Kampong Cham piques the interest of developers
Kampong Cham may no longer be the quiet city it is today if its purported economic potential continues to be realised. Local developers have already taken a keen interest in the town with the development of the first borey underway. ...
Siv Meng
Decision time at white building
Residents of Phnom Penh’s iconic White Building were presented with two options yesterday: take a $70,000 payout for their apartment or live in Phnom Penh’s Teuk Thla commune for three years while the structure is renovated. The 50 people representing the 554 families living in the ...
Pech Sotheary
Waiting to tap rubber’s rebound
The large-scale rubber plantations that arrived in force in Cambodia a decade ago as global rubber prices moved to historic peaks are facing sober prospects as trees they planted before the commodity’s prices headed south begin to reach maturity. ...
Kali Kotoski and Cheng Sokhorng
US diplomat expresses concern, hopes over upcoming elections
United States Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel yesterday said Cambodia’s political stalemate was a matter of concern, but nonetheless expressed hope the coming elections would be free and fair. ...
Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton
Ticon follows factory shift to Cambodia
Ticon Industrial Connection Plc, a Thai-based factory and warehouse developer, is expanding its operations into fast-growing Southeast Asian economies, including Cambodia, to help offset sluggish growth at home. ...
Cam McGrath
Rice crop damaged by floods
At least 17,571 hectares of rice fields were affected by the recent floods – of which about 3,186 hectares were severely damaged, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) yesterday, which urged all provincial agriculture departments to immediately evaluate the affects from ...
May Kunmakara
Schools to offer career guidance
As part of ongoing education reforms, a new curriculum set to be implemented in 2018 will address the lack of career counselling in high schools across Cambodia, a Ministry of Education official told attendees of an education forum yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Plotted land trend spreading to numerous provinces
While big-scale land selling seems to be grinding to a halt, plotted land sales are understood to be picking up speed, spreading from Phnom Penh to many other provinces. ...
Siv Meng
Mobile vehicle checkpoints start
The Ministry of Transport has started checking trucks traveling along National Road 6 to ensure they conform to legal size and modification requirements, it announced this week. According to a post on the ministry’s Facebook page, mobile inspection teams were deployed in Kampong Cham province to ...
Pav Suy
Rosewood, first-grade timber seized in busts
Nearly 500 pieces of illegal first-grade timber were seized in a series of busts conducted by police across three different provinces this week. ...
Mech Dara and Kim Sarom
Minimum wage for all a step closer
The Ministry of Labor said yesterday that it was working with experts and International Labor Organization (ILO) officials to create a draft law laying out the monthly minimum wage for workers in a variety of fields outside the garment and textile industry, which late last ...
Mom kunthear
World Bank: Cambodia business climate improves
Cambodia continued to improve its business environment over the past year, according to the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2017” report that measures the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it in 190 countries. The World Bank made this assessment despite the Kingdom’s ...
Sum Manet
Push for border use of local currencies
Business leaders from the Lower Mekong region are urging their respective governments to use local currencies for trading in border regions instead of the US dollar, arguing that this would facilitate business transactions and reduce exchange costs, a Thai newspaper reported yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Vietnam: zero duties for rice, tobacco
Vietnam agreed yesterday to waive all duties on a total of 300,000 tons of rice and 3,000 tons of dried tobacco exported annually from Cambodia to the country, according to a bilateral agreement signed at two back-to-back summits to promote economic cooperation in the Greater ...
Sok Chan
NBC, CRF offer rice loan support
In an effort to help small and medium-sized rice millers and exporters that are presently unable to provide suitable collateral to qualify for the government’s emergency $27 million rice loan, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) has joined with the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) to ...
May Kunmakara
Military voting scheme ‘concerning’: watchdog
An election watchdog yesterday announced it had uncovered plans to move registration stations closer to military bases in Kampong Speu, Tbong Khmum and Kampong Chhnang provinces. ...
Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton
Miners ask Hun Sen to let them dig deeper
More than 500 villagers in Mondulkiri’s Chung Phlas’ mining community thumbprinted a letter sent to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and its provincial counterpart, requesting that those holding a community mining licence be allowed to dig below the ...
Sen David
Timber inspection halted in Ratanakkiri
Authorities in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadav district were thwarted in their attempt to inspect an ethnic Jarai community’s timber stocks on Tuesday, with some officials and observers ascribing the incident to a clash of cultures. ...
Touch Sokha
Hundreds of hectares cleared in Mondulkiri: gov
Mondulkiri’s provincial governor yesterday said officials are investigating allegations of the clearing of 200 to 300 hectares of protected forestland in Keo Seima district. ...
Kong Meta
Software for cleaner money
Tess International, a Malaysia-based provider of software solutions for the financial sector, signed a distributor agreement yesterday with Cambodian management consulting and business technology firm IdeaLink Consulting to provide software to Cambodian banks and microfinance institutions that helps them combat financial crimes. ...
Hor Kimsay
Cambodia on alert for US taxpayers
With the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the tax-collection arm of the United States government, stepping up its global sweep to catch American individuals and corporations hiding their overseas earnings, the American Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia yesterday held a presentation for investors and financial institutions ...
Kali Kotoski
Local chiefs still key to registration, study finds
Despite having access to other sources of information about the election process, including television and smartphones, Cambodia’s urban poor remain heavily reliant on potentially biased village-level officials when it comes to voter registration, according to a new report. ...
Ananth Baliga and Kong Meta
Research shows full reach of indigenous population
Cambodia’s indigenous groups populate much more of the country than was previously known, but many are also at risk of disappearing, according to yet-to-be-published research. ...
Cristina Maza
Casualties from explosives decline
Casualties from landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) declined over the first nine month of 2016 compared with the same period last year, according to a report. ...
Mom Kunthear