
Desperate families pursue final options

Families who claim a foreigner fabricated documents to sell their land to port officials and a military commander more than seven years ago have desperately appealed to government bodies to intervene. The 104 families who have exhausted legal avenues after both the provincial and Supreme Court ...

Protesters Mix Petitions, Black Magic to Get Land

Sporting red bandanas and armed with the accoutrements of Khmer black magic, several hundred demonstrators representing embattled communities throughout the country held noisy protests outside several government offices yesterday, where they placed curses on corrupt officials and submitted written petitions demanding justice. Unlike previous protests that ...

Boeung Kak activist to seek bail

A bail hearing for imprisoned Boeung Kak lake land activist Yorm Bopha, 29, will be held this morning at the Supreme Court, her husband, Lous Sakhorn, said yesterday. Bopha was arrested on September 4 last year and charged with intentional violence over the assault ...

Families make plea to PM Hun Sen over eviction

Despite a court-ordered land title in their favour, 163 families in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district last week watched excavators rip apart their homes at the behest of two district deputy governors. The forced eviction, denounced in a petition delivered on Friday to Prime Minister Hun ...

Sihanoukville eviction on hold

The Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court delayed the destruction of the homes and subsequent eviction of 14 families embroiled in a land dispute with a company owned by tycoon Kong Treav in Village 4 of Sihanoukville’s Commune 4, local authorities said yesterday. Though many of the families ...

Chea Vichea Murder Case Back in Court

The two men convicted of – and widely believed framed for – the 2004 assassination of union leader Chea Vichea are set to appear at the Appeal Court for their retrial today, nearly four years after the Supreme Court released them and ordered a reinvestigation ...

Tycoon Takes to Hospital as Wife Returns to Prison

Lying in a hospital bed at Phnom Penh’s Naga Clinic yesterday well-known tycoon Khaou Chuly said that he may appeal to the prime minister to intervene in an attempted murder conviction against his wife that was upheld by the Supreme Court on Friday. Mr. Chuly, 83, ...

High Court upholds verdict

The Supreme Court on Friday upheld the decisions of the lower courts in the case of Seng Chenda, wife of well-known tycoon Khaou Chuly, upholding a 20-year prison sentence for attempted murder, a court official said. According to judge Khim Pon, presiding, the court agreed with ...

High court appeal for Boeung Kak 13

Thirteen Boeung Kak lake women imprisoned after a three-hour trial in May and released last month had appealed their guilty convictions to the Supreme Court, their lawyer said yesterday. “They told us they are completely dissatisfied with the verdict of the Appeal Court, which maintained the ...

Supreme Court Upholds Verdict in Divorce Case

The Supreme Court yesterday upheld the verdict of the Appeal Court regarding the division of assets in a high-profile divorce case that has bounced back and forth between the courts for years. Yesterday’s ruling decreed that Nina Kanikar You, ex-wife of former Funcinpec Secretary of State ...

Ministry suspends verdict

The Ministry of Justice has ordered authorities in Preah Sihanouk province to suspend enforcement of a Supreme Court verdict issued in connection with a land dispute between 70 families and an official from the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. On October 28, the Supreme Court granted a land ...

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