Mexican national convicted of sexual abuse
A 60-year-old Mexican national working at a school in Sihanoukville was convicted of sexually abusing two young girls yesterday and sentenced to two years in prison, with one year of the sentence suspended, according to APLE Cambodia, a child rights NGO. ...
Jonathan Greig and Buth Reaksmeykongkea
Appeal court extends Pedophile’s sentence
Philippe Broaly, the former French judge and child-protection NGO director who was convicted in May for sexually assaulting boys in his care, had his sentence extended to three years by the Appeal Court on Friday, according to anti-pedophile NGO Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE). ...
Peter Ford
Mothers say children unwilling witnesses
Three mothers say they fear their sons are being coerced into fabricating molestation accusations against a man they know as the patron saint of Phnom Penh’s riverside but who police and child-protection activists say is a predator. ...
Laignee Barron and Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Cambodian court charges French organization director with rape, sexual molestation
A Cambodian court on Friday accused Philippe Broaly, 49, director of Enfants du Cambodge, of rape and sexual molestation after he has allegedly sexually exploited seven boys living in his organization, a senior police officer confirmed. “The Preah Sihanouk provincial court formally charged the French ...
Xinhuanet News Staff