Aid and development

Gov’t denies land issues

The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction issued a statement on Saturday defending its track record and denying that Germany ended its support for the ministry’s land rights program due to a lack of transparency and sluggish reform pace. ...

Niem Chheng

ADB appoints Tongan to lead its operation in Cambodia

A Tongan national was appointed as Asian Development Bank’s director for Cambodia effective 01 February.Samiuela T. Tukuafu will lead ADB operations in Cambodia to support the country’s development goals of promoting inclusive growth and diversifying the economy. ...

Alpha Latu

ADB plans to provide​​ 880 million USD financing to Cambodia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) plans to provide financing totally about 880 million US dollars to Cambodia for 2016 – 2018. According to a press release from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which was released yesterday. ...

Sok Chan

Election-focused NGOs get big slice of EU grants

The European Union (EU) last week announced this year’s recipients of 8.2 million euros ($8.9 million) in grants to civil society, with much of the money going to nongovernmental groups whose stated goal is to make the country’s elections more open and inclusive.  ...

Maddy Crowell

Singapore works with Cambodia to hasten the process of getting patent grants

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has started work with Cambodia on patent applications, a move which will allow firms from both countries to hasten the process. ...

Rachael Boon

With AIIB, nation diversifies funding options

Though it’s extremely early days, experts this week welcomed Cambodia’s membership to the nascent China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), saying it would provide much-needed diversity of funding for the nation’s infrastructure and connectivity needs. ...

Tej Parikh

EU pledges nearly $9M to eleven local NGOs

Six months after the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the Cambodian government to scrap a draft NGO law that came into effect in August, the E.U. announced on Monday that it had pledged 8.2 million euros (about $8.9 million) to local and international ...

George Wright

Business group airs union law concerns

Some of the country’s top business leaders laid out their main concerns with a controversial draft union law during a meeting with CPP lawmakers on Monday, including a stipulation that would let only 10 people form a union at a workplace. ...

Sek Odom and Zsombor Peter

UN envoy slams NGO law in report

The advent of Cambodia’s much-criticized NGO law was among the top “troubling” developments to take place across the globe last year, the U.N. special rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association said in a report released Friday.   ...

Taylor O'Connell

Slowing China to impact Cambodia, region: WB

Cambodia’s economy is expected to grow at 6.9 percent this year, the same rate it expanded last year, due to slowing growth in leading economies in region, especially China, Asia’s largest and the world’s second-largest economy, according to the World Bank. ...

May Kunmakara

Cambodia PM stands by hydropower, dismisses critics as 'extremists'

Cambodia’s prime minister defended his government’s energy policy on Wednesday and hit back at environmentalists opposed to hydropower plants by suggesting their electricity be cut off and they should use resin torches instead. ...

Reuters News Staff

Index shows Cambodia still weak on human development

Cambodia ranked 143rd out of 188 countries in the U.N.’s latest Human Development Index (HDI), a composite measure of development incorporating health, education and living standards, according to new figures released on Monday. ...

Tej Parikh

Ministry riled over refugee deal money

Australia has so far disbursed more than $3.5 million in aid to Cambodia as part of the agreement for its unwanted refugees to be resettled here, but the Interior Ministry’s spokesman is livid that the money has come into the country via development agencies rather ...

Matt Blomberg

Give farmers a break: PM

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called on banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) to suspend loan repayments by borrowers affected by this year’s drought, or either make the loans interest free or cut the rates. ...

May Kunmakara

DPRK-invested museum opens in Cambodia's Siem Reap city

After five years of building, the 24-million-U.S.-dollar Angkor Panorama Museum, invested by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), opened in northwest Cambodia’s Siem Reap city, a local English newspaper reported on Monday. ...

Xinhua News Staff

Government undecided on new resettlement sites for evictees

A Finance Ministry official said on Sunday that the government had yet to decide whether it would comply with Asian Development Bank (ADB) rules that families facing eviction from along the country’s old railway tracks be offered resettlement options better than the ones they have ...

Zsombor Peter

Japan loans will finance Cambodia highway upgrade

Loans from Japan to Cambodia will help finance work on a key highway upgrade. The loan package totals US$150 million and will be used for the project to upgrade Cambodia’s National Road No 5. ...

World Highways News Staff

China to donate $3.5m for senate office space

The Chinese government has agreed to donate $3.5 million to build a ninth building inside the compound of the Senate on Norodom Boulevard, Senate Secretary-General Oum Sarith said on Tuesday following the signing ceremony in Phnom Penh. ...

Saing Soenthrith

Museum funded by North Korea in Cambodia ready to open

A museum bankrolled by North Korea on Cambodia’s tourist trail in Siem Reap is ready to open, according to local media.The $10 million Grand Panorama Museum sits near Cambodia’s famous Angkor Wat temple complex and is scheduled to open on December 4. ...

Leo Byrne

UN, Gov’t move to end violence against women

The United Nations and the Cambodian Ministry of Women’s Affairs will organize four major events across the country to raise awareness of the need to end violence against women and girls, according to a UN Women’s statement on Wednesday. ...

Xinhua team

Aid threatened as EU calls for Rainsy’s return

The European Parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on the Cambodian government to revoke the arrest warrant for opposition leader Sam Rainsy, with its parliamentarians suggesting some $435 million in aid be canceled if it is ignored. ...

Alex Willemyns

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