Illegal labor
Human trafficking
Human trafficking arrests on the rise
The National Committee for Counter Trafficking cracked down on 131 human trafficking and sexual exploitation cases from January to last month, an increase of 22 cases over the same period last year. Chou Bun Eng, an Interior Ministry secretary of state and also NCCT vice ...
Pech Sotheary
National plan to address trafficking launched
The National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) has launched its National Plan of Action 2019-2023 to address new forms of human trafficking, including surrogacy and sex trafficking at nightclubs that have emerged through the permeation of the internet. ...
Khorn Savi
Cambodia feared lagging behind predators in cybersex trafficking crackdown
U.S. and Australian crime fighters are preparing Cambodia for a spike in online child sex abuse cases but local officials fear that predators are a step ahead of police due to narrow laws. The spread of cheap, high-speed internet and the rise in mobile phone ...
Ministry: More kids victims of trafficking
Authorities rescued 263 people from human trafficking in the first six months of the year – an increase of nearly 150 per cent on the same period last year – with a large number of the victims being children, the Ministry of Interior said. ...
Long Kimmarita
‘Media crucial in fight against trafficking’
The Ministry of Information and the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) joined hands to strengthen the capacity of journalists, TV presenters and commentators to upgrade their skills in helping to address human trafficking. ...
Voun Dara
‘Freeze human traffickers’ assets’
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng ordered relevant authorities to freeze the assets of those found to be involved in human trafficking and illegal logging. Sar Kheng was speaking at the annual Interfaith Forum on Combating Human Trafficking in the capital on Wednesday. ...
Mech Dara
More effort to combat human trafficking needed in Cambodia say NGOs
A loose coalition of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has called on the Cambodia government to step up efforts against human trafficking and in the provision of rehabilitation services to victims. In a statement issued to coincide with World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (July 30), the group said ...
Stella-maris Ewudolu
Victims saved from human, sex trafficking rises 148%
In the first six months of this year, authorities cracked down on 78 cases of human and sex trafficking and rescued 263 victims. This is an increase of 25 and 148 per cent respectively compared to the same period last year, the National Committee for ...
Mech Dara
US human trafficking report ‘biased’
A senior government official on Sunday reacted to a US report which said the Kingdom had not fully met the minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking, saying it seemed to be biased against the Cambodian government. ...
Long Kimmarita
U.S. sees Cambodia's anti-trafficking efforts floundering
Cambodia is not doing enough to combat human trafficking, the United States said on Thursday, leaving the Asian nation at risk of economic sanctions unless it takes firmer action. Corruption impedes law enforcement, prosecutions and provision of services to victims, the influential Trafficking In Persons ...
Matt Blomberg
‘Hunt down the masterminds’
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng insisted on Tuesday that law enforcement agencies must leave no stone unturned in the search for the “masterminds” behind human trafficking and bring them to justice without exception. Sar Kheng was speaking at a meeting on Tuesday at the Ministry ...
Voun Dara
PM mulling referendum over death penalty for ‘beasts’ who rape children
Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Sunday that he was considering introducing the death penalty for people who rape children, but he said it would only happen after a nationwide referendum. He was speaking during a meeting in the capital’s Dangkor district with 44 staff ...
Niem Chheng
USAID project helps trafficking victims
While human trafficking remains a serious concern in the Kingdom, a project initiated by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) helped 108 victims to receive compensation, while a further 1,482 also benefited from the project. ...
Kong Meta
Embassies repatriate 55 workers from three countries
Cambodian embassies have recently repatriated 55 Cambodian nationals who went to China, Malaysia and Vietnam to find work illegally or were duped into forced marriages. Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Ket Sophann yesterday said that the embassy in China repatriated two women who were duped into ...
Mom Kunthear
Human trafficking report status unchanged
The Ministry of Foreign affairs on Friday said a report by the US State Department on trafficking has again ranked Cambodia in Tier 2, adding that the US recognised that Cambodia has made a serious effort in combating human trafficking. ...
Sen David
Police seek Cham leader for maids sent to Saudi
Anti-human trafficking police are seeking the arrest of prominent Cham Muslim community leader and former Social Affairs Ministry official Ahmad Yahya for sending roughly 20 women to Saudi Arabia to work as maids more than a decade ago, after arresting his nephew last week. ...
Yon Sineat and Daphne Chen
Activist held for alleged trafficking
Former Cambodia National Rescue Party member Ismail Pin Osman was arrested in Phnom Penh on Wednesday for alleged human trafficking, though police officials offered little detail on why he was taken into custody. ...
Niem Chheng
Violent criminals among pardonees
Among the 50 prisoners who were pardoned or received sentence reductions for the Water Festival this year, several were convicted of serious crimes, such as rape, murder and human trafficking, according to a review of the roster included in the most recent Royal Book. ...
Niem Chheng
Survery finds fishermen in Thailand ‘trafficked, abused’
Trafficking in the Thai fishing industry remains rampant, with fishermen from Cambodia and Myanmar often experiencing horrifying work conditions, according to the results of a survey of workers. ...
Leonie Kijewski
12 duped migrant workers rescued
The Cambodian embassies in Malaysia and Vietnam have rescued 12 migrants who were cheated by human traffickers offering them well-paying jobs, with some set to be married off to men in China. ...
Pech Sotheary
Hun Sen calls for closure of anti-trafficking group after CNN report
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called for the closure of a Christian anti-trafficking NGO during a heated tirade at a graduation ceremony, condemning them and CNN for broadcasting an “insulting” story about girls who were sold into sexual slavery by their own mothers. ...
Kong Meta, Erin Handley and Soth Koemsoeun
Busts on human trafficking double
Operations against human trafficking networks increased by a whopping 127 percent compared to the same period in 2016, according to a six-month report released yesterday by the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT). ...
Kong Meta and Martin de Bourmont
Workers rescued from Thai boats in Malaysia
The Cambodian embassy in Malaysia has repatriated 14 Cambodian fishermen who fled a Thai boat and are believed to be human trafficking victims, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Fishing industry traffickers get long jail terms
Three men have been sentenced to between eight and nine years in prison for trafficking Cambodian workers into the Thai fishing industry. Anti-trafficking police said the case came to light after the government repatriated approximately 230 Cambodian men in June 2015, many of whom were severely ...
Sen David