Sihanoukville authorities ban fishing and docking at sites along the power line buried under the seabed
Sihanoukville provincial authorities have banned fishing and docking at sites along the power line buried under the sea to avoid impact on the lines. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Five-month fishing ban in Stung Treng to enable fish to spawn
The Stung Treng Provincial Authority has informed all fishermen, including those doing illegally, to stop all fishing activities starting May 1 until September 30 as the season to catch fish is over with the fish spawning period starting. ...
Two fishermen in hot water after breaking fishing ban
Kratie provincial authorities have referred two suspects to court for illegally fishing the Mekong River during the fishing ban, which was implemented on June 1 and is in force until the end of September, seizing more than 50,000 sqm of fishing nets. ...
Ry Sochan
Mekong Dams Threaten Extinction of Giant Catfish
The elusive Mekong giant catfish, which the U.S.-based World Wildlife Fund (WWF) called “one of the world’s largest and rarest freshwater fish,” can reach up to three meters (10 feet) and weigh up to 300 kilograms (660 pounds). The Xayaburi dam would prove an “impassable barrier” ...
Agriculture Ministry Announces Seasonal Fishing Ban
The Ministry of Agriculture’s fisheries administration announced yesterday that the seasonal nationwide ban on commercial fishing is now in effect, according to a statement. Signed by the director general of the fisheries administration, Nao Thuok, the announcement states that the fishing ban north of Phnom Penh’s ...