
NEC: Registration of new voters on track for next year

A report from the National Election Committee (NEC) shows that from the opening of voter registration until November 9, there were 303,691 new registered voters. This number indicates that more than 100,000 people who have become eligible to register have not yet registered. ...

Yuth Vireak

Over 282k new voters registered for National Election

The National Election Committee said today that more than 282,000 additional people have registered to cast their ballot for next year’s National Election. ...

Ben Sokhean

2022 voter verification and registration being conducted smoothly

The National Election Committee (NEC) has been conducting the verification and registration of voters for the year 2022 at the communes/Sangkat across the country. ...

Khmer Times Staff

First two days of voter registration nets over 30K new voters

The National Election Committee (NEC) confirmed that in the first two days of new registration on October 20-21 for next year’s national election, more than 30,000 new voters had registered, while nearly 6,000 people have been de-listed. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

PM reminds public to update voter registrations, check list

Prime Minister Hun Sen said he will update his voter registration documents ahead of next year’s national election, while also calling on those who had not registered and those who need to update their voter list information to do so as soon as possible. ...

Mom Kunthear

Puthea: NEC welcomes observers for Cambodia’s free, fair elections

The National Election Committee (NEC) is in the process of updating and verifying the 2021 voter registration list in preparation for the 5th mandate commune council elections scheduled for June 5, 2022. ...

Nov Sivutha

Voter registration numbers expected to triple this year

The National Election Committee (NEC) expected 1.6 million newly registered voters in 2021, compared to just over 500,000 new registrations last year, according to its spokesman Som Sorida. ...

Nov Sivutha

Local authorities told to verify voter lists as elections approach

The National Election Committee (NEC) and the Ministry of Interior have advised capital and provincial authorities to review their voter lists and voting registrations.​   ...

Voun Dara

More than 2,000 voter registration observers approved by NEC

More than 2,000 national observers have been approved by the National Election Committee (NEC) to observe the 2020 voter list and voter registration process. ...

Ry Sochan

More than 250,000 new voters registered

The National Election Committee (NEC) has seen an increase in new voters registering this year in comparison to last year.   ...

Ry Sochan

NEC bans voter registration interference

The National Election Committee (NEC) issued a statement on Saturday warning of punishment against those who express offensive comments which affect voter registration. ...

Ry Sochan

NEC expects to register over 300,000 new voters in 2020 list

The National Election Committee (NEC) has estimated there will be over 300,000 new registrants, and 123,251 names removed from its voter list this year. ...

Kuch Nithatevy

Voter’s registration to open from October 1 to 19

The National Election Committee will hold voter registration from October 1 to 19 in preparation for the 2022 commune and 2023 national elections. ...

Va Sonyka

Voter registration wraps with two-thirds of remaining eligible voters still unregistered

Registration for next year’s national elections closed yesterday with a rush of last-minute sign-ups, though two of every three remaining eligible voters still remain unregistered in an atmosphere that observers say raises questions about the legitimacy of next year’s planned national election. ...

Kong Meta and Daphne Chen

Voter registration slow: NEC

The National Election Committee yesterday said voter registration was progressing slower than expected, largely due to migrant workers not registering – an issue that advocates have urged the electoral body to remedy for months. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

NEC finishes complaints; voter registration prep continues

The National Election Committee (NEC) can now turn its attention to preparations for next year’s national election, which are already underway as voter registration will start in September, said Khorn Keo Mono, director of the NEC’s communications department. Mr. Keo Mono said on Tuesday that ...

Van Roeun

Election body ponders registration extension

The National Election Committee (NEC) says it will consider prolonging voter registration in some areas only if it’s needed as compiling this year’s voter list ends in two weeks. ...

Taing Vida

Officials brawl at voter drive

Two Chak Angre Leu commune officials traded blows at a voter registration drive in Phnom Penh on Sunday morning and the National Election Committee (NEC) said it will hold a hearing for both men to air their grievances and explain their actions. ...

Taing Vida

Voter registration push slows in recent days

The number of people registering to vote has dropped sharply in recent days, statistics show, with an election watchdog calling on the National Election Committee to step up its game. ...

Bun Sengkong

Local chiefs still key to registration, study finds

Despite having access to other sources of information about the election process, including television and smartphones, Cambodia’s urban poor remain heavily reliant on potentially biased village-level officials when it comes to voter registration, according to a new report. ...

Ananth Baliga and Kong Meta

NEC cites inaccuracy rate of 3%

About 3 percent of registered voters’ data has been found to contain inaccuracies, according to a National Election Committee official, who said the figure was inconsequential.​ ...

Bun Sengkong

Young voters face disenfranchisement

Young potential voters who have migrated abroad in search of work are facing the loss of their voting rights due to a lack of information and documents required to register to vote from a location different to their registered address, civil society groups said yesterday.​ ...

Pech Sotheary

NEC: army to vote near bases

In an effort to squelch fears of roving army units patrolling polling stations and terrifying local residents, National Election Committee (NEC) member Rong Chhun said the group plans to ask the Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry to have soldiers vote in communes near their garrisons. ...

May Titthara

National Election Committee voter registration passes halfway mark

More than half of Cambodia’s 9.6 million eligible voters had been registered as of Saturday, despite the National Election Committee reporting that heavy rains had dampened the pace of registrations recently. Updated figures released on the weekend show that 4.9 million voters had registered in the ...

Bun Sengkong

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