
Economic Census Sheds Light on Businesses

The Ministry of Planning yesterday released the preliminary results of the 2011 economic census, which found that Cambodia has a total of 503,008 businesses nationwide, of which nearly 20 percent are based in Phnom Penh. The census, which began on March 1 and was financed ...

Work on Canadia rice mills begins

Canadia Bank Plc has begun construction on a rice processing facility worth $8 million as Prime Minister Hun Sen aims to export 1 million tonnes of milled by rice a year by 2015. The new mill is being built in Takeo province and the rice ...

Crops in Peril Amid Provinces’ Ongoing Drought

Rice growing provinces such as Battambang, Kandal and Takeo are suffering a drought as monsoon rains have not affected the areas. Harvests are expected to fail or fall short of expectations if rain does not fall on the farmland within the next few weeks. 2,000 ...

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