
National government

New research facility for infectious diseases in Asia unveiled in Cambodia

France’s Institut Pasteur du Cambodge on Tuesday inaugurated a new facility here for a regional research platform in Asia, focusing its research on infectious diseases in the region. Cambodian Health Minister Mam Bunheng, Vincent Deubel, director of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, and French Nobel Prize ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Hun Sen Says More Die on Roads Than in War

Road traffic accidents are killing more Cambodians per year than those who died annually as a result of war during their country’s more than two decades of armed conflict, Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday. Speaking in Battambang province’s Bavel district at the inauguration of the ...

Khy Sovuthy and Simon Henderson

Pestech bags RM282m contract in Cambodia

Integrated electric power technology provider Pestech International Bhd has bagged a contract worth US$86.065 million (RM282 million), to construct a 198km transmission line for the transmission of power from existing and future power plants in the Sihanoukville area to Phnom Penh City, Cambodia. Pestech’s wholly-owned Cambodian ...

The Sun Daily News Staff

Cambodia tightens aviation security after Malaysian flight vanishes

Cambodia would further tighten security on passengers’ identities following the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane with two passengers boarding with stolen passports, a senior official at the Security and Safety Department at the Civil Aviation said Monday.   “In fact, our security at all airports is ...

Asean-China Centre News Staff

MTZ to supply $5.3m worth of tractor knock-down kits to Cambodia

Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark) has signed a contract on the delivery of tractor knock-down kits worth $5,359.4 billion to Cambodia in 2014, BelTA learnt from the company. The construction of the assembly plant, Belarus Mekong, has been completed. The opening ceremony is slated for 26-28 ...

BelTA News Staff

Briq enters the Cambodia market

Creative agency Briq has expanded to Cambodia, its second office globally after first launching in Singapore four years ago. Briq International Cambodia will offer marketing and communication solutions – creative, production, digital services, strategic planning and research, content development, public relations, media and activation. ...

Marketing Interactive News Staff

1,000 Cambodian women die from cervical cancer every year

About 1,000 Cambodian women died from cervical cancer every year, said Hun Many, president of Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia. Speaking Saturday at a news conference on anti cervical cancer campaign, Many, son of Prime Minister Hun Sen, said the death rate of cervical ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Cambodian union activists banned from entering Freedom Park

Hundreds of opposition-aligned trade union activists and workers terminated their outlawed rally on Saturday after heavy security forces had been deployed in and around the capital’s Freedom Park to prevent them from entering the Park to hold a forum on the International Women’s Day. “Those activists ...

Authint Mail News Staff

British institute preparing report on garment factory safety

Britain’s Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors says it is preparing a report for the Cambodian government on possible steps to reassure garment buyers about factory safety. The report by the institute, which investigated the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh last year, will also include ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Cambodia and EU meet next week in Brussels

Ouch Borith, Secretary of State of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and Ugo Astuto, director of South and Southeast Asia of the European Union, will co-chair the 8th meeting of Cambodia-EU Joint Committee to strengthen relations and cooperation between Cambodia and ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Registration of SMEs given to new Handicrafts Ministry

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday provided an indication of the role that will be played by the new Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts, which was created late last year, announcing it will hold the sole responsibility for registering small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The government ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex​​ Devine

NGOs say selling off old land concessions is premature

The government’s announcement on Wednesday that companies looking to start rubber plantations could skirt a moratorium on new economic land concessions (ELCs) by taking over existing, dormant ones continued to make a good impression on prospective investors in town Thursday. Ly Phalla, who heads the Agriculture ...

Zsombor Peter

University bans women’s day event, says it’s too political

Phnom Penh’s Panha Chiet University has informed the local NGO Silaka that it cannot hold a meeting on women’s rights planned for today because the event might deal with political issues. Silaka had rented a conference room at the university for the meeting, intended to mark ...

Khy Sovuthy And Colin Meyn

Gov’t passes buck on faintings

Mass faintings in Cambodia’s garment factories do not occur as a result of long hours and arduous working conditions, but from workers’ failure to care for their own health, according to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) director. During an annual meeting, which mainly focused on ...

Mom Kunthear

Open skies policy examined

Promising to dramatically open up the region’s airways, the planned Asean Single Aviation Market (ASAM) will bring with it fierce competition and price wars, experts said yesterday during a seminar on the subject at the Phnom Penh Hotel. The seminar brought representatives from the majority of ...

Eddie Morton

UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia

The quality of education is still a big concern for Cambodia and the country needs to set a more effective strategy to enhance teaching conditions and quality of education for all learners, Anne Lemaistre, UNESCO representative in Cambodia, said Thursday. “I would like to commend ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Judicial reform drafts to move forward in March

Three judicial reform draft laws will be submitted to the Council of Ministers last this month, justice officials said Wednesday. The draft laws deal with the functions of the courts and the conduct of judges and prosecutors, as well as an oversight body called the Supreme ...

Kong Sothanarith

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