Khmer Times

Transaction costs: Saving time and money

ambodia’s 700,000 garment workers are among those most affected by exchange-rate costs. Their monthly salaries are paid in US dollars, but most of their daily transactions are in riels. Moreover, because they send – on average – about 30 percent of their salaries back to ...

Khmer Times

HomePro mulls investment in Cambodia

HomePro, a leading home improvement retailer in Thailand, is mulling expansion to neighboring countries – including Cambodia next year – with an investment budget of between $170 million and nearly $200 million. ...

May Kunmakara

Workers face sex abuse: unions

Leaders of the Cambodian Labor Confederation have urged authorities to take action against employers who harass, threaten and use violence against female garment workers.   ...

Mom Kunthear

Myanmar urges closer ties with military

Myanmar’s army chiefs want to increase cooperation with Cambodia in a bid to build closer bilateral ties, according to a senior military official. ...

Ros Chanveasna

Angkor Air’s Macau route

Tourists wanting to visit Asia’s answer to Las Vegas will be able to fly from Preah Sihanouk province to Macau after Cambodia Angkor Air unveiled the new route yesterday. ...

Sok Chan

PM wants women promoted

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered the Interior Ministry to place women as deputy governors in 25 cities and provinces as well as to increase the role of women in the army, military police and National Police in an effort to promote gender equality. ...

May Titthara

PM: Stop violence against women

The prime minister has urged government ministries and public institutions to speed up work on an action plan to prevent violence against women and children, calling for education on the issue to start from an early age. ...

Pech Sotheary

Women’s Day plea for Vanny

Communities affected by land disputes have used the occasion of International Women’s Day today to urge the government to free activist Tep Vanny. They also called for the release of civil society organization officials and an NEC official who are being held in prison. ...

Pech Sotheary

Electronics plant construction starts

SVI Cambodia, the local subsidiary, signed a 50-year lease in July 2015 and says it hopes the​ construction work will be complete by October.   ...

Sok Chan

Ministry warns of unusual dry season rain

The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has warned of impending unseasonal rain from this week until early next week, especially in lowland areas.    ...

Mom Kunthear

Thai university to set up tourism school

Thailand’s Rajamangala University of Technology plans to set up a tourism and hospitality institute in Siem Reap province to build the capacity of Cambodians working in the tourism sector. ...

Chea Vannak

Deadline set for Borei Keila

Phnom Penh authorities yesterday gave the remaining 15 families from the Borei Keila community one month to accept a settlement and end their long-running land dispute. ...

Pech Sotheary

Potatoes to take root

Cambodia’s eastern Mondulkiri province will become the country’s first hub for potato growing after a successful pilot project, researchers say.   ...

Sok Chan

China asked to fund bridges

Cambodia yesterday asked China to help fund the construction of two bridges across the Mekong River, which it said would cut traffic congestion in Phnom Penh and help create a ring road around the city.   ...

Ros Chanveasna

Fight against corruption

The World Bank is to train police, prosecutors and court staff on how to combat money laundering and financial terrorism under a national scheme to fight corruption. ...

Sok Chan

New banknotes signal revival of national pride

In his office at the National Bank of Cambodia, Mr. Heng Bomakara recalls the early stages of the nation’s currency with fondness. He still remembers a time when coins were commonplace. First minted in aluminum and then later in steel, these coins are now a ...

Riel Gains

Campaign for local products

The “Buy Khmer Products” campaign continues this year, in a bid to promote local products among Cambodian people.​Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, said last Friday that the campaign is “a momentum to inspire and awaken Cambodian citizens to acknowledge the value of local products.” ...

Chea Vannak

Minister praises 2013 protest crackdown

The Labor Minister yesterday lauded the government’s crackdown of a garment worker protest back in late 2013 and early 2014, which he claimed was necessary to avoid a war. ...

Mom Kunthear

Japan to help country go green

Japan has signed a three-year deal to help train government officials on attracting environmentally friendly investment. The Environment Ministry and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yesterday signed the agreement to educate officials about how to use environmental impact assessments and enforce pollution controls. ...

Pech Sotheary

PM warns NGOs, Rainsy

Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a strong warning yesterday to NGO officials who analyze politics, while also repeating that there will be no amnesty for former opposition president Sam Rainsy. ...

May Titthara

Love affair with Thai products

Products from neighboring Thailand are still considered the best for many Cambodian consumers, and this is an incentive for Thai companies to set up branches in the country – taking advantage of the positive investment climate prevailing in the kingdom. ...

Chea Vannak

South coast holds development key

Real estate and hotel developers have identified the southern coast of Cambodia as having tourism potential to encourage more business investment. ...

Chea Vannak

PM wants more Khmer-style art

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday urged Cambodian artists to include elements of national identity in their work to ensure they are not threatened with intellectual property rights lawsuits from international artists. ...

Mom Kunthear

Fine arts university to relocate

The government will spend at least $12 million to relocate the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) and build a cultural center on four hectares of land in Chroy Changvar district, while the old university buildings will be used to expand the National Museum. ...

Pech Sotheary

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