National government
Ministries and other national bodies
Koh Kong villagers to be given UDG land
The government has ordered the Ministry of Environment to work with the relevant authorities to grant Koh Kong province villagers land from Union Development Group (UDG), a Chinese company, following a long-standing dispute. ...
Mech Dara
Government urged to move fast on draft organic food law
The private sector has called on the government to speed up enacting the organic food law, which is currently languishing in the draft stage. Having the law, it said, will provide product recognition. Ten Ra, the technical adviser on trade facilitation and standards for German ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Disaster agency stockpiling rice and seeds for flood prep
National Committee for Disaster Management spokesman Keo Vy said on Wednesday that the government had stockpiled 12,000 tonnes of rice and crop seeds to support Cambodians in rural areas facing natural disasters such as droughts and floods. Vy said natural disasters are notably caused by ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Villagers’ deaths prompt mines meeting
Mines Minister Suy Sem yesterday ordered mining operators to follow the law to prevent mining waste from polluting rivers in the wake of more than 10 villagers dying from consuming tainted water in Kratie province. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Villagers again flock to Land Ministry
About 70 people representing thousands of Kampong Speu province households yesterday gathered once again in front of the Land Management Ministry to appeal to the authorities to take action against three rubber plantations and a sugar cane plantation over more than 2,000 hectares of disputed ...
Pech Sotheary
Villagers not poisoned by cyanide: Mines Minister
Mines Minister Suy Sem has dismissed a claim by Industry Minister Cham Prasidh, who said that villagers in Kratie province were poisoned and killed by cyanide-tainted water due to run-off from gold mines. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Best tourism communities to be chosen in new contest
The Ministry of Tourism recently announced a new contest to find the best community-based tourism sites in the Kingdom and has called on villages and communities around the country to submit their application. ...
Chea Vannak
New passport offices to protect migrant workers
Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday said the government is trying to protect Cambodian migrant workers by creating more passport offices and cooperating with international bodies to protect them from labour abuses. ...
Sen David
NCCT investigating and closing down factories over child labour
The permanent vice chair of the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) delivered a progress report on efforts to eradicate child labour in the Kingdom on Tuesday, saying that factories are being investigated, and some shut down, for employing children illegally. ...
Factory workers to march to ministry after salaries unpaid
Aggrieved workers of First Gawon Apparel (Cambodia) plan to march to the offices of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) again on Tuesday, seeking a solution from the ministry in a salary dispute that has dragged on for more than five months. Heng ...
Yon Sineat
New Koh Kong dams under discussion
The China Huadian Corporation, who currently operates a 338-megawatt hydropower dam on the Russey Chrum River in Koh Kong, is now conducting negotiations with the government to build two more dams in the province. ...
Chea Vannak
China’s mobile clinics to boost rural health
Twenty mobile clinics out of 40 provided by the Chinese government were deployed yesterday in 11 citities and provincial health departments to bring timely and effective services to people, especially in rural areas. ...
Mom Kunthear
Cambodia gears up for Ebola prevention
The Health Ministry has issued advice to be careful about the Ebola virus disease after the World Health Organisation announced a renewed outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week. ...
Mom Kunthear
Rice storage facilities nearly ready for next harvest season
Three new rice storage and drying facilities will be ready in July for the upcoming harvest season and will boost the sector’s capacity and export potential, even as the Ministry of Agriculture claimed the sector still needs more storage space to meet demand. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Koh Kong land dispute to be reinvestigated
The Land Management Ministry on Friday announced that it will solve a land dispute in the province following a weeks-long demonstration by hundreds of villagers who descended upon the ministry’s office in Phnom Penh. ...
Pech Sotheary
Villagers push gold mining demands
More than 500 families from Mondulkiri province’s Keo Seima district protested on Saturday in a renewed call to be allowed to mine for gold at depths of more than 20 metres. The families, rallying in Chong Plas commune, also accused a Chinese firm of destroying ...
Sen David
Ministry’s plan for net sparks fears
The government has ordered all domestic and international internet traffic in the Kingdom to pass through a Data Management Centre (DMC) that has been newly created by the state-owned Telecom Cambodia, in a move some have claimed is an attempt to censor government critics. Spokesman ...
Mech Dara
GMAC says new labour policy could hurt business
The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia yesterday issued a statement asking for the Labour Ministry to reconsider its intent to amend article 89 concerning worker protection and severance pay. ...
Mom Kunthear
Exports to US up 25 pct in Q1
Cambodian exports to the United States, the world’s largest economy, rose sharply during the first three months of the year following a marked increase in the shipments of travel goods after the US renewed its Generalized System of Preferences in March. ...
May Kunmakara
Protesters block road to ministry
Around 300 people representing hundreds of families in Koh Kong province, who were evicted from their homes to make way for a sugar company owned by businessman and CPP Senator Ly Yong Phat, blocked the road that leads to the Ministry of Land Management on ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Villagers locked in land dispute dispersed by the authorities
About 100 security personnel were deployed yesterday to evict 600 residents who have been occupying Wat Chas pagoda in Chroy Changva district after they refused to retreat pending a Land Management Ministry decision on a petition to solve land disputes in three provinces. ...
Pech Sotheary and Pav Suy
Hundreds of villagers demand their land
More than 100 Koh Kong province villagers returned to the Land Management Ministry office in Phnom Penh demanding that the authorities speed up the distribution process of three hectares of land owed to each family as compensation in two districts after authorities declared it had ...
Pech Sotheary
Agricultural mapping project to be expanded nationwide
With agricultural mapping still in its infancy in the Kingdom, authorities have announced that their programme to boost yields through the use of spatial information technology will be extended to the whole country, an endeavour that will take at least three years to complete. ...
Sok Chan
Salt producers told to add iodine or risk losing licence
Salt producers must now add iodine to their product or face losing their business licence after the government passed a Prakas banning sales of non-iodised salt. The move aims to tackle iodine deficiency, which is considered the leading preventable cause of intellectual and developmental disabilities ...
Sok Chan