The Cambodia Daily

Protesters hurl eggs at world bank office, promise to return

Residents and evictees from Phnom Penh’s Boeng Kak and Bo­r­ei Keila neighborhoods re­turned to the World Bank’s country headquarters on Norodom Boul­evard on Monday to hurl eggs at the front gate and demand that the international lender leave Cambodia.   ...

Aun Pheap

Rubber company denies any illegal logging

A rubber plantation in Mondolkiri province targeted by a new government task force sweeping the eastern provinces for illicit timber stocks has denied any involvement in the illegal logging trade. ...

Aun Pheap

Bourse urges small firms to consider listing

In September, the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) an­nounced a new initiative to im­prove access to financing for cash-strapped small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). ...

Tej Parikh

Veggie farming to trim kingdom’s import bill

Government officials, economists and businesses discussed the implementation of a draft program to invigorate vegetable farming in the Kingdom and cut imports from neighbouring countries in half by 2018.   ...

Ayanna Runcie

Access to justice for nation’s children among world’s worst

A report released today by glo­bal advocacy group Child Rights In­­­­ternational Network (CRIN) ranked Cambodia 166 out of 197 coun­tries for the effectiveness of its courts in protecting children. ...

Peter Ford

Hun Sen heads to US for ASEAN summit

After weeks of build up—including threats of protests in the U.S. and counterprotests at home—Prime Minister Hun Sen will join regional leaders today for the U.S.-Asean Sum­mit in Rancho Mirage, California. ...

Aun Pheap

Appeal court to hear ‘insurrection’ case next month

Eleven opposition activists who have been jailed since 2014 for supposedly participating in an “insurrection” will have their appeal against their conviction heard on March 17, their lawyer said on Friday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Montagnards ‘to be processed’

Immigration officials yesterday sought to dial back public remarks by Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak, who on Wednesday appeared to tell reporters that the more than 100 Montagnard asylum seekers currently waiting to have their claims assessed would be summarily deported. ...

Mech Dara

Japanese, Chinese navies to visit Cambodia days apart

The final two weeks of February will feature visits to Sihanoukville from both the Japanese and Chinese navies to conduct goodwill and training exercises, as the two powers vie for influence and allies in Southeast Asia amid increasing Asian nautical tensions. ...

Peter Ford and Sek Odom

Foreign national pleads ignorance in drug case

A Nigerian man charged with drug trafficking told the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday that he did not know the packet he was handling contained methamphetamine. ...

Kim Sarom

China, Thailand drive annual growth at airports

Passengers from China and Thailand are driving double-digit annual growth in Cambodia’s airport traffic, according to a report released on Thursday by the Center for Asia Pacific Aviation. ...

Kang Sothear

More universities needed in provincial areas: PM

Speaking at the inauguration of the Heng Samrin Tbong Khmum University yesterday, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for a program to establish universities in all provinces, saying that the creation of more institutions of higher learning would improve access to education outside of the capital. ...

Pech Sotheary and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Journalist detained over logging story

A journalist who accused a military police commander of accepting bribes from illegal loggers in Mondolkiri province was arrested and briefly detained on Thursday on the commander’s orders, a move that was criticized by the Ministry of Information. ...

Ben Sokhean

Government targets foreign retirees with new policy

The government is planning to boost Cambodia’s attractiveness as a second-home tourist destination for foreign retirees, according to a draft policy obtained from the Ministry of Tourism Wednesday. ...

Kang Sothear and Tej Parikh

Drug center will not pursue 18 still free after mass escape

After more than 40 men broke out of a Phnom Penh drug rehabilitation cen­ter on Friday, officials said this week that they have called off efforts to arrest 18 es­capees who remain at large, in­stead asking for their families to re­turn them voluntarily.   ...

Ben Sokhean

Little action taken on Pailin cassava producers' pollution

Almost a year after cassava producers in Pailin were fingered as the source of pollution in a local water source, little has been done to address the problem, commune officials said yesterday, while affected villagers are being forced to buy bottled water to avoid getting ...

Morn Vanntey

Cambodia still controls ‘three rocks’: scholar

An academic tasked with re­searching the country’s border with Vietnam visited the latest flashpoint of political tension—the “Three Rocks” village in Takeo province—on Wednesday and determined that the boulders were still under Cambodian control. ...

Aun Pheap

Another cache of buried logs found near Oknha’s sawmill

Authorities have unearthed an­other cache of high-grade logs buried near a well-known timber dealer’s sawmill in Tbong Khmum province, weeks after finding a stockpile of buried logs on the businessman’s property in the same district. ...

Aun Pheap

Fumes from toilets lead to mass faintings at factory

More than 30 workers fainted at a garment factory in Kandal prov­ince over the past two days after inhaling noxious fumes circulated by a ventilation fan located near the facility’s toilets, an official said.   ...

Ben Sokhean

Railway residents told to stay calm over expressway

Uncertain residents who have protested the lack of information surrounding a planned elevated toll road linking central Phnom Penh and the airport were yesterday urged to remain calm as authorities work out a “solution” for those affected. ...

Chhay Channyda

Chinese new year fire destroys 97 houses in Phnom Penh

A fire destroyed 97 houses in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district early Monday morning, with au­thorities blaming an unattended can­dle from a resident’s Lunar New Year celebration for sparking the blaze.   ...

Ben Sokhean and Peter Ford

Thai company’s return to sugar group challenged by NGOs

Three local NGOs have filed a com­plaint with international sug­ar industry group Bonsucro for re­admitting Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol even though thousands of fam­ilies forced off the company’s for­mer plantations in Oddar Mean­chey province have yet to be fully compensated. ...

Zsombor Peter

India to ease visa norms to lure visitors

India is looking to ease its visa regime for ASEAN nations in a bid to increase Buddhist tourist arrivals – travellers looking to visit Buddhist heritage sites – to the country, India’s vice president said. ...

Ananth Baliga

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