Social development

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on "Economic census of Cambodia 2022”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Economic census of Cambodia 2022”. This dataset contains general information on the Cambodian economic census for 2022, as well as many other figures. The purpose of this economic census is to compile basic statistics on economic ...

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ (ODC)​ published​ a​ new​ topic​ page​ on​ “Ethnic minorities and indigenous people policy and rights”

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ Organization (ODC)​ published​ a​ new​ topic​ page​ on​ “Ethnic minorities and indigenous people policy and rights”. This​ bilingual​ topic​ page​ gives​ a​ quick​ overview​ of the related policy and rights of the indigenous peoples in Cambodia. => Please​ click​ here​ to​ go​ to “Ethnic ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a dataset on "Primary schools in 2023"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a dataset on “Primary schools in 2023”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each primary school in 2023 for each commune in the targeted communes/Sangkat under the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC).=> Please click ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a dataset on "Health centers in 2023"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a dataset on “Health centers in 2023”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each health center in targeted communes or Sangkat for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) by 2023.=> Please ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on "Public Education Statistic (2015-2022)"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Public Education Statistic (2015-2022)” by added new map layers of Public Education Statistic (2021-2022) and Public Education Statistic (2019-2020). This dataset contains the statistics of public education in each province of Cambodia, where the numbers of student ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land” adding 02 new map features in Kratie province. This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and ...

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ published a topic​ page​ on​ “Women in development”

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ (ODC)​ published​ a​ new​ topic​ page​ on​ “Women in development”. This​ bilingual​ topic​ page​ gives​ a​ quick​ overview​ of relevant national policy frameworks regarding women’s empowerment and gender equality in Cambodia. This topic page also provides basic statistics on education and labor, ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer” by adding a new resource in 2023. This Gazetteer shows the name​ list of provincial/municipal, district (Krong/ Srok/ Khan), commune (Khum/ Sangkat), and village in Cambodia. This data is extracted from​ the database of ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land” adding 2 new map features in Ratanak Kiri. This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Health centers in 2022”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Health centers in 2022”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each health center in targeted communes/ Sangkat for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) by 2022.=> Please ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Primary schools in 2022”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Primary schools in 2022”. This dataset shows the performance, expenditure, and revenue budget of each primary school in 2022 of each commune in the targeted communes/Sangkat under the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC).=>Please click ...

Open Development Cambodia updates a topic page on “Ethnic minorities and indigenous people"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates a topic page on​ “Ethnic minorities and indigenous people”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of ethnic minorities and indigenous people in Cambodia including indigenous population, location of indigenous peoples, laws and policies, and challenges and issues regarding ...

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ publishes​ a​ new​ topic​ page​ on​ “Education policy and administration"

Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ (ODC)​ publishes​ a​ new​ topic​ page​ on​ “Education policy and administration”.​ This​ bilingual​ topic​ page​ gives​ a​ quick​ overview​ of Education policy and administration to Cambodia, together with related contents such as access to education, quality of education, science, technology and digital ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Higher education”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Higher education”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of higher education in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as enrollment, scholarship, reforms, financing, challenges in higher education as well as relevant publications.=>Please ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Development and assistance for poverty reduction and food security”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Development and assistance for poverty reduction and food security”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of development and assistance for poverty reduction and food security in Cambodia, together with the related contents such ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Vocational education”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Vocational education”. This bilingual new topic page gives a quick overview of Vocational education in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as policy framework, challenges opportunities as well as relevant publications.=>Please click here to go ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Primary and secondary education”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Primary and secondary education”. This bilingual new topic page gives a quick overview of education policy and regulation in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as laws and sub-decrees​ as well as relevant publications.=>Please ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Patient rights”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Patient rights”. This bilingual new topic page gives the overviews of patient rights in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as law and regulations, daily news and publications.=>Please click here to go to “Patient rights”. ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia” on the “COVID-19” profile page. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more insights and information regarding the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on “COVID-19” in Cambodia

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “COVID-19” in Cambodia. On the new bilingual page, the public can access to an informative dashboard where all the COVID-19 cases​ found in Cambodia are visualized as an info-graph, classifying the cases by type, province, ...

Open Development Cambodia uploaded a new library resource on “Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development Project III - LASED III”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has uploaded a new library resource on​ “Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development Project III – LASED III”, which a number of environmental and social risk management documents are available to access. Those documents include Environmental and Social Management Framework ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new map layer and dataset of "Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new map layer of “Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia” on the interactive map, under the map category of “Social development”. The dataset of map layer shows the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Cambodia. The dataset information will be ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new web-based dashboard dataset of “Coronavirus COVID-19 global cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new dataset of an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, to visualize and track reported Corona virus COVID-19 global cases in real-time.=> Please click here to get ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new map layer and dataset of "Health facilities signed agreement for health care scheme (NSSF)"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new map layer of Health facilities signed agreement for health care scheme (NSSF) on the interactive map, under the map category of “Social development”. This dataset provides the location and contact detail information of health facilities that signed ...

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