Regulator touts achievements of local stock market
The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) continues to go from strength to strength, with the average trading value growing nearly five-fold from 2018 to 2019 to surpass $157,000, the latest report from the market regulator shows. ...
May Kunmakara
CSX launches app and website to teach public about securities investment
The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) yesterday officially launched a website and an app to help investors and the public achieve a better understanding of the stock market. ...
Sum Manet
New warning against digital coins issued
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) yesterday warned the public against investing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, arguing that there is no regulation in place to manage the use of digital coins. ...
May Kunmakara
Cambodia to reduce foreign debt
The government plans to reduce its foreign debt and raise capital through the issuance of bonds, a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance has unveiled. “Increasing local borrowing instead of foreign borrowing will improve the country’s trade balance and current account,” said Vong Seyvisoth, ...
Chea Vannak
SECC lays down new dispute regulations
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) has issued new regulations and procedures for solving disputes involving parties operating in the securities sector. ...
Post Staff
Flexibility measures weighed for CSX
Cambodia’s capital market regulator will meet soon to discuss a proposal to permit market orders for trading stocks on the Kingdom’s bourse, a move that would give investors more flexibility when buying or selling shares, officials have said. ...
Brian Ng
Local bond market on the horizon
The government is preparing legislation to regulate the establishment of a corporate bond market that would give local companies a new debt instrument to raise capital for their operations or expansion. ...
Brian Ng
IFC to boost corporate governance
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched a corporate governance initiative yesterday aimed at enhancing the efficiency of Cambodia’s private sector to strengthen the business climate and spur foreign investment and job creation, it said in a release. ...
Post Staff
Brokers trading without licences
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) has made slow progress in reining in unlicensed operations since issuing its first derivatives trading licence nearly a year ago. To date, only six licences have been issued, while at least as many unlicensed firms continue to ...
Kali Kotoski
Bonds starting to take shape
The Cambodian government is finalising legislation that would regulate the establishment of a corporate bond market, and plans to find a suitable private sector company to pilot the first issuance, officials said yesterday. ...
Hor Kimsay
Listed firms lax on fiscal reports
Six weeks since the close of the fiscal first half, none of the four listed companies on Cambodia’s stock exchange have issued their required half-year financial statements, and one firm has not disclosed any financial data since 2014 – casting doubts on the tiny bourse’s ...
Kali Kotoski
Chinese firm intends to list on CSX in 2016
Hong Kong-based developer Eastland Development (HK) Ltd has expressed interest in listing on Cambodia’s stock exchange within a year.Sam Yang, the company’s chief executive, said during a recent company promotional event that Eastland is working with a local underwriter to prepare to float shares on ...
Sor Chandara
Another tax incentive to entice companies to CSX
In a bid to encourage companies to list on Cambodia’s beleaguered stock exchange, a new prakas released today will allow businesses to delay their monthly prepayment of tax on profit to the end of the year, according to an announcement on the Cambodia Securities Exchange. ...
Ananth Baliga
New day for old finance market
The formalisation of Cambodia’s derivatives sector will provide budding investors with more choices for their portfolio – although at a risk, insiders say.After years of deliberation, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) on July 2 passed a prakas, or regulation, which allows individuals ...
Charles Rollet
Cambodian, Thai firms form business alliance
SBI Royal Securities, a subsidiary of Japanese-based SBI Holdings, has concluded a basic agreement to form a business and capital alliance with one of Thailand’s leading securities firms, in a move that could attract more investment from Cambodia’s northern neighbour. The agreement with Thailand’s Finansia Syrus ...
May Kunmakara