ministry of Information: Strengthening the implementation of measures to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 at various events and wedding ceremonies

On 26 January 2020, Ministry of Health has posted an instruction on  their official social media site regarding the Strengthening the implementation of measures to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 at various events and wedding ceremonies. Some of the measure includes the social distance and ...

Ministry of Health

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