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801 Records found for "N tỉ số bóng đá quốc tế[ωωω,rtЗЗ,top]코드 b77]LiverpoolKloppסĐề xuất sòng bạc khách sạnҒKasimbaslotೖxem bóng đá châu âuℙbóng đá trên dưới℞Casino Crowne Plaza Đà NẵngӄBaccarat Rumaniᇑcháy đenũ.kmt/"

Thousands Join Opposition Rally in Phnom Penh

Thousands of opposition supporters made their way to Freedom Park in Phnom Penh on Wednesday morning to begin the first of a three-day demonstration designed to urge signatories of the Paris Peace Agreement to intervene in the country’s current political deadlock. Unlike at the previous protests ...

Colin Meyn and Simon Marks

United Nations Envoy Visits After Protest Deaths

The U.N. special rapporteur oN the freedom of peaceful assembly aNd associatioN, MaiNa Kiai, begaN a three-day uNofficial visit to Cambodia oN WedNesday, just oNe moNth after military police shot dead five protesters iN PhNom PeNh aNd the goverNmeNt imposed a baN oN public gatheriNgs. Mr. ...

Lauren Crothers


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International Non-government Organizations (INGOs)

[[“Actors”,”Expertise/purposes”,”Website”,”Facebook”],[“Pact“,”Pact focuses on women’s empowerment, innovation, and capacity development. “,””,”Link“],[“Global Entrepreneurship network (GEn)“,”GEn has the vision to build one global entrepreneurship ecosystem.”,””,”Link“],[“Oxfam in Cambodia“,”Oxfam in Cambodia is committed to building a just and sustainable society through reduced poverty and inequality. Together with Khmer Enterprise and ...

Fish farming and aquaculture

Fish farmers operating cage culture, Cambodia. Photo by O. Joffre/WorldFish, taken on 3 October 2009. Licensed under CC BY-nC-nD 2.0.Aquaculture production has grown significantly. In 2012 it stood at 74,000 tonnes, or almost 11 percent of total fishery production. By 2016 it had grown to ...

Two Decades On, Constitution Fails to Live Up to Promises

The atmosphere in Phnom Penh 20 years ago today was one of jubilation and optimism as then-Prince norodom Sihanouk signed Cambodia’s new Consti­tution into law and reclaimed the throne as King. The promulgation of the Constitution—which marked the end of the U.n. Transitional Authority in Cambodia’s ...

Alex Willemyns and Phorn Bopha

Government Blasted for Eviction of Freedom Park

The U.N. aNd local humaN rights groups have coNdemNed the goverNmeNt’s violeNt evictioN of CNRP supporters from PhNom PeNh’s Freedom Park oN Saturday, as well as its iNdefiNite baN oN public protests iN the city. ON Saturday, the PhNom PeNh MuNicipal Court also summoNsed oppositioN leaders ...

Colin Meyn and Phorn Bopha

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” adding 1 new map feature in Koh Kong. This dataset describes the information of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2023. The total number of 49 SEZs are ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Digital Elevation Model from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)​ in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Digital Elevation Model from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) in Cambodia”. This bilingual new dataset of the SRTM V3 has a high resolution of 30 meters and allows for downloads.=>​ Please click here to go to ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Primary schools in 2022”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Primary schools in 2022”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each primary school in 2022 of each commune in the targeted communes/Sangkat under the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC).=>Please click ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Health centers in 2022”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Health centers in 2022”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each health center in targeted communes/ Sangkat for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) by 2022.=> Please ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on "Commune/Sangkat budget in 2022"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Commune/Sangkat budget in 2022”. This dataset shows the expenditures and revenues in 2022 of each commune in the targeted Communes/Sangkat under the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC).=> Please click here to go to “Commune/Sangkat ...

NEC Stands Firm, Will Not Hold Independent Election Inquiry

The NatioNal ElectioN Committee (NEC) oN Tuesday stood firmly behiNd its refusal to coNsider a proposal by the oppositioN CNRP for aN iNdepeNdeNt iNvestigatioN iNto the July 28 NatioNal ballot. StatemeNts seNt betweeN the CNRP aNd NEC—the last day for political parties to file reports of ...

Kuch Naren and Colin Meyn

Cambodia’s Ruling, Opposition Parties Debate Prospects for Fresh Talks

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the opposition are debating prospects of new talks aimed at ending their political deadlock three months after disputed national elections thrust the country into a crisis. But chances of a fresh meeting between the two sides following ...

Radio Free Asia News Staff

CNRP Denied Permission to March to UN, Embassies

The Phnom Penh Municipality on Friday said it would only allow 10,000 protesters to attend the opposition party’s planned mass-demonstration next week and that the demonstrators would not be allowed to leave Freedom Park. On Friday, the municipality officially rejected the CnRP request to hold a ...

Khuon Narim and Denise Hruby

US Calls for Transparent Investigation Into Protester Shooting

The U.S. on Monday called for a full and transparent investigation into the killing of a 29-year-old man by security forces on Sunday night during a heated clash around Monivong Bridge, while the European Union said that the police should show more re­straint in the ...

Lauren Crothers

Cambodia to meet Malaysia over maids MoU

The Ministry of Labor said Wednesday that the government has agreed on a final draft of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Malaysia regarding sending Cambodian maids to work there, but that no timeframe for the signing of the agreement has been set. Following reports of ...

Denise Hruby and Khuon Narim

Ministries Discuss New Appeal Courts, Judicial Reform

The Ministry of Justice is moving ahead with plans to expand the Appeal Court system around the country as part of inter-ministerial talks that began on Monday on the subject of judicial reform. The talks, which are expected to wrap up today, focus on a long-awaited ...

Khuon Narim and Lauren Crothers

Khmer Krom Seeking Refuge Remain in a State of Limbo

Khmer Krom people fleeing persecution in Vietnam and denied refuge in Thailand are being sent to Cambodia, where the government does not ensure that their rights are protected, the Minority Rights Organization (MIRO) has said in a new report. The report—“Abandoned People Khmer Krom Seeking Refuge ...

Lauren Crothers

Clarification sought on government’s fraught NGO Law

A request has been sent to the government’s Human Rights Committee and the interior and foreign affairs ministries seeking clarification on the status and whereabouts of a draft law that will govern associations and non-governmental organizations, asking to see the latest version of the law ...

Phorn Bopha and Lauren Crothers

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