
Sar Kheng slams forest crime

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng cited satellite footage of recent forest crimes as he criticised inept provincial officials for illegal logging and the flouting of the Kingdom’s forestry law. “You are not born with the forest. We have an obligation to protect the natural resources ...

Mech Dara

Teachers petition to march

The Kingdom’s teachers want a raise. That’s the demand from a prominent teachers’ union, which has applied to march to the Ministry of Education on World Teacher’s Day to submit their salary request. The Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA) wants teachers to receive at least ...

Voun Dara

Government hits back at threats to pull EBA, suspend UN seat

The spokesman for the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has said the government is in no way concerned after the European Parliament gave it three months to reverse what it called the “systematic repression of the political opposition”. ...

Niem Chheng and Meas Sokchea

Kingdom’s development discussed

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and the International Monetary Fund on Thursday held a conference to discuss the next steps in Cambodia’s economic development. ...

Hor Kimsay

Push for canteens at all garment factories

The Land Management Ministry has complied with an order made by Prime Minister Hun Sen for factories to provide adequate places for garment workers to eat. Land Management Minister Chea Sophara yesterday told provincial subordinates that canteens must be built in factories. ...

Mom Kunthear

Protesters rally at ministry over Koh Kong land fracas

A host of protesters rallied at the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction yesterday to demand that it intervene to resolve a land dispute involving a company and hundreds of families in Koh Kong province. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

MOU to boost training in three provinces

The Labour Ministry and Swisscontact yesterday signed an MoU to provide skills training in three provinces. The MoU solidified cooperation under the Skills Development Programme, a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by Swisscontact. ...

Sen David

Germany vows continued support for government

A delegation from the German government congratulated Prime Minister Hun Sen for his latest election victory and pledged on Berlin’s behalf to continue supporting the development of the Kingdom. ...

Mech Dara

More than 130 families flee floods

More than 130 families in Kampong Chhnang province’s Boribo district were evacuated from their homes after floods hit the area on Tuesday. Keo Vy, spokesman for the National Committee for Disaster Management, said yesterday that district authorities moved some families to relief centres and others ...

Mom Kunthear

WCS finds endangered stork nests in Keo Seima

The Wildlife Conservation Society has found seven nests of the globally-threatened Lesser Adjutant Stork in Mondulkiri province’s Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary. Sot Vandoeun, WCS’ wildlife monitoring team leader, said on Tuesday that it is the first time that WCS has found the bird’s nest in ...

Mom Kunthear

PM demands end to road blocking protest

Speaking at a gathering of 27,444 workers from 24 factories in Kampong Speu province’s Kong Pisey district, Hun Sen cited a recent incidence in which around 700 workers from Chim Li Cambodia blocked National Road 4 in Por Sen Chey district to demand severance packages ...

Kong Meta

Minister pushes the implementation of agriculture policy

The Agriculture Minister, Veng Sakhon, last week urged officials to work harder in the implementation of the country’s new agriculture development policy. During a meeting last week, Mr Sakhon told officials the goal of the agricultural development policy is to bolster the development of the ...

Sok Chan

Union leader warns of protests

A prominent union leader on Tuesday threatened to hold a large-scale demonstration if the newly elected government ignores the European Union’s resolution demanding a political compromise between the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Preah Sihanouk beach developments halted

After receiving an order from Hun Sen, Minister of Land Management Chea Sophara led a team of experts and relevant officials to Sihanoukville to call a halt to the illegal development of a beach. The prime minister ordered the Prek Treng beach in Otres commune ...

Voun Dara

Beach development being scrutinised

The National Committee for the Management and Development of Coastal Zones is taking action against an unnamed company accused of reclaiming parts of Prek Treng beach in Preah Sihanouk province. ...

Pech Sotheary

Protesting workers block National Road 4

The Ministry of Labour has promised to pay Ghim Li factory workers in Por Senchey district after they again protested yesterday and blocked National Road 4 over missing wages. More than 500 of 2,500 garment workers at the factory protested along the road yesterday to ...

Sen David

Embassies repatriate 55 workers from three countries

Cambodian embassies have recently repatriated 55 Cambodian nationals who went to China, Malaysia and Vietnam to find work illegally or were duped into forced marriages. Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Ket Sophann yesterday said that the embassy in China repatriated two women who were duped into ...

Mom Kunthear

Labour Ministry to failing students: Don’t despair

Students who failed this year’s grade-9 and grade-12 examinations should not despair as the government has provided alternative options for those who want to continue their studies, a Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training official said. ...

Voun Dara

Mangkhut submerges roads in the Kingdom

Flooding caused by rains from the Mangkhut and Barey Chat storms over the last few days have damaged roads across the country amid a particularly devastating rainy season. On Monday afternoon, flooding halted traffic along National Road 4 in Preah Sihanouk province according to provincial ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Government leads forum on tourism investment

The Ministry of Tourism led a forum on investment in the Kingdom’s tourism sector for the first time on Monday in Siem Reap. A panel of national and international experts from 11 countries led discussions about the development of the industry. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Government to probe Preah Sihanouk coastal development

The Ministry of Tourism has formed a special committee to investigate a private company’s involvement in a condominium construction on coastal land at Prek Treng beach in Preah Sihanouk province. This follows a strong backlash from the public against land reclamation involving the project. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Government blasts European Parliament’s resolution

The government has lashed out at a European Parliament resolution passed last week that calls for former opposition leader Kem Sokha’s treason charges to be dropped and human rights to be restored, arguing the resolution was biased. ...

Khuon Narim

No bribes for promotions: Sar Kheng

In a bid to rid the country of corruption, Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday urged CPP officials to eliminate the practice of paying bribes for promotions. At a CPP meeting in Prey Veng province yesterday, Mr Kheng said that the practice of paying for promotions ...

Khuon Narim

Ministry issues apology for exam errors

The Education Ministry on Saturday apologised for a system error that affected the mathematics results of hundreds of students who sat for the national exam last month. Last week, hundreds of complaints were filed by high school students who were dissatisfied with their mathematics results. ...

Or Sreypich

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