The Phnom Penh Post

Preah Sihanouk to be turned into ‘second Shenzhen’

The government aims to transform Sihanoukville into Cambodia’s industrial hub – a “second Shenzhen city”, Ministry of Economy and Finance secretary of state Vongsey Vissoth said. Located along the coast, Preah Sihanouk province boasts an international airport, a railway line connected to Phnom Penh and ...

May Kunmakara

Transport minister answers questions on road quality

Speaking before the Supreme Consultation Forum on Wednesday, Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol admitted his ministry’s shortcomings in the management of public construction works that have contributed to the fast deterioration of local roads. The Supreme Consultation Forum summoned Sun Chanthol to ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Forest rangers praised for hard work

Minister of Environment Say Sam Al thanked and praised forest rangers on Tuesday for protecting natural resources and in turn aiding the sale of carbon credits. Sam Al was visiting rangers atop Mrech Kangkeb Mountain in Koh Kong province’s Thma Bang district when he made ...

Voun Dara

Social land concessions floated for residents hit by work on Sihanoukville canals

The Preah Sihanouk provincial administration has recommended those whose houses were torn down for encroaching on canals to seek social land concessions from the authorities. Provincial deputy governor Cheav Vichheak told The Post on Tuesday that Sihanoukville has five main canals with a cumulative length ...

Voun Dara

Chanthol seeks support for more road safety campaigns

Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol has asked the French Development Agency (AFD) to look into the possibility of providing financial support for public outreach campaigns on road safety. In a meeting on Tuesday with AFD country director Ophelie Bourhis, Chanthol presented development ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Chamber president calls for stronger South Korea business ties

Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) president Kith Meng on Tuesday called for stronger business and investment relations between the Kingdom and South Korea. He was speaking on the sidelines of the World Summit 2020 in Seoul, South Korea, after a meeting between the Korea International ...

May Kunmakara

Civil society submits petition for politically-neutral judges

n a request signed by more than 500 organisations, civil society representatives on Monday petitioned the government to amend three laws on the judiciary. During the 4th Government-CSOs Partnership Forum, civil society organisations (CSOs) requested changes to improve the efficacy of the legal system and ...

Mech Dara

Land dispute case sent to Kampong Speu governor

A land dispute case involving 20ha has been referred to the governor of Kampong Speu after the alleged victims – 156 families who lost their land – petitioned the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction to get involved. On Wednesday, Minister of Land ...

Voun Dara

Gov’t to aid students facing food insecurity

The Ministries of Economy and Finance; and Education, Youth and Sport, will implement a food programme for 50,000 children in 205 target schools using community products. An announcement issued on January 23 and obtained by The Post on Monday said the two ministries would implement ...

Niem Chheng

Cassava price remains steady

The price of cassava in provinces bordering Thailand remains steady during the 2019-2020 harvest season which is currently about 60 per cent complete, officials said. Cambodia’s cassava is mostly grown in Battambang, Pailin, Banteay Meanchey, Kratie and Kampong Thom provinces. The crop is planted in ...

Hin Pisei

CDC approves seven projects in January

The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) approved seven garment and travel goods investment projects last month, worth $33.4 million. The figures were released by CDC throughout the month and calculated by The Post. The EU is scheduled to decide whether to keep or withdraw ...

Thou Vireak

Ministry reports damage from droughts and floods

Floods and droughts destroyed some 67,000ha of paddy fields in the Kingdom last year, resulting in minimal declines to yields and land available for cultivation, the Ministry of Agriculture reported on Monday. Ministry spokesman Srey Vuthy joined a government press unit briefing on Monday to ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Forest community marks anniversary with call to action

The Sorng Rukhavorn Forest Community in Oddar Meanchey province has issued a call for all to take part in the protection and conservation of forests and wild animals. At the 19th anniversary of establishing the central headquarters for the Sorng Rukhavorn Forest Community on Sunday, ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Hundreds of snares found in Prambei Mom community forest

The Prambei Mom Forest Community in Kampong Speu province’s Thpong district has raised concern over a spike in illegal hunting within the forest. Community forest chief Soeun Lay said on Thursday that he and his community members patrolled the forest from January 25-27 to combat ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Forestry crimes see decrease

The National Committee for the Prevention and Crackdown on Natural Resource Crimes said forestry crimes have largely decreased, with 59 suspects arrested and sent to court throughout last year. The committee also confiscated 9,215 cubic metres of mixed timbers and 491 items used to commit ...

Khorn Savi

Hun Sen: Gov’t will never sacrifice national interest

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday defended his rule against detractors who claim that the government often acts to please certain foreign powers. The prime minister said all his decisions have been for the benefit of the Kingdom and urged countries to support Cambodia’s development ...

Niem Chheng

CPP sets goals for this year

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) on Saturday held its 42nd congress at the Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre in the capital to review its achievements for last year and set this year’s targets. Presided by Prime Minister Hun Sen, who is also CPP president, ...

Mech Dara

Illegal land markers removed on Mondulkiri province plot

More than 200 markers planted illegally in Mondulkiri’s O’Raing district have been removed, with provincial authorities now on the lookout for those responsible for the crime. O’Raing district governor Siek Mony told The Post on Saturday that some 10 police officers went to Sen Monorom ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Thai firm to build plant in Pursat

Thai-based Precise Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd is planning to build an electric equipment plant in Pursat province to cash in on the high demand in the Kingdom. The announcement was made during a meeting between Pursat provincial governor Mao Thornin and the firm’s representatives on ...

Thou Vireak

Prime minister demands end to fake news on virus

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday criticised several outlets for spreading misinformation on the novel coronavirus outbreak and instructed the Ministry of Information to do more to eradicate fake news. Speaking at a press conference at the Peace Palace on Thursday, Hun Sen said a ...

Khorn Savi

Supreme Council members to receive uniforms for events

An undisclosed amount of money from the national budget will be used to purchase uniforms and insignias for 49 members of the Supreme Council for Consultation, the government said on Monday. The officials will don the uniforms during major local and international events. In November last ...

Long Kimmarita

UXOs destroyed in Battambang town

Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) officials have successfully detonated unexploded ordnance in Battambang town, leading to roads being reopened in Svay Por commune. Battambang town governor Peng Sithy said the unexploded ordnance was found along the Sangke riverbank as crews conducted restoration work near the ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Growth forecast falls to 6.5% as gov’t eyes more exports to US

The government downgraded its economic growth forecast for this year to 6.1 per cent from its earlier 6.5 per cent projection, Ministry of Economy and Finance undersecretary of state Phan Phalla said on Thursday. Speaking at a public forum on Macroeconomic Management and Budget Law ...

May Kunmakara

Local authorities searching for forest arsonists in Battambang

Specialists from Battambang province’s Forestry Administration, along with Samlot district authorities, are conducting a joint search for arsonists responsible for the recent forest fire in the Dos Kramom mountain area located in Ta Sanh commune. The suspects are presumed to have secretly burned the forest to ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

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