Environment and natural resources
Monk's community forestry concerned about further loss of forests after nearly 5,000 hectares of forest land
The community has expressed concern that if nearly 5,000 hectares of the Rattanak Rukha community forest, part of the Monk’s community forestry, is cut off to the citizens, it will result in the loss of forests and wildlife habitats of all kinds live in this ...
Meng Kroypunlok
Dam collapse hits Preah Sihanouk’s clean water supply
Water suppliers and the Preah Sihanouk provincial authorities are urging residents to be patient in the face of provincial water shortages. The second dam at Kbal Chhay collapsed on Saturday night, causing more than 3 million cubic metres of water to be lost. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
New dolphin and fish protection measures launched in Stung Treng
The Stung Treng Provincial Administration has introduced measures to further strengthen the effective management of dolphin and fish conservation areas. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Snared gaur calf freed from trap
A baby gaur was rescued by Wildlife Alliance on January 6 after being found trapped by a snare in Kampong Speu province’s Oral district. The Ministry of Environment said that the calf had suffered injuries to its right front leg and had been sent to the ...
Post Staff
12 protected Mekong turtles found dead during raid
A total of 12 rare Mekong turtles, threatened by demand for its meat, have been found dead after a raid on food stalls along National Road 5. ...
Meas Molika
Hi-tech wastewater plants ‘improving’ S’ville environment
Since the 2021 opening of a second high-tech wastewater treatment plant in Sihanoukville, the environment of Preah Sihanouk province has steadily improved, with a reduction in pollution and an increase in maritime biodiversity, said the Ministry of Environment. ...
Sem Pisey
Authorities in dolphin areas swift to lend protective hand
Authorities in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces have pledged to step up law enforcement activities in the Mekong River dolphin protection and conservation areas. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
PM calls for conservation areas to protect dolphins
Prime Minister Hun Sen has urged for strengthening the population of Mekong dolphins and mega fish by building core conservation areas to protect the species in Kratie and Stung Treng under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and provincial authorities. ...
Meas Molika
Greed for land consumes lakes, forests: Environment 2022
Timber, monkeys, orchids, sand: Cambodia’s protected areas and natural resources continue to be a lucrative source of income, in spite of all the promises (and international funding) to protect them. Above all else, the hunger for land has consumed Cambodians and foreigners alike, triggering a constant ...
Danielle Keeton-Olsen
Official accused of monkey smuggling in the US on bail
Agriculture Ministry official, Masphal Kry, who was arrested in the United States for smuggling endangered monkeys, has been released on bail, the Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said. ...
Meas Molika
In protected Prey Lang forest, communities pushed out but mining companies welcomed in
Kampong Thom’s Sandan district: Snang An village chief Sok Heng proudly displays a photo of his new home, constructed in July 2021, as his phone’s background image. But Late Cheng Mining Development, a gold mining firm with ties to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s bodyguard unit, ...
Khuon Narim and Jack Brook
Cambodia faces drought in 2023
Authorities have sent out a warning that 2023’s dry season will bring droughts countrywide, with residents urged to use water sparingly. ...
Meas Molika
Third Mekong River dolphin found dead in a single week
The Global Fund for Nature and World Wide Fund for Nature Cambodia (WWF) have called on authorities to step up night and day patrols of dolphin conservation areas and prevent illegal fishing, as a third Mekong Irrawaddy dolphin carcass was discovered in the span of ...
Chea Sokny
Tenth Mekong dolphin death of 2022 reported
Wildlife conservationists have issued more calls for an increase in strict and regular law enforcement in order to save the Mekong dolphins from extinction, following the death of a female specimen. ...
Post Staff
$20m pledged to aid marine and coastal fisheries
A $20 million agreement has been signed to boost climate resilience in Cambodia and the sustainability of marine and coastal fisheries. ...
Mao Sreypich
Call for sustainable solutions to combat climate change
During a dialogue on climate change, civil organizations made an urgent call for all sectors of society to unite to find solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching to more renewable energies. ...
Prak Chan Thul
Mekong countries urged to fight plastic pollution in rivers
Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia have been asked to adopt stronger solutions to deal with plastic pollution in the Mekong River and its tributaries. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Pounong indigenous people in Mondulkiri province complain to local authorities for failing to prevent forest crimes
Four forestry community representatives in Mondulkiri province have filed a complaint with local authorities against the provincial prosecutor’s office, accusing them of failing to prevent forest crime in a timely manner. ...
Forestland encroachers arrested in Mondulkiri
Authorities arrested four people on Tuesday for clearing protected forest land in Mondulkiri Province’s Keo Seima district. ...
Chhun Sunly
New MRC report calls for collective action on plastics pollution
The Mekong River Commission is sounding the alarm on the growing challenge of macroplastics and microplastics, urging its four Member Countries to establish a joint, permanent mechanism to monitor and clean up pollutants that seep into the soil, air and fisheries – and can affect ...
Khmer Times Staff
An indigenous Punong human rights defender describes struggle and experience
After going through countless obstacles, an indigenous Punong, Mr. Kreung Tola, who loves to protect the environment, forest and land tenure, have become a human rights defender at the human rights organization in a district. ...
Hay Setha
Nearly one million hectares of protected conservation area now eligible for privatization
More than 930,000 hectares of state public land inside protected conservation areas are now eligible for privatization, according to a November 30 sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...
Water plant capacity 200% area use
A Preah Sihanouk water treatment plant has declared an end to water shortages in the province, even in the summer. Water distribution however, remains a problem in some areas, according to local residents. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Crane numbers still on decline
The number of cranes migrating to the Kingdom has been in decline since 2020, according to the Ministry of Environment, with about 150 expected to return this year. ...
Neang Sokunthea