
Garments and textiles

Cambodia seeks more Korean funds in textiles

As part of the process to strengthen and widen the base of the economy as the country has entered the fourth quarter of 2022, the Government of Cambodia is seeking to tick all the right boxes, and it includes tourism, textiles exports as well as ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia garment exports rise 24% to $10.25 billion

Cambodia earned $10.25 billion from exports of garment products – clothes, footwear, and travel goods – during the January-September period of this year, a year-on-year increase of 24 percent, according to a report from the General Department of Customs and Excise yesterday. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Registered factories increase to almost 16,000 as of July

The number of registered factories and enterprises has seen an increase by 16.8 percent to 15,859 as of July this year, employing 1.54 million workers. ...

Khmer Times Staff

2027 extension for ‘Better Factories’ inspection regime

The government and the US-based International Labour Organisation (ILO) have agreed to continue their cooperation and renew their MOU that will extend the “Better Factories Cambodia” (BFC) 2023-2027 programme. ...

Lay Samean

Pension scheme appeals to workers

A 90-day campaign promoting the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) pension scheme for workers when they retire has successfully reached out to1.8 million people. ...

So Cheata

Garment sector minimum wage to Rise to $200 a month in 2023

The minimum wage for workers in Cambodia’s billion-dollar garment sector will rise to $200 a month next year, a $6 raise that unions said was insufficient while employers raised concerns about profits and regional competitiveness. ...

Khuon Narim and Matt Surrusco

Unions push for minimum wage of $215 for garment workers

Unions have put forward a proposal for the minimum wage of garment factory workers to be raised to $215 next year amid climbing costs that put financial pressure on sector workers. ...

Seng Mengheng

UK’s DCTS could benefit Cambodia’s travel goods export, GMAC counters

The United Kingdom recently came out with a few more details of the proposed revamp of its Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP)—to be rolled out in early 2023—which reportedly suggests the revision could benefit more Cambodian garment and textile commodities, especially travel goods. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Garments competitiveness ‘at risk’

Rising labour, transportation, logistics and electricity costs could potentially undermine the competitive advantage of Cambodia’s textile-linked industries, according to research conducted by a prominent local economist. ...

Hom Phanet

Ministry proposes solution to Canteran dispute, workers vote to keep pushing

The Labor Ministry on Wednesday proposed a compensation plan for former workers of the defunct Canteran Apparel garment factory after Prime Minister Hun Sen urged officials to find a solution for the labor dispute. ...

Khut Sokun and Keat Soriththeavy

The National Minimum Wage Council has started talks to consider raising the $194 monthly salary of garment workers

Unions representing garment workers in Cambodia are seeking a monthly wage hike of between $20 and $50 for their members in talks with the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) that started yesterday. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Cambodia begins talks over 2023 wage hike for garment, footwear, travel goods sector

Cambodia’s national council on minimum wage on Monday began to discuss the annual increase of monthly minimum wage for the garment, footwear and travel goods industry for 2023, according to a statement from the council. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Unions, gov’t gear up for talks to revise minimum wages

Trade unions are gearing up for a meeting with the Ministry of Labour, to negotiate on revising minimum wages for factory workers in the wake of skyrocketing prices. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Minimum wages for garment and textile sector workers to rise to at least $200

Negotiations for the wages of workers in the garment and textile industry is set to start next month and workers are expecting to see their minimum wages rise to at least $200 per month. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Labour unions in Cambodia want minimum wage of $204-214 ahead of talks

Cambodian labour unions have quoted $204-214 as the minimum wage for the textile, garment, footwear, bags and travel goods sectors in 2023—up from this year’s $194—ahead of negotiations this month among worker associations. Bilateral and tripartite talks between government officials, factory owners and workers are ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia’s industry is expected to grow by 9.2 percent in 2023

The Cambodian industry is expected to grow by 9.2 per cent in 2023 with support from improved external demand that help boost garment and non-garment manufacturing, while the garment sector is expected to grow by 8.1 per cent in that year due to demand in ...

Khmer Times Staff

Traditional Khmer costumes showcased in Bangkok

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Thailand last weekend joined the 11th Celebration of Thai Silk Road to the World in Bangkok, with the showcase of Khmer traditional clothing style of Longvek period in the 16th century. ...

Khmer Times Staff

2 MoUs to make India silk products get wider market access in Cambodia

Indian silk items will now have a wider market in Cambodia as the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia and the Cambodian Women’s Entrepreneurs Association recently signed two memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with a delegation of the Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC) during the ...

Khmer Times Staff

Oxfam and Laudes Foundation launch initiative to promote inclusive social protection for apparel employees in Cambodia

Oxfam in Cambodia, with support from Laudes Foundation, has partnered with four well-established NGOs and trade unions to jointly implement an initiative called, Inclusive National Social Protection Initiatives that Respond to the Needs of Apparel Industry Employees (INSPIRE). ...

Khmer Times Staff

CDC okays three textile-linked projects worth $19M

The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) on April 29 announced that it had greenlit final registration certificates for three projects in textile-linked sectors with total capital investment of nearly $19 million that are expected to create 2,005 jobs. ...

Hom Phanet

IFC helps promote competitiveness and sustainable growth in Cambodia’s garment sector

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, local apparel and textile suppliers have cut energy and water consumption through a range of sustainable solutions under an IFC programme which aims to increase resource efficiency and reduce operating costs. ...

Khmer Times Staff

2022-27 development strategy for garments to launch Mar 21

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has said it will launch the Cambodia Garment, Footwear and Bags Sector Development Strategy 2022-2027 on March 21 to strengthen and support the sector in “the new context”. ...

Hom Phanet

Cambodian garments, footwear and travel goods strategic plan to entice investors

Cambodia’s strategic plan on garment, footwear and travel goods development 2021-2024 will attract more investment and contribute to sustainable development in the sector, Ith Samheng, minister for labour and vocational training, told Okhna Kong Sang, president of Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) in Phnom ...

Khmer Times Staff

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