Disasters and emergency response

Fisheries Official Questioned Over Clearing Flooded Forest

A fisheries official accused of involvement in the clearing of an area of protected flooded forest in Kampong Thom province in July was questioned at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday. Korn Chanseiha, chief of the Fisheries Administration’s Stong district office, is one of about 20 officials ...

Country Is Prepared for Heavy Rains, Disaster Committee Says

To make sure Cambodia is ready for potential devastating floods, government officials have created an emergency preparedness plan that includes storing 16,000 tons of milled rice and putting 3,500 armed forces on reserve. [Nhim Vanda, first vice president in charge of the National Committee for Disaster Management ...

Officials to Be Questioned Over Destruction of Flooded Forest

A district governor and two fisheries officials are among 10 people who will be questioned at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court next week over the destruction of flooded forest to make way for dry-season rice fields in Kampong Thom province, an official said yesterday. On July 27, ...

Cambodian farmers plant rice in a paddy field in Kampong Speu province

Cambodian farmers plant rice in a paddy field in Kampong Speu province August 21, 2012. A drought has hit Cambodia during its rainy season destroying more than 100,000 hectares of crops across the country, a government spokesman told Reuters on Tuesday. According to National Committee ...


Drought Affecting 145,000 Hectares of Paddy

A lack of rain across the country is affecting more than 145,000 hectares of rice paddy and  parts of the nation’s crop have already been completely destroyed, according to data released yesterday by the Ministry of Agriculture. Hem Sophal, director of the statistics department at the ...

Drought hits rice exports

Rice exports this year had been flat compared to last year because of the many challenges growers were facing, insiders said this week. The data shows exports were no better than last year for the same period, as exports for the first eight months of ...


Drought continues to hurt rice farmers

Farmers in provinces across the Kingdom are feeling the effects of drought after a month of dry weather in which an estimated 10,000 hectares of rice seedlings were destroyed and 135,000 hectares left at risk, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. A report from ...


Drought hampers rice cultivation in Cambodia

Cambodia has cultivated 1.93 million hectares of land, only 82 percent of its 2.36 million hectare target, due to a delay in monsoon rains which hampered rice sowing in the country, according to a media release from the Ministry of Agriculture on Sunday. The report said ...


Drought hits 11 provinces in Cambodia: spokesman

Drought has been hitting 11 out of the 24 cities and provinces in Cambodia and affecting tens of thousands of hectares of rice seedlings, Keo Vy, spokesman and chief of the Cabinet of the National Committee for Disaster Management, said Thursday The drought-hit provinces are Kampong ...


Countrywide Drought Is Damaging Rice Paddies

More than 16,000 hectares of rice paddies are currently being affected by drought across the country, officials said yesterday. “There wasn’t enough rain for the rice this year, ” said Nhep Srorn, director of Takeo province’s agriculture department. Pich Sokhin, governor of Oddar Meanchey province, said ...

Drought fears ignite action

Concerns that a drought may soon grip some of Cambodia’s provinces intensified after the government allocated thousands of cubic metres of water to more than 20,000 hectares of dried rice paddies in a mission to save valuable rice crops last weekend. Although the rainy season has cloaked ...


Effects of Last Year's Flooding Still Being Felt by Scavengers

Large dump trucks with beds full of rusted, twisted metal and aluminium canss rolled in, one after another, to unload their cargo at Phnom Penh’s largest scrap yard in Dangkao district. “All the metal must be exported because there are no recycling factories here [in Cambodia],” ...


Flood's lessons linger in Kratie

When 41-year-old Pheng Seng’s brick-making business was ravaged by flood in Kratie province a year ago, he lost about US$5,000. Kratie town also flooded this time a year ago. It was so bad that speedboats were seen zipping through the streets past submerged motorcycles with ...


Drought hits rice fields in northern Cambodia

Two consecutive months of drought have severely damaged thousands of hectares of rice fields in Krokor district and neighboring areas in Pursat province. ...


Drought Damages Rice Seedlings Across Nation

Despite heavy rains in parts of the country, a month-long drought has destroyed over 10,000 hectares of rice seedlings in other areas, agriculture officials said yesterday. Battambang province was the hardest hit, with 4,640 hectares of seedlings destroyed by the drought and another 10,000 hectares affected. In ...

Slice of New Casino Lottery to Fund Red Cross

NagaCorp, the owner of Phnom Penh’s only licensed casino, launched the sale of tickets for a new national lottery on Friday with the inaugural draw to take place on July 12 and a top prize of $218,000. In a statement, NagaCorp said 30 percent of net ...

Police raid home of ‘secessionist’s’ mum

Scores of security forces yesterday stormed the house of alleged secessionist leader Bun Ratha’s mother in Kampong Cham province yesterday, confiscating mobile phones and memory cards, his relatives told the Post. Bun Ratha, the alleged leader of Democratic Association, has been on the run since security ...


Storms swamp capital streets in drain strain

Despite recent efforts by the authorities to improve drainage systems around the capital, heavy flooding and swamped roads were the norm over the past week as the kick-off to the rainy season saw pelting rain almost every afternoon, residents say. Old drainage systems put in place ...


Oil factory fire causes significant damage

A worker was slightly injured and more than US$100,000 in property destroyed yesterday in a fire at an oil factory in Kandal province’s Ang Snuol district, police said. Thach Phalla, Ang Snuol district deputy police chief, said the fire started at noon when some oil overflowed ...


Rising oil prices fueling inflation

Rising oil prices fuelled a month-to-month inflationary increase of 5.4 per cent through February and March, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics. Factors such as sanctions on Iranian oil, as well as floods that depleted Cambodian crops last year accounted for the rise ...


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