Gov’t: Thousands of migrant workers ‘not received rights’
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng on Wednesday said there are still thousands of Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand who have not received the full legitimate rights that could protect them from abuses. This, he said was despite the two countries having laid out procedures and ...
Kong Meta
Factory conditions improving: BFC
Better Factories Cambodia has found that more and more factories in the country are complying with its standards when dealing with critical worker issues after it began conducting studies on factory compliance. These critical issues include child labour, discrimination, forced labour and freedom of association. ...
Sen David
PM urges ministers to end all cases against union leaders
Prime Minister Hun Sen urged labour and justice ministers on Wednesday to finish all court cases against union leaders. Speaking to more than 23,000 factory workers in Takeo province on Wednesday, he told the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Ith Sam Heng and Minister ...
Niem Chheng
Three groups sign deal to help migrants in Thailand
The Manpower Association of Cambodia and the Association of Cambodian Recruitment Agencies yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Thai-Cambodian Relation Association to protect migrant workers in Thailand. ...
Mom Kunthear
Cambodian migrant workers are welcome, says Kuwait diplomat
Kuwait is open for Cambodian migrant workers, said the Head of Mission at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Cambodia, Zaher M B M Alkhurainej at a press conference in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. He also stressed on the “consolidation and development of ...
Kong Meta
Ministry to probe child labour
The Ministry of Labour says it will investigate the claims of a Royal Holloway, University of London research team’s report alleging modern slavery in Cambodia’s brick kilns, said Minister of Labour Ith Sam Heng. The report entitled Blood Bricks: Untold Stories of Modern Slavery and ...
Mech Dara
‘Trapped in debt bondage’
Cambodia’s construction boom has pushed thousands of families into modern slavery in the brick industry through debt bondage, a report by researchers from London’s Royal Holloway University say. The blood bricks report was released on Tuesday following the sharp rise in Cambodian brick prices in ...
Mech Dara
Ministry addresses child labour
The Labour Ministry has reminded business owners not to employ minors, while also noting that it has not come across any cases of child labour so far this year. Labour Minister Ith Samheng on Friday said employers must respect and follow labour laws and directives ...
Mom Kunthear
ANZ failed to meet human rights standards: government report
ANZ Bank failed to meet its own human rights standards when it financed a Cambodian sugar plantation that was linked to forced evictions, child labour and workplace deaths, according to an Australian government investigation. ...
Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie
Minimum wage for 2019 set to be decided
Garment and textile factory workers are set for an increase in the minimum wage for 2019. The Labour Advisory Committee will decide on Friday how much the figure will rise by after a trilateral meeting on Thursday failed to come to an agreement. With no ...
Kong Meta
Government to pay LIDA workers
The Labour Ministry will pay money to 257 garment workers today from the LIDA factory in Phnom Penh who rallied multiple times over missing wages after their employer fled. A ministry press release yesterday advised the workers to get the cash at the company’s office ...
Sen David
Companies concerned over bi-weekly pay directive
Private companies have expressed concern regarding a Labour Ministry directive requiring them to pay employees twice per month and provide seniority indemnity annually. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Hun Sen denounces protectionism at UN
Speaking at the United Nations’ latest gathering, recently re-elected Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday raised concerns over protectionist practices by key economies. ...
May Kunmakara
Improving construction sector safety
Labour Ministry officials met with members of Japan’s parliament and the International Labour Organisation to discuss a project aimed at improving safety standards in the construction sector on Thursday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Work permits double in 2018
The number of foreigners issued with Cambodian work permits this year has more than doubled that of last year. The increase was driven by Chinese workers whose contribution alone could generate millions for the Kingdom’s economy each year. ...
Hor Kimsay
Push for canteens at all garment factories
The Land Management Ministry has complied with an order made by Prime Minister Hun Sen for factories to provide adequate places for garment workers to eat. Land Management Minister Chea Sophara yesterday told provincial subordinates that canteens must be built in factories. ...
Mom Kunthear
PM: $4.15 million spent on pregnant garment workers
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said that the government has spent millions of dollars on more than 40,000 pregnant female workers this year. During a speech to workers in Kampong Speu province, Mr Hun Sen said that about 42,000 female garment workers have delivered about ...
Mom Kunthear
PM demands end to road blocking protest
Speaking at a gathering of 27,444 workers from 24 factories in Kampong Speu province’s Kong Pisey district, Hun Sen cited a recent incidence in which around 700 workers from Chim Li Cambodia blocked National Road 4 in Por Sen Chey district to demand severance packages ...
Kong Meta
Protesting workers block National Road 4
The Ministry of Labour has promised to pay Ghim Li factory workers in Por Senchey district after they again protested yesterday and blocked National Road 4 over missing wages. More than 500 of 2,500 garment workers at the factory protested along the road yesterday to ...
Sen David
Embassies repatriate 55 workers from three countries
Cambodian embassies have recently repatriated 55 Cambodian nationals who went to China, Malaysia and Vietnam to find work illegally or were duped into forced marriages. Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Ket Sophann yesterday said that the embassy in China repatriated two women who were duped into ...
Mom Kunthear
PP garment workers continue wage protest
About 200 garment workers at a factory located in the capital’s Steung Meanchey Commune1, Meanchey district, have been protesting since Monday after the owner fled without paying their August wages. The workers who were employed by a sub-contractor who supplies garments to a foreign buyer ...
Kong Meta
Deadlock over wage talks
The first round of a tripartite meeting to negotiate a new minimum wage for garment and footwear workers ended in a deadlock on Monday. Trade unions, employers, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training officials tried to hammer out a new wage scheme for ...
Soth Koemsoeun
CLC proposes $211 as minimum wage
The Cambodian Labour Confederation yesterday said that it will propose $211.94 to be the new minimum wage for garment workers during this month’s negotiations. CLC made the announcement after a meeting between various unions which touched upon criteria that included cost of living, inflation, productivity, ...
Sen David
Ministry urges firms to apply for foreign worker permits
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has directed all companies or institutions that plan to hire foreign staff next year to apply for work permits between September 1 and November 30. Heng Sour, the ministry’s spokesperson, told The Post yesterday that any employer who ...
Voun Dara