
Hundreds ask for help in disputes

About 500 people representing thousands of families from four provinces who are affected by the development of sugarcane plantations requested intervention from Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday. ...

Pech Sotheary

Locals raising funds for wildlife watering holes

A Kampong Speu community is looking to raise money to build three watering holes for wildlife, especially the endangered banteng, for the upcoming hot season after a nearby sugarcane plantation allegedly filled in existing streams. ...

Phak Seangly

ANZ still owes villagers over sugar loan: Oxfam

Australian banking giant ANZ has come under fire for its response to a scandal over its financing of a sugar plantation previously linked to forced evictions and child labour in Kampong Speu province. ...

Charles Rollet

Sugar company says no child labor; workers say otherwise

Phnom Penh Sugar, among the most high-profile companies accused of using child labor in an industry beset by the practice, attempted to polish its image Thursday by hosting its third annual anti-child labor seminar here. ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex Consiglio

Farmers threaten ANZ with protest, demand help

Farmers from Kompong Speu province handed ANZ Royal Bank a petition on Friday insisting it still had a responsibility to help mend the damage done by a sugar plantation in has helped finance, even though the bank and plantation recently parted ways. They threatened to start ...

Aun Pheap and Zsombor Peter

Deaths raise new questions on ANZ funding of Cambodian sugar projects

First Sum Tea lost her farm. Then she lost her son. Sum Tea is one of hundreds of farmers who lost her small landholding in 2006 when the Cambodian government granted Phnom Penh Sugar, a company owned by Cambodian tycoon and ruling party senator Ly Yong ...

Daniel Quinlan, Richard Baker, Nick McKenzie

ANZ Implicated in Sugar Plantation Evictions

Three NGOs on Wednesday called on ANZ Royal Bank to help the hundreds of families who have lost farmland to a sugar plantation that the bank helped to finance in Kompong Speu province. The NGOs also made public a 2013 social and environmental impact assessment of ...

Zsombor Peter

Refined sugar for domestic market

Phnom Penh Sugar will begin producing white sugar this month for the Cambodian market to reduce the demand for imported sugar, according to a spokeswoman for the firm. Chheang Kemsoun, a representative of Phnom Penh Sugar, told the Post yesterday the company would produce white sugar ...

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