Environment and natural resources

Environment and natural resources policy and administration

Pailin factory pollutes water, kills fish

A fruit processing company in Pailin province’s Sala Krau district has been found responsible for discharging untreated wastewater. It has contaminated the water source for more than 40 households, with fish dying as a result of the pollutants. ...

Phak Seangly

Environmental Impact Assessments accelerated for private companies

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) agreements between the Ministry of Environment and private companies will be finalised within just one week from now on, providing the company follows ministry guidelines and submits sufficient documentation. ...

Phak Seangly

Environment ministry penalise Kampong Speu mango factory for water pollution

A mango processing factory in Kampong Speu province has been issued with fines and ordered to restore a water source after being caught discharging polluted wastewater into a nearby stream. ...

Phak Seangly

MoE unveils COP29 handbook showcasing climate action

The Ministry of Environment (MoE) has released a comprehensive handbook ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, committing to transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. ...

Ben Sokhean

A decade of effort: Restoring the Tonle Sap flooded forests

In a remarkable ten-year effort, Conservation International Cambodia (CI Cambodia) has restored approximately 600 hectares of the Tonle Sap’s flooded forest, a critical ecosystem within Cambodia’s largest freshwater lake. ...

Hong Raksmey

Pursat prepares relocation area for residents of Phnom 1500 eco-tourism site

Pursat provincial authorities are preparing a new location of over 150 hectares for people who volunteer to relocate from the Phnom 1500 eco-tourism site and have given 30 days to those who have not yet agreed to abide by the government’s land policy and move. ...

Phak Seangly

Satellite tech to boost forest, natural resource protection

Minister of Environment Eang Sophalleth emphasised the critical importance of protecting forests and natural resources, asserting that it is a top priority for the ministry and stressing the need for modern technology to combat illegal activities in these areas. ...

Kim Yutharo

Ministry invests $250,000 to protect natural resources last year

Last year the Ministry of Environment provided $250,000 in funding for the protection of natural resources and improving the lives of local communities. The funding is intended to encourage citizens to help prevent forest crime in Cambodia. ...

Hang Punreay

Kingdom dedicated to fighting climate issues

A senior Ministry of Environment official has explained that although Cambodia is a low emitter of greenhouse gases, it is committed to contributing to climate change action. ...

Kim Sarom

Ministry renew pledge with Wildlife Alliance on environment policy

The Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Alliance have reaffirmed their commitment to intensify collaborations, working towards bolstering environmental protection through the implementation of a circular strategy. ...

Bor Pich Zelin

New protected landscapes created in four provinces

The government has established new protected landscape areas in four provinces – Preah Vihear, Ratanakkiri, Banteay Meanchey and Kampong Thom. The new areas total more than 4,000ha. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Burning of Environment Ministry station caps off years-long feud

The scorched remains of an Environment Ministry station still lay strewn about after more than 300 farmers burned it down two weeks ago. Even the outhouse was reduced to rubble in the culmination of a multi-year conflict between local communities and ministry officials. ...

Andrew Califf, Seoung Nimol, and Eung Sea

Government orders $500,000 fines, relocation, for company polluting Sangke river

After waste from a Battambang-based industrial company polluted the Sangke river, the Environment Ministry imposed fines of around half a million dollars and order the company to relocate 10 kilometers away in a letter issued Thursday. ...

Sovann Sreypich and Runn Sreydeth

Cambodia rolls out UN-linked five-year green economy plan

The environment ministry on May 12 formally rolled out the five-year Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) Cambodia, in an affirmation of the Kingdom’s commitment towards sustainability and inclusivity in economic growth. ...

May Kunmakara

Bush meat poses ‘virus threat’

According to a recent scientific study, many of the viruses that caused some of the world’s most serious health risk outbreaks were transmitted from wild animals to humans. ...

Post Staff

Regional meet gauges ozone-depleting-substance phaseout progress

Ministry of Environment secretary of state Pak Sokharavuth from March 13-17 attended meetings of senior officials in charge of implementing the Montreal Protocol in Southeast Asia, including a “green customs” workshop on reporting and managing trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS), in Vietnam’s Halong city. ...

Ry Sochan

MRC makes ‘historic breakthrough’ on hydropower and environment after years of talks

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) announced Tuesday the approval of a “milestone” document revising preliminary design guidance for hydropower projects and separate new guidelines on cross-border environmental impact assessments. ...

Khmer Times Staff

NGO wants Koh Kong Krao study made public

A petition requesting the report of a study on the Koh Kong Krao area and progress made in designating the area as a national marine park to be made public was submitted by the Mother Nature Movement to the Ministry of Environment. ...

Torn Vibol

Environment ministry considering establishing Cambodian climate finance mechanism

Cambodia has been studying a proposal to establish a Cambodian climate finance facility for it to contribute to the development of a low-carbon national economy and to respond to climate change. ...

Lay Samean

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