Minimum wage talks officially begin
Negotiations to determine 2019’s minimum wage for garment workers began at the Labour Ministry yesterday with the issue of worker welfare as the first order of business, the Labour Advisory Committee said. ...
Sen David
Builders in protest over ‘owed’ $7K
Dozns of construction workers in Oddar Meanchey province’s Trapaing Prasat district protested on Wednesday, demanding more than $7,000 in wages their company owed them. The more than 30 workers were employed to construct a building at a sugarcane factory owned by Oknha Vinh Hour in ...
Soth Koemsoeun
PM: $22 million spent on missing wages
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said the government has spent $22 million on missing wages for factory workers as it continues to side with them in cases where employers have closed shop and fled. ...
Sen David
Talks on new minimum wage start
A ministry announcement yesterday said initial talks to set the parameters for the mew minimum wage were scheduled for this month and discussions between it, employers and unions will take place next month. ...
Pech Sotheary
Report shows skills gap as companies struggle to find competent candidates to fill key positions
As if highlighting the lack of work skills and experience in the Kingdom, of more than 1,000 job openings in Phnom Penh alone as of last month, only 150 young applicants were successful at the interview stage. Phnom Penh Job Center director Aing Pheareak told ...
HRW to EU: End migrant abuse
Human Rights Watch (HRW) urged the European Union (EU) to renew efforts to eliminate forced labour and other abusive treatment within the Thai fishing industry, noting that a large number of workers were from Cambodia and Myanmar. ...
Ben Sokhean
Concerns over construction safety
The government earlier this week announced the creation of a national committee tasked with improving safety standards on construction sites and ensuring the welfare of labourers. In an attempt to curb construction site accidents, the Labour Ministry on Monday said that the new national committee ...
Sen David
About 1,000 migrants sent home
About 1,000 Cambodians allegedly working illegally in Thailand were arrested and deported after the Thai government declared an end to a grace period for labourers, a member of the official receiving committee at the border in Poipet said Monday. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
New partnership promotes vocational training
The Cambodia Garment Training Institute (CGTI) and the National Employment Agency (NEA) on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding that will make vocational training more widely available in Cambodia and help build up the local labour force. ...
May Kunmakara
Labourers protest unpaid wages
Seventy construction workers in Svay Rieng province’s Bavet staged a protest yesterday after the labour agency that found them jobs failed to pay their salaries, totaling more than $30,000 over four months, as agreed. ...
Sen David
Human trafficking report status unchanged
The Ministry of Foreign affairs on Friday said a report by the US State Department on trafficking has again ranked Cambodia in Tier 2, adding that the US recognised that Cambodia has made a serious effort in combating human trafficking. ...
Sen David
Workers to get cash compensation
The Ministry of Labour on Friday announced that more than 1,000 workers from three factories in Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ampov district can come to collect cash compensation at a district hall following the absconding of their employers. ...
Sen David
PM says people can topple him if gov’t breaks its campaign pledges
Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Wednesday that the people could rebel to overthrow him if he did not follow through on his promises. However, he said that would be unnecessary as he would voluntarily step down if such was the case. ...
Ben Sokhean
Workers seek pay after owner shutters factory
Some 300 garment workers from Kbal Koh Garment factory in Chbar Ampov district in Phnom Penh, whose owner unexpectedly shut the factory in January last year, protested again outside the Ministry of Labour on Tuesday to seek compensation. ...
Kong Meta
Migrants face Thai deadline
The Ministry of Labour on Monday pledged to document what it says are the remaining 10,000 illegal Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand by the end of June. All remaining undocumented Cambodian workers after the deadline passes face repatriation by Thai authorities. ...
Kong Meta
Workers to get three days off for polls
The Ministry of Labour instructed factories and enterprises in the Kingdom to give workers three days off in order to cast their ballots in the July 29 national elections, stating that salaries and bonuses should remain unaffected. The move raised eyebrows with a former opposition ...
Niem Chheng
Parliament passes minimum wage law
The National Assembly yesterday adopted a draft minimum wage law, which aims to promote decent living standards for the country’s 780,000 textile workers. More than 100 lawmakers passed the draft law with 33 articles which will benefit workers and the nation as a whole as ...
Khy Sovuthy
Gawon strike continues
A Phnom Penh district authority supplied trucks for more than 100 workers from the First Gawon Apparel factory on Tuesday morning after they attempted to walk from the factory to the Ministry of Labour. The workers were again seeking Ministry of Labour intervention in a ...
Yon Sineat
Labour Law revision could hurt employers: GMAC
The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia welcomed the approval of the amendment of article 89 of the Labour Law on worker protection and severance pay by the government on Friday, but the organisation’s head said the move could financially burden employers. ...
Mom Kunthear
Boost child rights: Hun Sen
As International Children’s Day and the World Day Against Child Labour draw near, Prime Minister Hun Sen has called on ministries, institutions and local authorities to prevent violations of children’s rights and to take action to protect children from all forms of violence while promoting ...
Pech Sotheary
New passport offices to protect migrant workers
Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday said the government is trying to protect Cambodian migrant workers by creating more passport offices and cooperating with international bodies to protect them from labour abuses. ...
Sen David
NCCT investigating and closing down factories over child labour
The permanent vice chair of the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) delivered a progress report on efforts to eradicate child labour in the Kingdom on Tuesday, saying that factories are being investigated, and some shut down, for employing children illegally. ...
Factory workers to march to ministry after salaries unpaid
Aggrieved workers of First Gawon Apparel (Cambodia) plan to march to the offices of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) again on Tuesday, seeking a solution from the ministry in a salary dispute that has dragged on for more than five months. Heng ...
Yon Sineat
Union group slams NSSF fainting move
The Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU) on Saturday criticised the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) for a statement that said faintings caused by low levels of essential minerals in workers’ blood are to be classed as an accident and not put down to bad working ...
Yon Sineat