
Ministry invests $250,000 to protect natural resources last year

Last year the Ministry of Environment provided $250,000 in funding for the protection of natural resources and improving the lives of local communities. The funding is intended to encourage citizens to help prevent forest crime in Cambodia. ...

Hang Punreay

Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary forest crimes on the rise

The number of forest crimes in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, spanning across Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kratie and Stung Treng provinces continues to rise. Park rangers have cracked down on 408 crimes over 2,000 hectares and made several arrests. ...

Tith Kongnov

More that 800 forest crimes, land grabs and illegal wildlife hunting reported last year

There were 811 cases of forest crimes, land grabs, and illegal hunting of wildlife reported last year, and of the number 320 involved in forest crimes were fined while another 491 were taken to court. ...

Son Minea

Working group set to tackle Mondulkiri forestry crimes

Mondulkiri provincial governor Svay Sam Eang urged officials and local authorities to intensify efforts to prevent forest crimes and illegal logging as these activities have increased. ...

Ry Sochan

Slight increase in 2020 forest crime cases

The Forestry Administration said yesterday that forestry crime, mostly timber and wildlife, has increased 19 percent in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. ...

Tith Kongnov

No large-scale forest crimes in Kingdom, officials claim

The National Committee for the Prevention and Crackdown of Natural Resource Crimes still claims there are no large-scale forest crimes in the Kingdom, despite forest activists saying that logging is taking place because people are unemployed. ...

Voun Dara

Loudspeakers latest in arsenal to fight forest crimes

The Mondulkiri provincial Department of Environment has installed loudspeakers on tuk-tuks and motorbikes to be driven around villages prone to natural resource crimes to educate citizens on the importance of protecting forests.​ ...

Voun Dara

Forest crimes see a drop in Ratanakkiri

Government officials and civil society organisations in Ratanakkiri province report a significant decrease in the number of forest crimes, noting that perpetrators are no longer using large vehicles to transport the timber. Ratanakkiri provincial Department of Agriculture director Soy Sona said that, on the surface, ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Four in Mondulkiri court for logging

Mondulkiri provincial Forestry Administration sent four men to court for their involvement in a forest crime in Keo Seima district. Mondulkiri provincial Military Police arrested the four men and confiscated a van, two chainsaws and another equipment used to commit the forest crime in Sre ...

Mech Dara

Seized materials from forest crimes to be auctioned off

General Sao Sokha, the commander of the National Military Police and chair of the National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown of Natural Resources Crime, told municipal and provincial governors to maintain the quality and quantity of materials and equipment seized from forest crimes so that ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Officials demolish 49 illegal huts in Siem Reap

After the authorities on Friday and Saturday dismantled 49 of some 1,000 huts which had been built illegally on forest land in Siem Reap’s Phnom Kulen National Park, Banteay Srei district governor Khim Finan said on Sunday that a hunt was on for a group ...

Voun Dara

Man charged over land grab of hundreds of hectares of protected forest

Battambang provincial court has charged a man who illegally cleared hundreds of hectares of protected forest land for sale as housing lots in Battambang province’s Samlot district since 2015. Long Vuthy, 48, was arrested on September 15 by joint forces from the provincial authority and National ...

Khy Sovuthy

Twelve logs and three trucks found in Kampong Speu

Kampong Speu provincial authorities found 12 logs measuring a total of 40 cubic metres in a two-day operation over Tuesday and Wednesday in Oral district’s Sangke Satoap commune. Three trucks also found at the scene were impounded. Provincial governor Vey Samnang said two of the ...

Khorn Savi

Ministry official questioned over suspected illegal ELCs

A Mondulkiri provincial prosecutor questioned Lor Raksmey, an under-secretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries on Wednesday over his alleged involvement in illegally granting economic land concessions (ELCs) covering 9,741ha to a private company. Provincial court spokesman Meas Bros told The ...

Voun Dara

Oknha Sam Ol in court for Mondulkiri illegal logging

Following their arrest on Tuesday, tycoon Soeng Sam Ol, owner of the Master K Sun company, two supervisors and a driver were sent to Mondulkiri provincial court on Thursday on grounds of alleged illegal logging. Meanwhile, National Military Police commander Sao Sokha announced that the ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Vehicles used in alleged case of Oknha Sam Ol destroyed

Vehicles used in the alleged illegal logging that led to the arrest of Soeng Sam Ol were blown up on Wednesday, as the tycoon and three alleged accomplices were sent to Phnom Penh Municipal Court by National Military Police. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

NGO seizes 2,300 chainsaws

International wildlife and forest conservation organisation, Wildlife Alliance, said on Monday that 2,300 chainsaws were seized from illegal loggers in the Southern Cardamom Mountains in the last two years. The seizing of the chainsaws is a joint programme initiated by the Ministry of Environment and ...

Khorn Savi

Oddar Meanchey forestry official denies logging collusion allegation

A senior forestry official, based in Oddar Meanchey province’s Trapaing Prasat district, on Wednesday, denied villagers’ accusations that he had colluded with an alleged timber trader – a soldier who also denied any wrongdoing. Residents of Trapaing Prasat village say that Trapaing Prasat district Forestry ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Oknha Sam Ol arrested over Mondulkiri illegal logging

Tycoon Soeng Sam Ol, the owner of the Master K Sun company, two supervisors and a driver were arrested on Tuesday for illegal logging in a crackdown in Mondulkiri province which was led by Commander Sao Sokha, the chief of the National Military Police. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

King urges tree planting on Arbour Day

On a visit to Kratie province on Tuesday to celebrate Arbour Day, also known as National Tree Planting Day, King Norodom Sihamoni called on the people to plant trees in public areas and on their farmland and join together to prevent deforestation and environmental crimes. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Military Police vow Mondulkiri forestry crimes investigation

The National Military Police vowed to act on the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ order to crack down on forestry crimes which allegedly occurred beyond the perimeter of concession land near the Vietnamese border in Mondulkiri province. Eng Hy, National Military Police spokesperson, claimed ...

Soth Koemsoeun

New forestry committee formed

The government has created a new national committee to tackle forest land clearing and grabbing. However, the move was immediately shot down by a prominent forest activist who said it would be ineffective, given the systemic collusion between the authorities and land grabbers. ...

Voun Dara

Group tackles forestry crimes

Five new chainsaws and six makeshift tractors were impounded by the Prey Preah Roka Forest Community Network (PPRFCN) and rangers during a three-day forest patrol from June 7-9 in Preah Vihear province. Sun Pov, a PPRFCN representative who also participated in the forest protection campaign, ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

PLCN plans patrol in May to crack down on forestry crime

The Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) is planning a joint patrol this month with activists from four provinces – Stung Treng, Kratie, Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear – to scout the protected area and crack down on forestry crimes. Kheng Kho, a PLCN representative in ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

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